Chapter 144: Figure - Twenty-two eye mask

?To the northeast, more than a dozen planes took off from the island and are heading for the aircraft carrier formation! Judging from the reflected radar echo and the flying height of the other party, it should be a bomber!

What happened to the Soviets? Is this the rhythm of a world war? After getting the news of the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier formation, the commander's brain was short-circuited in an instant.

Now, the U.S. Air Force and the Self-Defense Forces of the Island Countries are fighting the Soviet Air Defense Forces on Sakhalin Island. However, this is only a small-scale friction, just one or two sparks in the Cold War.

Because of the incident of the downing of the civil airliner, the two sides couldn't help it for a while, just like two children fighting over a toy, they started a fight, and when they finished crying, what should they do?

This is also the idea of ​​high-level American, but now, this idea seems unrealistic.

After all, the air battle in the Sakhalin Island area is one scale, and using bombers to bomb one's own aircraft carrier formation is another scale.

The aircraft carrier is a symbol of the strength of the United States. If the US aircraft carrier is sunk by the Soviets, it means the beginning of the third world war!

The Soviets are crazy!

The United States does not want to expand its scale, and does not want to evolve into an uncontrollable war. It has just experienced the Vietnam War, and the US Army has no confidence to fight another war! In particular, the collision of the two giants could turn into a nuclear war at any time! But now, the situation is deteriorating.

"Immediately order the Tomcat to abandon the original mission and perform the air defense interception mission!" said Captain Steve.

The joint action with the Air Force can be pushed, but at most it is impossible to hunt down those MiG-25s, and the Air Force's f-15s have no difficulty in dealing with other Soviet fighters, and more. The Air Force has also been bragging about how good their f-15 fighters are, and simply let the Air Force dove once.

This is also no way, as the Navy's carrier aviation. Naturally, he first took into account his own air defense mission, and dozens of enemy planes came over. If it is really that kind of big bomber, the danger to our side is still very great.

Moreover, it is not possible to fire first. If this is a conspiracy of the Soviets, their own Tomcat fighter jets fire from a distance and shoot down the opponent with Phoenix missiles, then it will really lead to a world war!

as the captain of the aircraft carrier. Not only military command ability, but also political insight.

The other Tomcat carrier-based aircraft on the aircraft carrier were urgently brought out of the hangar, ready to continue to catapult the carrier-based aircraft once the situation changed seriously, and even the A-7 carrier-based aircraft were hung on the Sidewinder. Missiles have to rush upwards at critical times.

The connection with the Air Force has always been blocked. Steve did not take into account the bad things of the Air Force. He still dealt with the immediate problems first!

The Tomcat immediately turned, and the wings swept back. Quickly sprint towards the direction those large targets are flying.

In the command cabin of the aircraft carrier, everyone stopped talking. Waiting for a reply from the air.

When they flew to a distance of 300 kilometers north of the aircraft carrier, the eight Tomcat fighters turned into a cruising state, and the two Tomcat fighters continued to move forward, pounced on those large targets 200 kilometers away .

"Report Kitty Hawk, the boxer is approaching, a hundred kilometers away." The voice that came back from a few hundred kilometers away was so long.

"Continue to approach, be careful, don't take the initiative to attack." Colonel Ted commanded with a radio.

This is really not a good idea! in the sky. Breathing in the air from the oxygen mask, George felt his breathing a little short.

as a carrier pilot. Often play hide-and-seek with Soviet planes, these games of the Cold War. George is no stranger.

But now, it's not about continuing to hide and seek! The Air Force has already fought with the Soviets. Now, the Soviets have suddenly dispatched a large number of bombers. Once these bombers are escorted by fighter jets, and their goal is to sink their own aircraft carrier, they will definitely launch missiles when they come up. . As the pathfinder George's two-plane formation, it is easy to be knocked down by the opponent.

However, now is not the time to worry about these, since it has already flown over, it is necessary to remain vigilant enough!

The radar operator at the rear is also in high tension. He is staring at the display of the awg-9 radar. The signal on it is constantly being refreshed. If the opponent launches an attack, it will definitely be separated from those light spots. to a smaller spot of light.

The distance is slowly approaching, and at this moment, time seems to slow down.

Finally, we can see it visually! George took a deep breath.

When the opponent's formation was visually discovered, the opponent was turning left. George pushed the joystick and turned to the right, thus keeping up with the opponent's formation.

The slender body, the pointed nose, and the most representative are the two high-thrust engines below the vertical tail. From the back, it looks like a blindfold, so NATO gave it a code name for the blindfold.

"Call Kitty, call Kitty, and report from the boxer. Visually judged as a Tu-22 blindfold, visually judged as a Tu-22 blindfold, the size of a flying regiment, no carrying kitchen was found, no carrying kitchen was found!"

The as-4 "Kitchen" anti-ship missile, the Soviet code name is kh-22 ""Storm, looks like a small aircraft. This is a large-scale strategic air-to-ground missile developed by the Soviet Union and equipped with troops. Liquid rockets are used. The engine has a range of up to more than 400 kilometersThe speed can reach Mach 2.5, and it can attack a wide range of sea and land targets, such as aircraft carriers and other large ships, military industrial centers and military bases, etc., this missile It is the nightmare of the American aircraft carrier formation.

However, this kind of large missile cannot be installed in the belly bomb bay of the Tu-22, and can only be hung under the belly. Therefore, no missile was found visually, and everyone was relieved.

Moreover, at this time, the Tu-22 formation has turned and flew to the eastern sea, and the two Tomcat fighters continued to perform surveillance tasks.

Looking at the American Tomcat fighter jet on the side, Igor Milosevic, the head of the 777th regiment, showed a look of contempt.

These Tu-22 bombers belong to the 777th regiment. A few days ago, they moved from the base on Sakhalin Island to the Haiyan base on Itulupu Island, just for this operation!

Although there are no missiles mounted under the belly of the aircraft, they have just completed a simulated attack! They have recently reached the position of 400 kilometers from the aircraft carrier formation. If they are equipped with anti-ship missiles, they have just completed the attack! At this time, there will be countless missiles flying towards the American aircraft carrier formation! (To be continued.)