Chapter 1057: representative soviet

During the whole process, the Finnish Air Force has not been dispatched. Finland, which pursues a neutral policy, knows that at this time, angering polar bears is obviously the most unwise choice.

Moreover, the Finnish Air Force has nothing to stop the MiG-31 interceptor. The most modern fighter in the Finnish Air Force is the MiG-21!

The grievances between the Soviet Union and Finland are also quite long. At first, Finland was just a grand duchy of Tsarist Russia. During the October Revolution, Finland took this opportunity to become an independent sovereign state. After all, the Soviets at that time were already struggling to deal with the white bandits all over the country. The Soviet Union also acquiesced. At that time, Finland not only obtained the original land, but also annexed a large piece of Russian land.

Since then, the relationship between Finland and the Soviet Union has become complicated. There has always been a grudge between the two countries. Before World War II, wars broke out between the two countries because of territorial disputes. At that time, Finland also continued to occupy the land of the Soviet Union with the help of Germany. However, by the end of World War II, Finland suddenly stopped.

The three Baltic countries became part of the Soviet Union, and the Central and Eastern European countries also became the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union. If Finland is more public, then the Soviet tanks do not need to cross the English Channel, and do not need to cross the Berlin Wall, they can directly attack Helsinki.

In the current Cold War period, due to the pressure from the East and the West, Finland has neither turned to the West nor to the East in all directions. Finland chose neutrality. Finland's national economy has developed rapidly without the destruction of World War II. However, in terms of defense weapons, Finland can only purchase fighter jets that are relatively backward in performance: any advanced Western fighter jets appearing on the border of the Soviet Union will greatly stimulate Moscow, which is accustomed to arrogance, of course, the Soviet Union will not sell advanced weapons to potential enemies. Not even MiG-23s, just some MiG-21s for Finland.

The Finnish government needs to be careful with the powerful countries in the east. They know that the Soviets have really risen. If Finland does not bow, it will become a republic of the Soviet Union at any time.

When the first Soviet bomber came, Finland was on high alert, but no fighter jets were dispatched to intercept it. Then, the second plane flew in and attacked the bombers in front. Although they were all on the territory of Finland, Finland Can only be a silent spectator.

Finland, the country of a thousand lakes, is full of lakes! Until the supersonic bomber flew away, leaving only the bomber that crashed into the lake.

At this time, the local troops in Finland were mobilized to salvage the Tu-16 bomber.


When I got the final news, I knew that the Tu-16 bomber was not shot down directly, but plunged straight into the lake very strangely. Andre's brows were wrinkled. Various mechanical failures, however, always feel that there are other factors in it.

Although the possibility of surviving the crash was very small, Andrei asked Dobrynin to inform Finland to help salvage the plane, and the crew on the plane should also be found together. !

Follow-up actions to capture other terrorists were handed over to Putin to handle. At the same time, Dobrynin sent a team to the United Nations to put forward opinions on the handling of the Israeli nuclear issue at the United Nations. At the same time, Andrei’s Huaxia The itinerary finally came to a date.

In the past, Andrei had been to China, but before, he represented the military, but this time, he represented the Soviets!

Yekaterina also rushed to Moscow from the sanatorium. In this state affairs, Yekaterina will participate as Andrei's wife.

Yekaterina came back in a hurry. After almost getting off the plane, she took the car that came to pick her up to the Chkalov Air Force Base. When she arrived at the base, Andrei also arrived, and he and Andrei came together. On the plane.

The Soviet Air Force One, the General Secretary's special plane converted from the Il-86 airliner.

This is a kind of passenger plane that was put into production in the Soviet Union in 1979. Different from the layout of other previous planes, this plane is completely aligned with the West. This is the first large wide-body passenger plane and the first form of underwing suspension in the Soviet Union. The passenger aircraft adopts a four-engine, dual-aisle cabin layout and can take 350 people in the full economy class.

The previous Soviet aircraft used the layout of the tail-mounted engine and the T-shaped vertical tail. This kind of aircraft body would have the problem that the center of gravity of the unloaded and fully loaded moving distance is large, which is not good for flight safety. The aircraft developed by the Soviet Union is basically the same in design as similar Western models, and can perform short take-offs and landings, and even use unpaved runways.

After this kind of passenger plane was finalized, it was also transformed. Four of them became the air command post, and one became the special plane of the general secretary This special plane has been under strict custody. At the same time, all aspects of testing have been carried out before use to ensure that there will be no problems.

After getting on the plane, Andrei and Ekaterina came to the spacious suite inside. The sound insulation equipment was quite good, and no sound could be heard from outside.

"How is General Secretary Andropov's physical condition now?" Andrei asked Ekaterina.

"The general secretary's health is recovering well. If it was found early, the general secretary's physical condition would be better. Now, the general secretary has the energy to read the newspaper by himself." Ekaterina said.

Now, have the energy to read the newspaper! Andrei knew that many of Ekaterina's words were actually comforting him. The general secretary's physical condition is actually not very good.

Andropov was the one who finally thwarted the coup! Otherwise, Andre's current position is simply from an inappropriate origin! And Andropov has also been active after the operation, which has further damaged his bodily functions, resulting in a slow recovery now.

"The real murderer behind the murder of the general secretary will definitely be punished!" Andre said: "If they dare to try to subvert our Soviet regime, their entire nation will bear our wrath!"

"This is also what worries the general secretary the most." Ekaterina said: "Andrei, charge into battle, you are the bravest of the Soviets, but, sitting in this position, you must learn to forbear and find the hidden enemy behind you. This kind of enemy is the most dangerous."

Andre nodded, it is easy to eliminate Israel, but it is still difficult to completely eliminate the Jewish forces behind them!

The passenger plane, flying smoothly in the stratosphere, is getting closer and closer to Huaxia.