Chapter 1100: supercavitating torpedo

If you want to be a submarine soldier, you must endure loneliness. In submarine warfare, whoever has the most patience will be able to last to the end!

One minute, two minutes, ... an hour passed, and finally, the anti-submarine depth bomb was not dropped again.

An hour, two hours... six hours passed! Finally, the voice of the opponent's aircraft carrier formation gradually diminished, and they were far away!

"Turn on the reactor, speed at fifteen knots, and prepare to follow!" Captain David said.

As a Jewish nation, it will never give up!

The reactor at the tail is in a state of almost shutdown, and the power is gradually increased, the propeller at the tail rotates, and the submarine re-floats, ready to accelerate!

The surroundings seem to be very calm. The large seven-blade pitch-measuring propeller at the tail of the submarine is constantly rotating, pushing the submarine and accelerating it to a speed of 15 knots for cruising. In this case, the noise of the submarine will also increase to about 115 decibels. However, The noise is still very low, if you are not close, you will never find it!

"Pfft!" At this moment, a voice came from the sea again!

Hearing this voice, the sonar operator suddenly changed his face, bad, hit the trick!

The Soviets can hold their breath better than their own! Moreover, the buoys they threw are not only active sonar buoys, but also passive sonar buoys!

As soon as the opponent started to cast, he used the active sonar buoy and quickly discovered his own existence, but when his own side sank, the opponent used the passive sonar buoy instead!

Contrary to the operation of the U.S. Navy, it simply does not play cards according to the routine, which is simply too hateful! And their method successfully made the Los Angeles-level trick!

The Ka-27 helicopter's battery life is not so long. At this time, there are four Ka-27 helicopters waiting above the sea! The sonarists have been listening silently, they're just hovering overhead! Because they know that the submarine must be hiding underneath!

Now, after hearing the underwater sound, the sonar operator immediately called for another Ka-27 helicopter, this time, directly dropped an anti-submarine torpedo!

Torpedo attack!

After the torpedo falls into the water, immediately follow the direction determined by the sonar buoy and rush towards the target! At this time, the distance between the two sides is only five kilometers!

The propeller at the tail of the torpedo is turning at high speed, and it has locked on the target nuclear submarine!

"Release the air bubbles, reduce the speed to 3 knots, full right rudder!" Captain David ordered.

The torpedo has come down! There is only one way to avoid it!


The air bubbles will form an air wall on one's own side, blocking the transmission of sound and completely shielding the opponent's torpedo seeker! After all, no matter whether it is active or passive, sound is needed to transmit!

At the same time, the sudden change of direction of the submarine can also make the other party lose the target source, and continue to attack in the direction just now to achieve the purpose of evasion!

The hull began to tilt, and after completing the action of full rudder, they left the sea area just now, and a large area of ​​air bubbles filled the sea area just now.

"Successfully evaded." The backs of the sonar operators were soaked, and the bubbles blocked their own sonar at the same time, until the torpedo passed through the bubbles, unable to find the target, and then exploded at the end of the voyage. OK, the evasion is done!

David breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that this was just the beginning!

Because, as long as you are discovered, it means that there will be a lot of attacks on the sea and in the sky!

Sure enough, almost at the same time as the first torpedo self-detonated, the sonarist heard the sound of the torpedo falling into the water again.

"God, what weapons did they use?" The sonar operator was shocked, because the second torpedo shot was extremely fast! Now, the other party has exceeded the high speed of 50 knots and continues to accelerate!

Supercavitating torpedoes! The Soviet's weapon against underwater targets!

The pursuit of speed is always the same, and the resistance of sea water will cause the speed of various surface and underwater equipment to be slow.

Surface ships can have a speed of 30 knots, which is already quite high, and underwater, it is almost impossible for torpedoes to break through the limit of 50 knots.

Therefore, if you want to be faster, you must think about other means, and the supercavitating torpedo was invented under this circumstance.

The density of seawater is about 900 times that of air, and the resistance of seawater is also 900 times greater than that of air. If you let the torpedo sail in the air, it will be much faster than in the sea! However, the torpedo is sailing in the sea! This requires special means!

That is to say, using certain technical means to create bubbles on the outside of the torpedo to wrap the entire vehicle to form a gas coat, so that the object can always navigate inside the supercavitation made by itself, thus avoiding the viscous resistance of water to the greatest extent. , to achieve high-speed sailing.

The Soviets have already achieved this breakthrough have created this high-speed torpedo with a speed of 200 knots!

This torpedo does not use a propeller, but a rocket thrust engine!

Another defect is that this kind of bubbles will block the transmission of sonar signals, so this torpedo cannot be a self-guided torpedo. Device signaling!

The air curtain launched by the submarine can make the torpedo stray, but it cannot deceive other equipment! For example, now, this heavy torpedo dropped by the Ka-27 helicopter is guided by the target information transmitted by the sonar buoy array after it enters the water! The helicopter that dropped the sonar was sent back first, then the helicopter that dropped the torpedo, and then to the torpedo!

Under the water, the speed of the torpedo was amazing, and the rocket engine at the tail spurted a hot wake, and finally, it accelerated to 200 knots!

On the Los Angeles-class submarine, there was nothing but ashes, and only Lieutenant Colonel David's mind was sensible, and he shouted loudly: "Empty all the tanks!"

The maneuverability of submarines under water is quite poor, especially now, at a speed of 3 knots, the effect of various rudder surfaces is minimal! If you want to avoid this torpedo, you can only empty the seawater in the ballast tank, and the submarine floats up at full speed! This is the only way to avoid each other!

If you are hit by such a thing, even if the opponent's warhead does not explode, just relying on this speed is enough to smash your own hull into two pieces!

Terrible, terrible!

However, it's still too late! After getting the order, the submariner in charge of the operation quickly turned on the switch and used high-pressure air to empty the sea water. The hull was shaking and began to rise. At this time, the torpedo that came at a high speed of 200 knots had already Hit hard!