Chapter 831: output computer network technology

"We, the University of Berlin, are a master node of the entire East German network." Flix briefly introduced: "Through the underground optical fiber, our network is linked with Moscow University. Then, with our master node as the core , other universities, access to our network, so, gradually spread, forming our computer network system." Felix said: "Of course, the specific form, we can hold other seminars, let our university's Computer experts will explain to you.”

"Then what is the use of this network in addition to the current distributed computing?"

What's the use? People who have not been exposed to the Internet will not know the charm of the Internet! And what is the use of the entire network in East Germany?

"It's very useful. For example, we are now putting the books in our library into our database system, so that when students are looking for materials, they don't need to queue up in the library or even wait for others to return them. Books can only be borrowed after they are borrowed, and information can be found directly on the Internet. At the same time, with the help of the Internet, they can chat with each other, carry out various communication activities, and can also write letters, such as writing letters to classmates in Moscow, and they can be transmitted immediately. ," Flix said.

Computer networks are divided into two categories: communication subnets and resource subnets. These concepts sound very dry, but in fact, they are still very useful. It can be said that computer networks will completely change people's way of life. In the future, it is possible to have no TV, but absolutely not without the Internet.

Of course, due to technical limitations, it is still impossible to transmit images effectively, and real-time video communication is even more impossible. However, even if it is to write an email, the efficiency is quite high, and it arrives in an instant! You know, from Berlin to Moscow, it is impossible to walk an ordinary mail without a week.

Moreover, when the Internet develops and something called online games appears, it will become an effective tool for collecting money!

People around can't help but sigh, these technologies will really change lives! Change the world!

"Flix, can we introduce these technologies to our West Germany?" At this moment, Paul Cruz, an old friend of Flix, couldn't help but said.

The United States has always claimed to be technologically advanced, but unfortunately, the eastern world has the technology that the Americans do not have! This could not help but shocked them, and they were also quite envious, introducing these technologies to the Western world! In this way, the western world will also enter the era of networking!

However, now, technical barriers still exist. For example, the Batumi Organization is specifically designed to prevent the export of advanced technology to the Eastern world. But now, the Western world is instead asking the Eastern world for technology output. How can this request be viewed, how excessive.

Unexpectedly, Flix did not make things difficult, and said directly: "Of course, if this is the case, we at the University of Berlin can communicate with our colleagues in West Germany. But..."

"But what?" Paul asked.

"However, building a network requires all kinds of equipment. I'm afraid you don't have any equipment on your side. You have to export it from our side. In this case, it will be quite troublesome. After all, the tariffs on your side are very high." Lix continued: "I think it's better to find a specialized company to do it, which is much more convenient than our university."

After all, universities are not used to do engineering, but to teach students and conduct scientific research. Since the other party wants to introduce network technology, it is better to find a special company to set up a network for them.

company? Hearing Felix's words, Paul said, "Has the Internet developed into an industry on your side?"

"Of course it is." Flix said: "Otherwise, how can our network develop so fast? We already have dozens of network companies, large and small, the most famous of which is the Soviet automation system. The research and scientific application research institute production complex, this enterprise is mainly responsible for the connection of the backbone network, the technology is very advanced, if you need, we can communicate with this company and let them be responsible for all the networking."

USSR Institute for Research and Scientific Applications of Automation Systems! Historically, this department was also the first department in the Soviet Union to access the Internet. The head of the department, Anatoly Klyasov, was also the first person to access the Internet in the Soviet Union.

Now, this department has been greatly developed and strengthened. The optical fiber of the backbone network in the Soviet Union, the routers and other equipment on the backbone network are all installed and debugged by this department, and the technical experience is quite rich. This kind of network equipment is also produced by the subordinate manufacturers of this department.

Extend the Soviet network to the Western world! The first step is to open up a bridge with West Germany! Whether it is short-term or long-term, it is beneficial to East Germany and the Soviet Union! When the exchanges between the two sides become more and more frequent, the goal of achieving unity will become more and more significant! Of course, this unification is no longer the way East Germany was merged into West Germany in history! Look now, East Germany has gradually begun to dominate!

"Okay, when I go back, I will ask the above for instructions. If possible, we will allocate funds for the construction as soon as possible." Paul said.

"This, the results of the computer simulation seem to have been calculated for a week after the nuclear explosion, right?" At this moment, a scientist on the side said: "It seems that the situation is not good!"

The explosion of a five-gigaton nuclear bomb has caused the entire earth to enter a nuclear winter. Now, the yield is reduced to only 25 million tons, which is only 1/200 of the original. This is to reduce the scale so that the experiment can be obtained as soon as possible. The data, at the same time, also has a more important significance, that is, the Americans now claim to nuclear counterattack, which is exactly the level. If the Argentines sunk the American aircraft carrier formation with ballistic missiles, the Americans will probably want to nuclear level. Argentina.

Even so, the calculation difficulty of the computer is not low. Now, the calculation has been simulated for a week, and the situation is still not optimistic.

Now, the calculation has been calculated, and within this week, all kinds of dust generated by the nuclear explosion have spread to all the spaces of the earth! Although the amount is much smaller than the number of five gigaton nuclear bombs, it has already caused the deterioration of the climate!