Chapter 441: destroy the government of terrorism

? Seven o'clock in the evening, the prime time of TV station.

A beautiful female announcer, in front of the camera, read out the speeches sent by the senior leaders.

"Just today, on our Soviet soil, there were two terrorist attacks, and an Iranian man strapped with explosives, who tried to use a suicide attack to attack our Olympic Games, was subdued by our security personnel. , At the same time, we will increase the inspection of personnel entering the Olympic site, and may even ask to undress when necessary, please cooperate." The announcer said.

In fact, this attack has spread all over the world. This is the number one event of this year's Olympic Games. Countless reporters stared at the TV screen, waiting for another terrorist attack.

The footage of the TV was switched, and only the voice of the announcer remained.

The scene broadcasted by the camera is the scene at that time. The outside is surrounded by the police force, and the inside, above the teaching building, is where the terrorists are located! Then, the camera switched, and it was actually an internal scene! The hostages can be seen squatting on the ground, shivering, and the terrorists are all Iranians with beards!

"Our attitude towards terrorism is absolutely uncompromising!" Right after we learned the news, we dispatched a specialized special force to counter terrorism, wiped out all terrorists and rescued the hostages in one fell swoop. Now, the hostages' Emotions have been stabilized and they are all safe. "

In the shot, it is still the picture taken by that special camera. You can see that the soldiers of the special forces suddenly broke in and continuously shot the terrorists inside. And those terrorists, like dead pigs, let the soldiers of the special forces slaughter.

"The existing regime in Iran maliciously created these terrorist attacks, which is a provocation to our government, and in order to thoroughly combat terrorism, to maintain the normal conduct of the Moscow Olympics, and to prevent our citizens from being attacked by terrorism, Our government has decided to attack this terrorist organization from the source!" The announcer's voice began to be extremely serious: "This is the responsibility of our government. In order to maintain world peace and stability, we must fight against terrorism with disdain!"

The head of the Soviet foreign minister, Gromyko, appeared on the screen. He faced the camera and said firmly: "We have every reason to believe that the current Tehran government in Iran single-handedly concocted these terrorist attacks. We will ruthlessly attack this government from now on, until the terrorist government is completely eliminated! Since the establishment of this government, it has been creating various terrorist incidents at home and abroad, and we can no longer bear it!"

Destroy the government of Tehran, Iran! Thanks to the attack on the Moscow Olympic Games and the hijacking of innocent school personnel, Moscow's anger has finally reached its limit, and they have to take action!

At the same time as this statement was released, the Soviet fist finally stretched out, and the attack on Iran officially began!

Iran, what now? When the American army invaded all the way, the overall casualty of Iran exceeded 100,000, and those were the most steadfast believers. Moreover, the United States carried out indiscriminate bombardment of various military and industrial targets in Iran. fry.

At the same time, Iraq is now engaged in a full-scale war of annihilation with Iran. The focus of the battle between the two sides is gathered in Isfahan. Here, Iran's most elite ysl guards are fighting with the Iraqi Republican Guards. Both sides suffered heavy casualties. .

Those fanatical believers in Iran have blood stained the land of Iran, and in the eastern part of Iran, almost all of them have become undefended cities.

This opportunity chosen by the Soviet Union is the most suitable!

Andrei, who sits in Turkmenistan, after receiving the official order from Moscow, immediately issued the most important order to his subordinates since he took office in the Turkmen Military Region.

Save Persia, the operation officially begins!

Yes, the Soviet approach is to save Persia! The current government is wrong, they are an evil government controlled by extremist groups! Iran must be liberated, Persia must be liberated!

The army, which was already ready to go on the side of Turkmenistan, started the military operations that had been planned countless times, and went south!

The rolling armor torrent, in the Western 79 military exercise, shocked the entire Western military exercise, has now become a reality!

The air base in Turkmenistan, the closest to Iran, has taken off a large number of aircraft groups. After these days of consumption, the Iranian Air Force has no combat effectiveness. Therefore, the aircraft groups that take off are full of heavy bombs. Their mission , is to attack the ground, blow up various border positions of Iran, and open the way for the army in the rear to advance.

The main force of the offensive was the 40th Army Group, including veteran ground forces such as the 5th Guards Mobu Division, the Mobu 108th Division, the Mobu 201st Division, and the Mobu 68th Division, which started the offensive against Iran. At the forefront is the independent 149th Infantry Division.

When the heavy equipment was cut off, the division commander Choibalsan was extremely depressed. For a traditional Soviet army armored troops were their magic weapon, and now, the T-62 tank regiment of the 149th division , It was compressed into a T-72 tank battalion, and the tanks were reduced by two-thirds! At the same time, the establishment of other motorized infantry battalions was replaced by BTR-70 infantry fighting vehicles.

However, the assault capability of the 149th Infantry Division did not decrease, because they added a new flying regiment! Forty Mi-24 armed helicopters!

Now, the 149th Infantry Division, which is responsible for the assault front, is attacking quickly under the opening of the Mi-24 gunship!

From Turkmenistan to Iran, it is necessary to cross the Kopet Mountains. These mountains are ups and downs, which is the biggest challenge for the Soviet armored forces. Only a few roads in the mountains can pass, and it is necessary to take into account the possibility of the top of the mountain. would be ambushing the Iranian border troops.

It is similar to the invasion of Afghanistan in history, and Andre's changes now make the assault of the 149th Infantry Division very easy.

The Mi-24 helicopter was roaring and swept over the hills low. Fortunately, the Iranians had no defense. The only remaining posts on the top of the mountain had been blown up by the first batch of Su-24 attack aircraft. (To be continued.)