Chapter 838: tough bush

The discovery of the CIA poured a ladle of cold water on everyone, and brought them a deep sense of fear and powerlessness.

The Soviets announced the Star Wars plan in a high-profile manner last year. Originally, the United States attached great importance to this plan. However, with the economic downturn in the United States, this plan was almost put on hold indefinitely. After all, there are too many places in the United States that need money, mining shale oil, needing investment, revitalizing the economy, needing investment, fighting wars, and also needing money!

But now, looking at the progress of the Soviet Union, the United States knows that it is far behind in space competition! The Soviets made a high-profile announcement that they would not be the first to use nuclear weapons. It turned out that they did not need to use them at all! The huge nuclear arsenal of the United States and the Soviet Union is to ensure that once a nuclear bomb explodes, they will destroy each other. Now, the Soviets no longer need to launch nuclear bombs from the surface of the earth, and they will destroy the United States' nuclear bombs in the air!

The United States has fallen behind seriously, and this backwardness even threatens the strategic security of the United States!

"That is to say, the Soviet Union is now deterring us. If we dare to launch a nuclear bomb on Argentina, the Soviet Union will intercept us from space?" At this time, Bush Sr.'s face was a bit hideous.

"Yes, Mr. President," Casey said. "The Soviets have nothing to fear."

"If that's the case, then what are we waiting for!" Bush Sr.'s face was extremely gloomy: "Let's just launch a nuclear bomb now to destroy Argentina and see if Argentina's newly recognized Soviet father can protect them!"

The new Soviet father! This sentence came out of Bush's mouth with incomparable hatred. In the past, Argentina was a traditional ally of the United States, but now what? Argentina did not listen to the words of the United States, fought a war with the United States, and even went to the Soviet Union!

Argentina has reached an agreement with the Soviet Union to give the port on the Falklands to the Soviet Navy as their base! This is a thorn, a thorn that America will never tolerate!

At the same time, the United States now has no other choice. The United States originally used six aircraft carriers aggressively. Now, although these aircraft carriers are assembled in the theater of Xiang Falkland, there are obstructions from Congress, financial troubles, and the threat of Soviet anti-ship ballistic missiles. These aircraft carriers, The original goal has not been achieved.

What else can America do? A war of words with the Soviet Union, condemning the Soviet Union for exporting ballistic missiles to Argentina? This doesn't work at all, even if the United States knows that the Soviets are operating these ballistic missiles, and even if the United States knows that the Soviet satellites are cooperating with the anti-ship ballistic missiles to search for positions, what can the United States do? Declare war on the Soviet Union? Triggered World War 3?

Looking at this trend, I am afraid that there are quite a few countries in Western Europe that have two hearts! There is no way to fight this battle! In particular, Congress would never agree with the United States to do so.

war! As a veteran from World War II, Bush Sr. is not afraid of war at all, and although he is very angry now, he has not lost his mind.

The current situation in the United States is unsolvable.

If the national strength of the United States increases, the military strength can be greatly increased. Why is it that even a few aircraft carrier formations have to be discussed by members of Congress for a long time! And the weakening of US military strength makes it impossible for the United States to fight for its own national interests. First, the Far East and then the Middle East. If these places are still firmly in the hands of the United States, how can the United States be reduced to the present level!

Now, what should the US choose? In Bush's view, it must be tough and war! Only through a war can we win respect for America! And this war must be a nuclear war!

The huge nuclear arsenal of the United States is used to serve the interests of the United States. Now, the interests of the United States have suffered great losses. Only nuclear weapons can restore the situation!

As for the awesome weapons of the Soviets, are they really that good? That's when you get to know it! Anyway, now we are just fighting Argentina, not directly confronting the Soviet Union. How could it trigger a world war?

Even if it is triggered, so what? Through the war, the United States may be able to stand up again, and if there is no war, the decline of the United States is already inevitable!

Now, even Argentina can't beat, how can Europe be convinced?

Moreover, the various crises that the country is facing now can be resolved through a war! Isn't there an example just now? Galtieri's military government has made the domestic situation uncontrollable and the economy is in chaos. As a result, a war has established Galtieri's image in the hearts of the Argentine people. He has become a hero of Argentina!

The United States can still unify the hearts of the people through a war! Only in this way can the immediate crisis be resolved!

The tough old Bush thinks so in his heart, but not everyone supports this idea of ​​Bush.

For example, after hearing the words of Bush Sr Secretary of State George immediately expressed his objection: "No, although we are politicians, we must not kidnap our country, initiate wars, let our country, or even the world. Entering a state of chaos, all of us will become sinners of history! Even if we temporarily pass the crisis now, we will be nailed to the shame of the future!"

Kidnap our country! George's words go too far, but, in line with the reality. Now, if the United States really launches a nuclear bomb attack, and if the Soviets really have the technology of this space laser weapon, then nuclear radiation will cover the entire United States! This is simply betting on America itself! Bush Sr. is simply a lunatic, a war madman! I absolutely cannot agree with such an idea!

"If we don't do this, then we are the sinners of the United States!" Bush Sr.'s voice also began to roar: "If we compromise, then the decline of our United States is inevitable!"

Seeing that his aides were about to quarrel, Reagan didn't speak, and reluctantly lit a cigar. He knew that this time in the United States, it was really the time to make the most difficult choice. No matter what choice, it was wrong. of!

Time is passing little by little, and the sky will soon be bright.

How the country is, has nothing to do with ordinary people. Those are the affairs of politicians, and life must continue. When the morning sun shrouded the earth, the American people also started their day's labor, and the streets were full of people in a hurry.

In the rapid and dull "dang, dang, dang" bell, the New York Stock Exchange also started a new day. Today is Monday.