Chapter 858: America wants a monopoly

"Very nice to meet you." Mares was very surprised by the arrival of the US Secretary of State. After all, the entire Western world is now imposing sanctions on South Africa. South Africa's international status is not high, and the secret arrival of the US Secretary of State is truly unprecedented.


Botha also welcomed and shook hands with the other party politely, but although Botha had a smile on his face, he was puzzled, and he had an ominous premonition that this time the Americans came, Not necessarily a good thing.


The two sides sat down and exchanged a few words. Finally, the meeting got to the point.


"President Mares, we in the Western world, have always been very dissatisfied with South Africa's apartheid policy, which is a serious restriction on human rights." George said: "So, we have also imposed sanctions on you, but Now, there is a good opportunity, we can help you lift the economic sanctions, and we can also sell you weapons and equipment. Now, in the war in Angola, there are many Soviet-made weapons. Your Mirage planes are really Too far behind."


Have a good chance? Botha was even more vigilant. At one time, the United States believed that South Africa was a "bastion of the free world" against the Soviet Union and Cuba. However, the Americans gradually changed their attitude towards the South African Nationalist regime, and American companies withdrew their capital from South Africa. Completely isolate South Africa. However, this has no substantial benefit to the Americans, and the Americans have not gained more benefits, and now, of course, the lifting of sanctions is also in their interests! Is this good for South Africa?


In fact, despite sanctions, South Africa is still doing well.


For example, since the 1960s, many international organizations have been exerting pressure on South Africa in an attempt to make South Africa abandon its apartheid policy. In 1962, the United Nations advised member states not to invest in South Africa, urging them not to help South Africa manufacture military aircraft, combat vehicles and warships. In 1974, the United Nations announced the suspension of South Africa's seat in the United Nations General Assembly, and in 1977 announced the implementation of an arms embargo against South Africa. South African sports groups are banned from the Olympics and most international competitions, and almost all African countries do not allow South African Airways jets to land or fly over their airspace.


However, these sanctions have not actually damaged South Africa's economic potential and military strength, and they have not been seriously implemented. After all, doing business with South Africa is beneficial to many countries. Kenya buys corn from South Africa, saying it's imported from Mozambique; Zambia buys beef from South Africa, saying it comes from Botswana; Gabon buys construction equipment from South Africa, saying it's imported from Europe; 50 percent of Zaire's grain Coming from South Africa, 80 percent of Zimbabwe's foreign trade is with South Africa. What's more, Israel has been secretly cooperating with South Africa in military affairs.


So, South Africa is living a good life now, and the war in Angola is also progressing steadily, and there has not been any incident involving the Cuban army in history. Since it is doing well, why is South Africa at the mercy of the United States?


Now, the US Secretary of State is definitely not here to mention any favorable conditions for South Africa!


Let's listen to what the Americans have to say first!


"Mr. George, what do you need us to do?" Botha asked.


"That's right, we propose to the United Nations and the Western world to lift the sanctions against you, which requires a lot of money and prestige, so we need certain economic compensation. At the same time, it is also a joint cooperation between us. Everyone takes what they need." George said: "In simple terms, we need your country to sign a contract to help your country sell various mineral resources. This is also for the convenience of your economic development. At the same time, if you have excess funds to buy some of our treasury bonds.”


Hearing this, Botha immediately clenched his fists. He knew that the other party didn't have any good intentions, but he didn't expect that the other party was really too greedy. The other party wanted to monopolize the mines in South Africa!


One of the important reasons why South Africa can become a developed country in Africa is that South Africa has rich mineral deposits! South Africa has the world's largest reserves of precious resources such as gold, diamonds, uranium and rare earths! Therefore, no matter how the outside world imposes sanctions on South Africa, South Africa can develop rapidly because South Africa is rich in resources!


And now, the Americans' intention is obvious, that is, they want to monopolize South Africa's minerals! If South Africa's minerals are monopolized, the United States will be able to obtain huge economic benefits, and South Africa will be at the mercy of the United States from now on!


In exchange, the sanctions against South Africa were lifted!


George looked at the two people in front of him. This is a major strategic adjustment of the United States. If the United States wants to recover, it must look to Africa!


When the U.S. war in South America had to end quietly, the decline of the United States was already in sight, and to restore the strength of the United States, the United States must replenish its blood!


Looking at the world, where else can provide nutrition to the United States? The Middle East is impossible. Western Europe now only cares about its own interests, but also does not care about helping the United States get out of the crisis. South America has also begun to fall to the Soviet Union, and the last reliance of the United States is Africa!


Because of poverty, Africa has always been a third world country, and it has not received much international attention at all. However, Africa has a unique advantage. UU reading is a resource! Gold and diamonds are special products of Africa. Moreover, as long as the United States exports weapons and supports proxies to fight wars, the United States can obtain various benefits. For the United States, it has become the only way out of the predicament.


In the whole of Africa, South Africa must be won, because South Africa has the most abundant mineral resources! If you control South Africa, you control the entire southern Africa! Radiating to the north, the United States can continue to maintain its dominance!


After losing the oil in the Middle East, the dollar is no longer strong in the world. After all, the hegemony of the U.S. dollar was originally achieved by having sufficient gold reserves. When the gold reserves disappeared, the U.S. dollar began to rely on oil again. If there was no oil, what would the U.S. dollar rely on to maintain it?


The answer is resources. Africa, especially South Africa's resources, monopolize the resources here and reinvigorate the crumbling dollar hegemony!


South Africa is doing well! Let South Africa use their resources to buy U.S. Treasury bonds, help the U.S. transfer risks, and at the same time let the U.S. monopolize South Africa’s minerals and gradually expand to the whole of Africa, the U.S. still has hope!


It is precisely because of this that the United States sent Secretary of State George here. This is the first step in their strategic arrangement for South Africa. (To be continued.)