Chapter 967: 1 country 2 system


As the capital of West Germany, this place is not big, just a small town, but now, it has attracted the attention of the whole world!

The situation in West Germany has undergone earth-shaking changes in the last half month. Before that, almost no one would have imagined that West Germany would actually join the socialist camp!

And now, in the basement of the government building in Bonn, the historic meeting is unfolding.

General Andre, the most outstanding and outstanding youth of the Soviet, attended this meeting as the representative of the Soviet side, and beside him was Günter-Lar, who was almost the source of the storm, with a very calm face.

I saw my colleagues again. The two sides have gone through too much, and Günter-Lar has seen a lot from the eyes of these people.

Guessing, doubting, bewildering, or agreeing? Maybe, everything!

Günter Lal knew that his recent experiences were enough to write a book after he retired, but now, Günter Lal can't say anything, although he actually did nothing, but the whole The incident was indeed caused by itself!

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." Andrei sat down on the main seat unceremoniously.

What's wrong with this? Although there is the president and the minister of defense, and I am only a general, but look outside, the guards are all East German soldiers!

Why did Andre dare to bring Günter-Lar to Bonn together? Of course, it's because this place is already under absolute control of one's own side! The whole of Bonn was occupied by the East German army. Coming here is no different from sitting on the hot kang head of one's own house. What are you afraid of!

"We came here this time mainly to talk to you about Germany's post-war development." Andre said: "The war will always go away. What makes us most happy is that this war did not give the whole of Germany. After the war is over, Germany will soon be rejuvenated with new vigor.”

War is cruel. In the two world wars, Germany lost two generations of young people. Until now, it has just recovered, but it is about to fall into war again. Everyone is worried, and now, Andre has already said the result, the war will soon be gone!

Andre said this, of course, with confidence. Now, the NATO air base has been bombed by the East German Air Force, and the main force of NATO's ground forces has been surrounded by the Soviet army again. Now, whether the war is over or not, it is up to the Soviet Union to have the final say!

"General Andre, we also look forward to the reunification of Germany. This situation is what we most hope to see. When this war is over, our two Germanys will inevitably be combined into a strong country. Then, can we rebuild the Will a new German leader be elected through a referendum?" said Chancellor Helmut, the leader of these people.

The reunification of the two Germanys is already a certainty. Then, after the reunification, who will be the leader of the country? As a Western world advocating democracy and freedom, the method of one person per vote is the most appropriate.

Hearing Helmut's words, Andre shook his head: "This kind of Western democracy is only used to fool people. Now, you should all be considered veteran politicians in the Western world. You dare to pat your chest and say, your This kind of one person one vote is democratic?"

All kinds of dialectical relations, Andre didn't want to say more, these political old fritters are at the top of the entire society, and of course they know that this is just a tool to fool people.

Moreover, this is simply not good for East Germany! After all, at the end of World War II, Germany was divided up by four countries, and the land occupied by the Soviet Union was far smaller than that occupied by the West. The population is also small. For example, the population of East Germany is now only more than 10 million, while the population of West Germany is more than 60 million!

Of course, Andre would not agree to engage in such a voting system in the Western world!

There are many dialectical relationships in later generations, which is enough to show that this kind of democracy is fooling people, and the hero of East China will not show off here. In short, the US imperialists are promoting democracy everywhere under the guise of democracy. God's heart.

"In the new Germany, there can only be one party in power, which is the German gcd." Andrei said: "If you want an election, you can only have an election within the party. Moscow will not interfere too much."

Andre's eyes have looked at everyone, you guys, don't have any illusions! The power of the country, of course, must be controlled by gcd! If you want to gain power, you have to join the gcd!

If you want to be multi-party, if you want to run elections, don't talk nonsense, the Soviet Union must be able to control Germany! If you let go of these things and start the so-called democracy, then there will continue to be various voices in the society, and the people will be easily agitated No matter what time, you can't do it. Such self-destruction of the Great Wall!

Through the war, our side has exchanged for the unification of Germany, but we cannot finally hand over Germany to the Western world because of the so-called democracy. I'm afraid, only an idiot like Ge Map will destroy the Great Wall!

Never give up gcd's leadership of the country, this is the bottom line! However, there are many variations on this principle.

"At the same time, in order to stabilize the order in Germany and restore normal production and life as soon as possible, after the merger, the existing system in West Germany can remain unchanged." Andre continued.

This sentence shocked everyone. When Helmut proposed an electoral system, it was rejected by Andrei, and everyone knew that Moscow would never give up control of Germany, but the next sentence made everyone Can't believe their ears.

Existing system, remain unchanged?

You must know that West Germany is a capitalist world and is privately owned, while the opposite East Germany, under the control of Moscow, implements public ownership. This is the biggest difference! Now, when West Germany is merged into East Germany, many people are speculating whether West Germany's industries, especially those related to national security, will be forced to nationalize? Then, the original capitalists of these industries will lose everything.

But now, Andre is definitely telling them that the existing system will remain unchanged! This sentence is simply giving everyone a reassurance!

Regarding the issue of the German system after reunification, there is also a heated discussion in Moscow. Many people, including Suslov, who is in charge of ideology, believe that the German system must be unified so that Germany can be better controlled. However, Andrei strongly advocated that the existing system should remain unchanged, that is, the implementation of one country, two systems!