Chapter 688: start with europe

In later generations, after the United States vigorously exploited shale oil, it began to compete with its former friend, Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia's status in the United States also greatly declined. Now, under various circumstances, the United States has to choose to abandon Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.

The prospect of shale oil seems to be quite bright, and the reserves are abundant enough to make the United States known as an energy power. Unfortunately, this kind of thing is solid, and it is definitely more difficult to extract than liquid oil, and the cost of extraction is even more than Oil extraction under the permafrost of the Soviet plateau!

Now, the global oil price is soaring, and it has fluctuated around $130 a barrel. The Americans are now mining, and it is quite profitable. However, such a high oil price is because the Middle East is in war and a lot of crude oil cannot be transported. As a result, when the Middle East settles down, oil from Saudi Arabia and other countries will be exported by a large margin, and the world crude oil price will also drop sharply!

At what level will it fall? In the 1980s, oil prices fell sharply to ten dollars a barrel! Those oil in the Middle East, the cost is only a few dollars! And now, the cost of shale oil in the United States is at least between forty and fifty dollars!

Americans have no choice but to give up the Middle East may be their wise decision, because their domestic economy is on the verge of bankruptcy, their military struggle is also at a disadvantage, and the shadow of the Vietnam War continues to hang over them, making them have to make such a choice.

Why pay more blood and sacrifice in the Middle East when they can already produce enough oil at home? The blood of Americans cannot be shed in vain!

Unfortunately, they will soon see what it will be like when they give up the Middle East completely! The military war, only secondary, the economic war, will dominate the whole 82 years!

"Andrey, what are you thinking?" asked Andropov.

"I'm thinking about how we can use oil as a weapon to further combat U.S. imperialism and at the same time disintegrate Europe, which is not monolithic." On the stage, play a bigger and bigger role.”

Oil as a weapon against imperialism! Andrei's thinking coincides with Andropov's. If in the past, maybe he didn't have much ability, but now, after integrating the oil resources of the entire Middle East, the Soviet Union is already sharpening its knives. !

Disrupt Europe! After the Middle East issue has been conquered, for the Soviet Union, the next opponent is Europe! Europe is also one of the birthplaces of human history and civilization. Here, it has experienced countless wars and disasters, forming the existing pattern. There are various contradictions between various countries, and there are also problems within the country. The Soviet Union can continue from within them. Divide and conquer!

"Andrei, what do you think we should do in Europe?" Andropov asked.

There are many countries in Europe, and many have joined NATO. How should the Soviet Union divide them from within? This is something Andropov has been considering.

How to start? In Andre's mind, he remembered the major events that happened in 82 years in history. It seems that a nationwide general strike broke out in Italy, right? This is a great opportunity!

"Perhaps, we can start from Italy." Andre said: "This is just one of my suggestions. You also know that I am best at military command, and I don't have high political insight."

What Andrei said is true. His military genius has now been recognized. Even Ustinov has privately declared that if Ustinov retires, then the position of defense minister will make An It is the most suitable for Dere to come and sit.

In the past few years, it is precisely under the promotion of Andre that the strategic position of the Soviet Union has undergone such earth-shaking changes!

"Yes, Andrei has the highest military insight, whether it is command or military technology." Ustinov said: "Andrei, you came back just in time. Now, many of our equipment, There should be a conclusion."

All kinds of equipment in the Soviet Union can only be put into production because of competition. Hearing Ustinov's words, Andrei was taken aback and asked, "What equipment?"

"It's our fifth-generation fighter." Ustinov said: "Now, Mikoyan and Sukhoi are both starting to prepare fifth-generation fighters. We are hesitating between the two options and don't know which option to choose. What kind."

The fifth-generation fighter of the Soviet Union is the fourth-generation aircraft of later generations. The problem of inconsistent standards. After hearing Ustinov's words, Andrei remembered that at the beginning of the year, he had visited the Mikoyan Design Bureau and Suho. The Iraqi Design Bureau, among them, the Mikoyan Design Bureau is progressing very quickly. After all, they have completed the development of the MiG-29. While continuing to improve the performance of the MiG-29, the pre-research of the next-generation fighter has already begun.

Andrei saw the model of the MiG 1.42 project before he knew how fast the progress of the Mikoyan Design Bureau was. At the same time, Andrei was not satisfied with the chief designer of the Mikoyan Design Bureau, Belyakov, because this It's hard to change the idea that is inherent in one's mind, that invisibility is irrelevant.

As for the Sukhoi Design Bureau The Su-27 has just been finalized for service, but the success of the Su-27 must make the Sukhoi Design Bureau feel extremely proud, and they are also working on the next-generation fighter. Pre-research, at the same time, due to the good relationship between Andrei and Simonov, before leaving, he had pinched a few models, and those models, now they will be very surprised, because one of the models is exactly F-117!

When the F-117 was put into combat in Saudi Arabia, it was no secret that the Soviet special forces took pictures of the aircraft, and also obtained the wreckage of the aircraft, from which the stealth coating of the F-117 was obtained. secret.

The stealth aircraft of the United States has been put into practical application, and the stealth aircraft of the Soviet Union has not yet seen a shadow at this time! Therefore, the Soviet Union attaches great importance to this, and the project of stealth fighters has also been greatly advanced.

However, facing the aircraft designed by the three companies, the military did not know what to choose. In addition to Sukhoi and Mikoyan, the Yakelev Design Bureau also designed a scheme.

Now, now that Andre is back, it's time to ask Andre's opinion!

And when he heard Ustinov's words, Andrei's eyes also lit up: "Yes, I also really want to see our fifth-generation machine plan."