Chapter 1008: genocide

For tank soldiers, the confrontation between tanks is the most bloody. Ali thought that in this South African conflict, there would not be such a situation, but now, when he saw the opposite tank, Ali was extremely excited.

It was really good, the meat served!

Unfortunately, after a few minutes, Ali was extremely disappointed, Nima, is this a tank unit? Not a decent opponent at all, too boring!

"Boom!" At a distance of 1,800 meters, Ali's tank bore the brunt of the attack, and with a single shot, it blew off the front-most tank on the opposite side!

Although South Africa's horn tank is one of the top ten tanks in the world on the list of Jane's Defense Weekly, this is definitely in name only!

For example, now, although the weight of this kind of tank is as high as more than 50 tons, the protective performance of this kind of tank is slag. It is almost the same as the captain of a hundred people. This kind of tank is made of homogeneous steel until it is modified. Horn 1b can be regarded as using composite armor. However, for this kind of equipment that requires continuous technical accumulation, it is unknown how much technical backing South Africa has. After all, even the smart Israelis have not fiddled with it. Advanced composite armor to come.

Moreover, this tank has a lot of weight, mainly because it is too tall! Its protective ability can also ensure that it can be safe in front of the old 100mm gun of the t-55. Now, the 125mm shelling armor-piercing projectile will directly blow the front tank away!

This thin-skinned and big-stuffed tank still has a lot of ammunition, more than 50 rounds! The explosion of the ammunition brought a huge fire!

In this way, only the front of the tank was blown up, and the black South Africans lost their courage to attack!

They really have no courage! Originally, Chief Caesar, this tall black man, thought that it was just a small team of Boers, but now, it is really a full tank group! At least one battalion, no, more! Just his few tanks are not enough for others to stick between their teeth!

Moreover, from a distance, when he saw the style of the opponent's tank, he knew that it was not a backward tank, but an extremely advanced tank! Although he can't call the name, but just look at the high gun barrel in front, you will know how powerful it is!

It is absolutely impossible for one's own tanks to compete with others! If so, then run away!

Unfortunately, they can't escape at all!

A 750-horsepower engine, driving a tank of more than 50 tons, is still too bulky! The cross-country speed of the horn tank is simply not as good as that of the t-72!

So, Ali could only have a playful smile and ordered his tank troops to overtake from both sides, compete with these black horn tanks for speed, and then close in from the front!

When found surrounded by t-72 tanks, these blacks were even more direct! Immediately stopped the tank and ran out of it! It seems that they are very clear that their tank protection is not good, if they continue to stand like this, they will definitely be blown up! Might as well just come out and surrender!

So, Ali was speechless, the game of cat and mouse has just begun, and it is over! This made Ali very boring, leaving two infantry fighting vehicles, two squads of soldiers guarding the prisoners, and the rest, move on!

Soon, the tank troops rushed to the mining area! When they came here, the black guards who got the news had already run away! An army of more than 8,000 people! Even if it were 8,000 sheep, Ali would have to kill it for a long time! Now, they just ran away without firing a shot!

One of Ali's strikers, with one impact, recaptured the largest gold mine in South Africa! The victory came so quickly that Ali couldn't believe it. He was a sheep-like opponent! No, this is to insult the fighting power of sheep!

At this time, a large number of troops are still gathering here! Ali immediately issued an order, the existing troops, occupy all the mines, and protect the property here! This is the cost of our own troops this time! In particular, there are many large and small mines here, but black people can't be stolen!

And as for the follow-up troops, stop advancing, turn around, and advance towards Johannesburg!

Your own troops can't stay in this mining area, right? Or look for a nearby big city! And this big city, of course, is Johannesburg!

And, more importantly, the black leader, the guy named Mandela, is in Johannesburg. As long as this thing is blocked and killed, the black rebellion will be over!

Ali, who easily won the battle, got off the tank and looked around.

There are no gold mines in Iraq. The scene here is quite spectacular. Some of the buried shallow ones are directly dug out of the ground for mining, while more are deep underground and mined through mines.

However, Ali's mood is heavy.

The black people have run away, and there are many white people who stay here.

Those who are alive, UU reading www. are all middle-aged white people who are engaged in manual labor. These white people come up from the mine and look half-tired. It seems that they have worked for at least ten hours.

In a nearby mine, it was obvious that there were assorted corpses, all of them white.

At the beginning, although white people engaged in racial segregation and did not commit genocide, black people engaged in labor and received necessary remuneration. At most, they were only exploited by capitalists. And now, what the black people have done is simply outrageous!

When the Western world is still complaining about the treatment of black people in the past, saying that black people are now turning over as masters, and now, indeed, they are masters, and they have arrested white people and treated them as slaves. The middle-aged white people do hard labor, women are humiliated, and the elderly and children are directly killed. This is simply genocide!

Originally, when he sent troops, he only intended to be a mercenary to make money, but now, seeing all this, Ali felt that the sense of justice that had long disappeared in his heart slowly poured out.

"You guys, it's great that you are finally here!" When the white coolies saw the army appear and the black people around them had disappeared, they knew what had happened and couldn't help but get excited.

Some shouted happily, finally free! They were caught and worked here as coolies. When they died, when they counted, they really didn't think they could go out alive. Now, they're free!

Some were crying because their relatives were by their side and had been killed!

"Please allow us to join in and fight with you!" Some white people shouted to the Iraqi fighters. Now, their bodies have been occupied by hatred. Since the black people want to commit genocide, they will simply first Black people to kill!