Chapter 499: Middle East layout

Although the Iran-Iraq war is mainly a conflict between Iraq and Iran, other countries are also involved in it. The export revolution of hmn is not only aimed at Iraq, but the entire ysl world. The behavior of **** sticks will naturally be ostracized by other countries. Their own regime is well controlled. As a result, a group of people have to rule the country according to their will and disrupt the political situation of others. This is extremely bad behavior.

Therefore, other major powers in the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other countries, absolutely support the just war in Iraq. They are behind, backing Iraq and providing a lot of financial support. Historically, without Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other countries providing low- or no-interest loans to Iraq, Iraq would not be able to support the eight-year war.

However, Iraq does not like them much, because in history, these big oil countries are also the countries that Iraq hates, because these countries increase oil production recklessly, driving down the price of oil to a limit!

Of course, history is to suppress the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan, so that these countries began to show solidarity with Afghanistan, and in order to support Afghanistan, not only sent some fanatics to fight together in the past, but also economically. Under the organization of the United States, these oil powers continued to increase oil production, driving down the world crude oil price as a weapon to fight against the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union's oil is all under the plateau permafrost, and the cost of exploitation is high. When the oil price dropped to 30 US dollars a barrel, the Soviet Union's oil exports were in a state of loss, and when Saudi Arabia's oil increased from 2 million barrels per day. By the time production increased to 6 million barrels per day, world oil prices had fallen to $12 a barrel. At this time, it was an absolute blow to the Soviet Union. The main source of foreign exchange for the Soviet Union was the export of oil. Now, exporting oil is losing money. If it is not exported, the domestic oil industry will be paralyzed again, resulting in a large amount of oil. Workers are unemployed. The Soviet Union lost its source of foreign exchange and could not import oil.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union in history has a lot to do with the drop in oil prices.

And now, with Andrei's crossing, Andropov took office earlier, and the Soviet Union has started stable reforms, and will not focus entirely on energy output, but, after all, for the Soviet Union, oil exports Still an important one.

At this time, in order to fight against the Soviet Union, the United States wooed Saudi Arabia and other countries, and still resorted to the trick of increasing oil production and reducing prices, in an attempt to use oil weapons to crush the Soviet economy, and this method greatly stimulated Iraq!

When the hmn revolution occurred in Iran, the turmoil as a major oil exporter objectively reduced oil exports and led to an increase in oil prices. For Iraq, this is good. The increase in oil prices means that Iraqi oil There will be more sources of foreign exchange for exports, and with this foreign exchange, Iraq can continue to buy more weapons!

With the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war, the price of oil further increased. Saddam was snickering at the soaring oil price. As a result, Saudi Arabia came out and sang the opposite.

With the support of the United States, in order to combat the aggressive posture of the Soviet Union, Saudi Arabia decided to increase oil production! As the oil industry in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait started at full speed, the international crude oil price began to fall sharply. Just last month, it had fallen to 35 US dollars per barrel, and when the Iran-Iraq war broke out, the oil price was as high as 80 US dollars A bucket!

For the United States, this is an economic means to attack the Soviet Union, and for Iraq, this is the betrayal of Chi Guoguo!

Because of the war, Iraq's oil exports have been greatly affected. At this time, it is necessary to increase oil prices to maintain the normal operation of Iraq's domestic economy, but now, the drop in international oil prices has caused Iraq's income to drop sharply! Although Iraq relies on countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to stand behind in the current war, Iraq's dissatisfaction with these ysl brothers is also increasing, and after the end of the Iran-Iraq war, this contradiction will intensify.

It's even easier if you add that the Soviet Union fanned the flames.

"Andrei, do you mean to continue to cause wars in the Middle East?" Ustinov's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Andrei's words.

"It's not that we want to cause war, but when the contradictions are irreconcilable, we must rely on war to solve the problem, and in Saddam's heart, there is still a dream to restore the Babylonian Empire, and he hopes even more to achieve the unification of the Middle East world. ." Andre said: "And we are just providing some support in the back. We have a deep understanding of such a grand goal."

"Then what price do we have to pay? What benefits should we get?" Andropov asked. The Soviet Union's Middle East strategy is of great importance. Every step must be taken well, and this time, Ender Lobov also has this intention, and completely determines the future pattern of the Middle East world!

"We have to fully support Iraq, and we have to export more and better quality weapons to Iraq, such as our advanced MiG-29 fighters, such as our main battle tanks without shrinking versions." Andre said : "After all, Iraq has many enemies to face. When Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are invaded by the Iraqi army, the United States will never sit idly by, and even the United States will take the initiative to send troops, in Saudi Arabia or Kuwait, Fighting with the Iraqi army."

The monkey version of the weapon cannot defeat the behemoth of the United States. The price of the Soviet Union is to export more advanced weapons to Saddam!

The big killer such as the MiG-25 has been exported to Iraq, but these are not enough. The most advanced Soviet MiG-29 fighter, which has just been installed, will also be exported to Iraq!

"And Iraq is currently in economic difficulties, and I am afraid that there will not be too much foreign exchange reserves to buy our huge weapons and equipment, so we can sign an agreement with Iraq, when the war is over, the oil from Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, we More than half of the mining rights need to be owned," Andrei continued.

This is the most important thing! The Soviet Union wants to control the oil in the Middle East, but the Soviet Union must not send troops directly! In the Middle East, the United States regards the United States as meat. If the Soviet Union sends troops, it will directly exchange fire with the United States. The United States can make concessions on the issue of island countries and Iran, but if it is on the issue of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, the United States is absolutely Will not budge! Without the Middle East, what else would the United States have? High oil prices will kill the United States and other Western worlds!

This is a big move! (To be continued.)