Chapter 410: Washington subway explosion

Car bombs, roadside bombs, RPGs, snipers, the Iranians quickly learned to fight urban guerrilla warfare, constantly consuming the living strength of the Americans, even if the Americans occupied the cities of Iran, they would not have peace for a day, like today , the car bomb almost razed the headquarters! If it weren't for the fact that the resident division commander was temporarily absent from the headquarters, he would have almost died in action!

The only way to get the Iranians to submit is to kill them all!

At the same time, what the Americans did not expect was that the war not only spread in Iran, but soon burned to the United States!

Washington, subway station.

In Washington in the late 1970s, the economy was already very developed, and here, the full name is the Washington Metropolitan Area Rapid Transit System, and it is the second busiest urban rail transit system in the United States, second only to the New York Subway. It has been in operation since 1976. Services include Washington, D.C. and neighboring Maryland's Prince George's County, Montgomery County, and Virginia's Fairfax County, Arlington County, and the City of Alexandria.

In the subway station, Mike, a young man who has been working all day, is holding a handheld game console and playing a game composed of small squares.

"Mike, I really don't understand, what's so attractive about this thing. You spent half a year's salary to buy such a game console!" said Mary, a fashionably dressed girl next to Mike.

Madeinjapan, this is a game console exported from an island country. Due to the high tariffs imposed by the United States on the industrial products of the island country, the prices of these products are extremely high. Such a handheld game console costs 16,000 US dollars! More than double the price of a state-of-the-art computer!

Is a game console like a brick block worth so much money? As a lover, Mary is very puzzled by Mike's behavior, and what makes Mary even more speechless is that Mike's interest in himself has greatly diminished since he bought this game console! The most anticipated bed exercise in the past has now become a luxury! This Mike has been holding this thing since he got off work and until he went to bed!

Just as Mary thought, Mike ignored her at all and continued to play the game console, so Mary was finally angry.

"Mike, then you can live with this game console in the future, I've had enough!" After speaking, Mary stepped on the subway that had just arrived at the station, instead of calling for Mike.

Mike didn't follow, and Mary felt that her heart was about to break. At the moment the subway started, she couldn't help but look back at Mike for the last time. In the crowded subway, she only saw Mike passing by. , is still playing with the brick-like game console. Every day, he pulls him to the subway by himself. Is he going to play here for a whole night tonight?

Mary turned her head back, tears falling down, at this moment, she really wanted to smash that company called Nintendo! How many Americans has the game killed!

In her tearful eyes, she seemed to see an extra thing under her feet, that thing, square, like a package.

what is this? She bent down hard, trying to pick it up, and at this moment, she suddenly felt a huge impact, a fire flashed in front of her eyes, and at the same time, a huge roar came from her ears.

"Boom!" The subway that was running suddenly made such a huge noise! In the explosion, the entire subway was blown up, the carriages were derailed, the passengers in the center of the explosion were turned into pieces, and the passengers in the rest of the carriages screamed.

The sound of the explosion reached the station, and the passengers on the platform shouted one after another and ran outside, while the Mike holding the brick-like game console and playing the game of small cubes was still bowing his head and playing his own game. The game has just reached 7,000 points, breaking the record! I have to make persistent efforts to hit 8,000 points!

The noise and explosions around him had nothing to do with him. At this time, Mike put his whole body and mind into the game. For a person who is addicted to the game, the game is his whole life.

On November 3, 1979, this very ordinary day, for the residents of Washington, the capital of the United States, this day was not ordinary. During the rush hour after get off work, an explosion occurred in the running Washington subway, causing an explosion. More than 100 people died and 500 people were injured!

The explosion quickly alerted the government, and just half an hour after the explosion, the top American who had returned home gathered again at the White House.

"Stan, has the cause of the explosion been identified?" asked President Carter, quite unusual for a subway explosion in the country.

"It's not a natural accident, it's man-made." Stein said: "The specific reason is still under investigation, but we can be sure that someone deliberately placed a time bomb on the subway, and we detected military use in the air. The chemical composition of explosives."

Deliberately planting a time bomb! Everyone at the scene took a deep breath, this is a war against the American mainland!

"So, we suggest that all our public places, subways, buses, banks, commercial buildings and other departments, immediately set up strict security inspection measures, this time criminals can get it so easily, follow us It is related to lax precautions." Stein said: "In order to prevent similar situations from happening again, we must be more vigilant."

Set up strict security measures! For an America that advocates freedom, this will greatly inconvenience ordinary people's travel! Imagine going out for a cup of coffee and needing to have strict security at the entrance of the coffee shop, that would take away any interest! Moreover, the establishment of these security facilities will greatly increase the investment of the United States! For the current economy of the United States, the Iran war has seriously overdrawn the country's financial resources. If we do this again, the investment of the United States will be even greater!

"Since someone planted the bomb secretly, we must find out who planned this action." Carter has become calm at this time. Since it was controlled by someone, we just need to find out the mastermind behind it. Come, naturally this incident can be solved, and there is no need to walk on thin ice to impose martial law across the country, which is quite unfavorable for the country.

"We will definitely find out about this, but we speculate that the guys in the Middle East must be behind this organization." Stan said: "Everyone, the problems we are facing now are still very serious and cost a lot of money. , Do we still need to fight the Iranian war with soaring casualties?" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL: