Chapter 993: Jewish plan (1)

Bush was silent.

The other party's proposal was obviously very tempting. At that time, if Bush was either his deputy or the president, the nuclear war would have started long ago, and the advantages that the Soviet Union had accumulated over the years would all come to nothing! The U.S. will get back on its feet again! Where will it be like now!

However, these Jews support themselves, not only because they have the courage, the other party has plans! Now, the United States is at the most weakened time of the country. What do these Jews, who have almost all the wealth in the United States, want to do?

"Then what kind of reward do you need if I win the election?" Bush asked.

This is almost a semi-open secret. For any U.S. president to succeed in his election, he needs to have a lot of financial groups, companies, and even individuals. After the election is successful, he will also give back to those who helped him. For example, individuals who personally donate money to running for president can be appointed as diplomats if they want to, and have fun in a nice country.

And now, with the support of the entire Jewish community, what does Bush need to do?

"After you win the election, you need to choose some people to form a new government, and I hope you can choose from the list we provide." Deren said.

Provide yourself with candidates, and there is no doubt that they are all Jews! These people funded their own election success, but they would become puppets of the Jews again. I am afraid that at that time, they will have to be restricted!

"I'm sorry, I can't agree to this condition," Bush said. "The United States belongs to all the American people who yearn for freedom and democracy, not the Jews."

In the past, Jews only possessed wealth and secretly influenced the US election, but now, it is obvious that Jews are no longer satisfied with the previous methods, and they want to directly control the United States!

Although in the United States, Jews are an elite class, it does not mean that Jews can do whatever they want, because the United States is not Jewish, but all citizens standing on the soil of the United States!

Although Bush knows that the so-called politics is actually the dirtiest deal, it is still impossible for a nation to control the top leaders of the United States. Although the United States is only a few hundred years old, the concept of democracy and freedom is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

"President Bush, I really don't understand why you have prejudice against our Jewish nation. Maybe, you don't know, you are a Jew yourself, right?" At this moment, Deren's words made Bush feel a little overwhelmed.

In later generations, there have been various statements that the Rockefellers were not Jewish, etc., trying to whitewash them, but if they were really not Jewish, why did the Rothschild family capital keep investing in Rockefeller's oil industry. And, even under President Ford, his vice president was Nelson?

You know, when Nelson Rockefeller was the governor of New York State, the New York State government was filled with Jews from top to bottom!

After all, the Jews would not support a jidu multimillionaire as an official because they would be afraid that they would not be able to control him after the election.

Now, a big reason why Jews can support Bush Sr. is because Bush Sr.'s true identity is also a Jew!

"President Bush, you should know that your family's real name is Scheff and belong to German Jews. Your father, Prescott Bush, was adopted into the Bush family and given a false identity, along with his son, you ." Deren continued.

These things, Bush really does not know! However, these Jews in front of him will never lie, because he knows that these people will never tell him these things without sufficient evidence!

Are you actually Jewish? And now, these Jews are looking for themselves, just to fully support themselves and take the position of president? Bush felt a mess in his head.

Putting aside these questions, Bush Sr., as an excellent politician, once again regained his sanity: "Now, our situation is a mess, even if I take office, how can it improve? Maybe, in my hands , the United States will usher in a low point in history, our national economy will collapse, and a large number of returning dollars will overwhelm our country.”

The United States is really in a mess, and whoever takes over will inevitably face difficulties! Europe is also gone. The US dollars issued by the United States over the years, once returned, the US economy will definitely be finished!

"Actually, in our eyes, these are not problems at all." Lawrence-Rockefeller said: "Let's talk about oil. We lost the Middle East, so we have oil problems. Did you realize that? Actually? The Middle East is not stable at all!"

Controlling the huge oil family, Rockefeller is the real oil family! As for the Bush family, although it looks very bright on the surface, in fact, the oil resources controlled by their family are less than one-tenth of that of the Rockefeller family!

In recent years With the rising oil prices in the world, the Rockefeller family has also made huge profits. However, in the past year, the momentum of oil price decline has been very violent. This is of course a conspiracy against the United States to try to Bring America down with low oil prices!

Lawrence has always been concerned about the world oil situation, and has a deep understanding of the Middle East. After all, the oil resources there are the cheapest, and it is also the place that every oil merchant pays attention to!

The United States has a huge failure on the Middle East issue. The failure of the United States' war in the Middle East has caused American forces to completely withdraw from the Middle East! The USSR got the benefits of the US!

Now, in Lawrence's eyes, the problem of the Middle East is not a problem at all.

Hearing Lawrence's words, Bush couldn't help asking: "How do you think we can achieve a breakthrough?"

"The focus of the Middle East is Iraq! Iraq annexed Kuwait and occupied most of Saudi Arabia's territory. Now Iraq is definitely the largest supplier of oil in the world. However, Iraqi executives have deep contradictions." Lawrence said .

Iraqi top? Those two nasty Uday and Kousei? Hearing Lawrence's words, Bush suddenly wanted to understand something, yes, it should be possible to provoke the relationship between the two brothers!

"Right now, it is Uday who controls the state power in Iraq. After all, he is Saddam's eldest son. However, it is his younger brother Qusay who controls the Iraqi army, especially the most elite Republican Guard. On the surface, he is very kind, but in fact, he is more sinister behind the scenes. He is definitely not satisfied with Uday, who is addicted to alcohol and sex, as president. Therefore, there is a high possibility that Qusay will launch a rebellion when necessary. "Lawrence said: "This is definitely a good opportunity for us!"