Chapter 49: Formation Of The Secret Service

Chapter 49: Formation Of The Secret Service

After the establishment of the government, Vijay had planned to set up an intelligence department. Initially, he considered integrating it into the government's structure, making it into one of the ministries, but to his dismay, he realized that being a spy was often looked down upon in this era. However, He recognized the crucial role of intelligence firsthand with the death of his Aunt. If he had better intelligence on the rebels, he could have been better prepared for the war. Intelligence agencies played significant roles in future conflicts as well.

Vijayanagara already had an intelligence agency that primarily operated for the military. However, Vijay intended to establish a separate secret service department directly under his control. Once the department gained public acceptance, he would formalize it as the Ministry of Intelligence.

As for the head of the secret service, Vijay had a specific individual in mind. This person had left a profound impression on him due to his remarkable ability to trace the origin of weapons supplied to the Mughal Empire. With just a few logical deductions and a network of connections, this individual had achieved something that greatly impressed Vijay. However, he remained uncertain about whether Roshan, the leader of the rebels in the Mughal Empire, would accept this appointment.

The Mughal Empire:

Roshan, the rebel leader, sat on a chair, tapping his fingers uninterestedly on the armrest while holding his head in thought. Planning attacks on Mughal nobles had become increasingly difficult due to heightened suppression and tighter security measures by the tyrant emperor. Consequently, the rebel leaders collectively decided to halt their activities because of the increasing risk of going on raids, shifting their focus to serving as logistics facilitators between Vijayanagara and the Maratha Empire.

With these changes, things had become safer for the rebels, and they were now in a period of transition. Some rebels chose to embrace their new lives, having eliminated their enemies; their will to fight against the Mughal empire decreased with the increase of their wealth. However, Roshan found himself increasingly unfulfilled. For most of his life, he had fought with hatred and determination against his enemies, but now he faced a void. Despite his newfound wealth and partially fulfilled revenge by assassinating the murderer of his parents, he had nothing to occupy his time, especially since his assistants were managing the logistical work.

"Knock Knock"

Vijay was content with the answer he received. "Very well then, I will arrange for security measures for you and your family," he stated.

Roshan's expression twitched slightly at the reply, but he quickly regained his composure. As a smart man, he knew what this meant, He accepted the reality that the king's complete trust hadn't been earned by him yet, evident from the security measures being put in place around him. While his movements might be monitored, he saw it as an opportunity to prove his loyalty to the empire.

A few days later, Roshan relocated his wife to the Vijayanagara Empire. He transferred all his responsibilities and his stake in the Mughal Bridge Company to his colleagues. Now, he was preparing to become a shadow for the royal family, finding his prior position unnecessary.

Soon after settling in the empire, he received his first mission: to closely monitor the key figures within the Vijayanagara Empire and the Mughal Empire. Interestingly, there was a strong focus on monitoring Sri Lanka. Setting aside his doubts that was not to be had as a servant of the royal family, he delved into his tasks.

In the ensuing days, an enigmatic building emerged near the royal palace, constructed under Vijay's directives. However, no one inquired about the building, given that it was a direct project of the royal family. Vijay allocated a substantial sum of money to launch the Secret Service. This expenditure was well within his means, thanks to the considerable profits generated from arms sales to other nations and to his own military. Additionally, the paper-making factory had started to yield substantial profits as well.

After several weeks of preparation, the expansion of the Secret Service began. Within a short span, a considerable number of agents were recruited. However, these agents weren't akin to the future FBI or MI6 agents. They were ordinary civilians who held loyalty to the Empire and transmitted information from their respective regions.

In the Mughal Empire, the existing network of contacts served as a foundation for intelligence gathering. Even the servants of Mughal nobles were enticed through bribery or threats to provide the necessary information. Trained secret service agents, who were once Roshan's assistants, were dispatched to Sri Lanka via small boats at different intervals. Their mission was to establish a branch and initiate a fresh wave of agent recruitment.

In just a matter of months, the secret service within the Vijayanagara Empire began receiving diverse intelligence inputs from various regions, much like a server with multiple computers connected to it. The significance of each piece of information was promptly assessed, categorized, and submitted to Vijay's desk for his attention.

Roshan drew inspiration for this innovative secret service structure from a recent dream. Through this ingenuity, the secret service efficiently operated, collecting intelligence from various corners of the Empire and delivering it to Vijay.