The jeep was moving fast in the lane, and the driver, who was called Yoko, desperately stepped on the accelerator of the jeep and drove the car to the Tibetan Snow Peak.

Lao Zhuang, who was in the passenger seat, stared at the flashing green light spot on the screen, took out his mobile phone and hurriedly called his other two companions. By the way, he also called the police station to check each other out. The current tone...

Their major disappeared in the resort hotel in the middle of the night, and it has been one day and one night now!

Obviously their major disappeared for no reason in the resort hotel!

However, when they called the police station and asked the police to help them find it, they were directly rejected by the police station!

The other party told them that their major was neither a minor nor a mentally ill person, but an adult with civil capacity!

So those guys had to tell them to play by the rules and have to wait 48 hours before filing a case.

Otherwise, let the parties involved, their major report the case themselves, and the police station will file the case.

Lao Zhuang is grinding his back teeth, these guys are simply deceiving people!

Their major, a man who was paralyzed in bed and who had to carry a wheelchair every day up and down the stairs, suddenly disappeared from the hotel. Wasn't this kidnapped, and could the major leave by himself?

To put it horribly, their majors are like that! Could it be that he still crawled out of the hotel by himself? !

Those guys didn't even want to file a case for them, they had to wait 48 hours before going to the police station.

For this reason, Yangzi and Lao Zhuang were almost angry, but they couldn't do anything. The four of them could only try hard to find it, and they didn't even dare to call the old couple living in Qingliu City, that is, the major's grandfather and grandma.

The two old people on the other side are getting older, and they are both in their 90s now. How dare you tell them such a thing?

You can only call the Xiao family far away in Kyoto City and let the Xiao family see if they can find someone to handle this matter.

But it is also strange!

The four of them took turns calling the Xiao family, but no one answered the Xiao family! There is not even a nanny at home, and I don't know what happened!

After the four of them, their hearts sank, and it seemed that the task of finding the major could only be completed by the four of them.

However, just when they searched for a day and a night, they felt that there was no hope.

This flickering and jumping locator light turned on!

"Fortunately, the locator on the major's body was suddenly connected. Otherwise, if something happened to the major, the four of us would be able to die and apologize!" Lao Zhuang looked at the green light that kept flashing and approaching on the screen. Clicking, I was reluctant to avert my eyes, I didn't even dare to blink, I was afraid that once I closed my eyes, the green light would disappear instantly!

The accelerator under his feet never loosened from the beginning to the end, and Yoko nodded and said, "You are right, when the major had an accident, the four of us finally defeated so many brothers in the team and grabbed the position of being a major forever. Next, the chance to guard the Major... We must not let the other brothers down!"