Chapter 1090: Iraq declares war

"I think that's not enough, we'd better send the submarine to Israel." Cohen, who was on the side, continued.

Even the submarine, sent to Israel together!

It’s not that it didn’t happen before. When Israel was just founded, it was almost wiped out by the surrounding Arab countries. With the acquiescence of the US government, the Israeli pilots directly drove the US fighter jets back to Israel to participate in the fight!

We used to be able to send planes, but now we can send submarines!

When the stealth aircraft attacked the Soviet aircraft carrier failed, the only means of submarines were left! Israel focuses on the development of the air force, followed by the army, and the navy is the last.

So far, the Israeli navy has only 3 wave-class submarines. This is an improved version of the German 206-class submarine. The underwater displacement is only more than 600 tons, and it cannot compete with the Red Navy at all!

However, if the Los Angeles class is handed over to Israel, it will be different!

"We can find submarines that are all Jewish, so that we can directly hand them over to Israel to fight. If we are found, we can also claim that the submarine was hijacked by these Jews and has nothing to do with our US government," Baker said. .

Support Israel, getting better and better, the bigger the better!

The White House of the United States responded quickly, and Israel cannot be let down like this!

However, intentionally or unintentionally, they seem to have avoided a direct military conflict with the Soviet Union!

On the same day, some Jewish pilots in the U.S. Air Force had already flown their fighter jets, crossed the ocean, and prepared to fly to Israel to protect Israel's airspace!

Unfortunately, they are still too late!

Just ten minutes after the end of the first wave of stealth cruise missiles, the Iraqi army was ready to attack!

"The Almighty God will bless us to win this war! We firmly believe that justice will prevail!" At the same time, in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, Iraq officially declared war on Israel!

Qusay stood in front of the camera of the TV and sent out a message of battle to the world.

"If any nation that has ever built a country in history wants to go back and build a country. Because we were here, we are here now. If this logic can be established, the whole world will be in chaos. It's gone." Qusay said: "For thousands of years, I don't know how many countries have been established and how many countries have been destroyed. This pattern has been formed!"

"However, the Jews succeeded. They relied on the support of the Western world to forcibly separate a country from Palestine, and they relocated all the Jewish people who had been exiled all over the world, claiming that they were here. Homes. And they happily demolished the Palestinian houses that were here, and built Jewish settlements one by one, building on the Palestinians’ homelessness.”

"For several Middle East wars, for various reasons, we in the Arab world have failed!" Qusay's voice was very sad: "Our failure has made Israel even more rampant. They believe that they are the masters here! They are not only satisfied with With the existing land, their ambitions are even greater, for example, they are trying to control our regime in Iraq!"

"It is with great sadness that I tell everyone that our beloved President, Uday, has left us, and while I was leading the army to South Africa, there was a bloodless rebellion in Baghdad, and our President Uday, was assassinated by the Jews. Now, replaced by a puppet that looks like President Uday, trying to control us!"

"This is an insult to our Iraq! Dare to use conspiracy to assassinate our president, we can't bear it! And they actually sent a puppet to rule us! This is even more intolerable, blood debt, only blood Pay! We Iraq, we want to completely eradicate the whole of Israel!"

"Now, I declare that the war against Israel has officially begun!"

Baghdad has changed. Many citizens of Baghdad can feel that the elite soldiers of the Republican Guard have been patrolling the streets of Baghdad, questioning suspicious people at any time, and even arresting them!

Caucasian faces on the streets, almost disappeared! At that time, the citizens did not know why, but now they realize that it was a Jewish conspiracy!

Assassinate the president, send a puppet, and control Iraq!

The blood debt must be paid with blood!

In the army, these inside stories have been known to the middle and senior officers earlier, and they are also filled with righteous indignation! They have been gearing up for a long time, looking forward to tying Israel!

And now, the president has finally given the order of war!

Attack, attack!

The troops that had been standing on the Jordanian border for a long time began to move, and they crossed the borders of Iraq and Jordan, crossed the Jordanian desert, and marched in the direction of Palestine!

The t-72 tank was rumbling, and inside the tank, Armor Ali's heart couldn't help but be excited.

On the battlefield in South Africa, they fought quite happily. After all, the tanks of the black South Africans were all thin-skinned and filled with stuffing. Once they were bombarded, the opponent would be wiped out!

And now, they are looking forward to destroying all the Israeli tanks with their own tanks! They have long known that they and the Jews will have a fateful battle.

This war is not only to avenge Iraq, but also to avenge the Arabs of the entire Middle East, and to avenge the Palestinians who have been displaced for decades!

Take down the Israeli army!

"Activate the overpressure three defense system!" Inside the radio, Ali shouted.

They have been informed that the Israelis have nuclear bombs in their hands! The Israelis might use nukes against them!

Abandoning combat because of nuclear bombs? of course not! As long as it is not directly hit by a nuclear bomb, a tank can survive a nuclear war!

Not just to survive, but to keep fighting!

It has been replaced with an infrared imaging night vision device, and the sight is quite clear inside! Two hours later, they crossed the Jordan desert and came to the Jordan River, opposite Jericho!

Jericho, one of the oldest human settlements in the world! About 3,000 people lived in Jericho 9,800 years ago.

Mesolithic hunters came here and settled here for a long time. During the Crusades, Jericho was located 1 mile east of the biblical location, which was later destroyed by Saladin.

Until modern times, in 1949, it was greatly expanded after it belonged to Jordan. With the help of other Arab countries, Jordan built two Arab refugee camps here to accommodate Palestine refugees, but the good times were not long.

In later generations, it was not until 1993 that Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization signed the first self-governance agreement in Gaza and Jericho in Washington, and this place was restored from the iron shoes of the Jews.

And now, in Jericho, is the place where the Israeli army is stationed!