Chapter 618: Your character is not good

The ice under him was almost melted among a group of sea races, and Li He suddenly remembered the business.


"I'm here, Master Haihuang."

Li He looked around: "Is there a human here? Just... the kind of human with two legs that can walk on the shore without a fish tail."

Hella said happily. "Yes, yes, that person is fun, he will tell me a story, a story about the ball."

"What ball?" Li He looked dazed, what is there to say about a ball.

Hella: "Earth."

Lee Hye...

Is that called Earth Star?

"Where is she?" Li He asked.

"There, she is here, look at Haihuang."

Following the direction pointed by Hela, Li He looked like there.

A woman of good figure, still wearing a swimsuit. Wait, hell, where did the swimsuit come from?

Yuna was wearing an inflatable swimming ring, and she was swimming over hard, as if she was learning to swim.

Li He felt that she was swimming too slowly, and his wings spread out behind him, and he flew over.

In midair, Li He looked down at Yuna in the water.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I have seen people, here and there? Why are all robots."

Yuna grabbed the swimming ring and yelled at Lee Hyuk.

A strange light flashed in Li He's eyes. He changed his vision to observe the woman in front of him, and he still found no problems.

"I'll tell you this question later. Answer me a few questions first."

From beginning to end, Li Hyuk looked down at Yuna.

Li He solemnly said: "Name."


Li He: "Age"


Can you answer like that?

"Gender." Li He continued to ask.

"See for yourself."

Yuna straightened her chest.

Li He was full of black lines. But on the surface, he still tried to keep a dead face that no one would enter.

Li He continued to ask: "Race."

"Human evolutionary branch, Asa" Yuna replied.

Li He: "From there."

"Assa 76 Space Station." Yuna pointed to the three-dimensional code on her clothes.

Li He's eyes flashed and he made a visual screenshot. After Xiaoluo's analysis, it was found that Yuna's words and the information stored in the three-dimensional code were correct.

Li He: "What is Asa?"

"In the beginning, it was an ordinary person who crawled out of the nuclear crater. Now he is the person closest to the god, the **** in the eyes of ordinary people, a loyal believer of a great existence. Because he understands faith, Asa also understands power."

There were no omissions in the answer, and it seemed that there were no problems.

Although Li He didn't know anything about Asa, Cerberus and Bray had traveled through Asa's technology, and once told Li He about Asa.

What Yuna said can basically match the number.

Li He rubbed his temples. In fact, he communicated with Al Guanghui: "No problems were found, continue to monitor."

El Guanghui drew a few circles on the document in his hand and then put it down, lost in thought.

Isn’t there no problem? It’s just that no problem was found. It seems that Li He also had doubts about the human Asa female who suddenly appeared. If that is the case, continue to monitor it. People with a purpose will always reveal their purpose someday in the future.

The sea clan sent Yuna to the shore.

Li Hyuk walked to Yuna's side, handed over a glass of human drinkable water, and then sat beside her and said:

"Is Dukaos okay?"

Yuna results drink:

"Dead twice... was rescued by another guy named Qian Jue."

Li He... he let Qian Jue stay with the human beings, but he didn't let Dukaos, the leader of the army, lead the team to his life.

"How did you get here?"

"I was bombed by a civilized bomb. I was searching for wounded soldiers on the battlefield. A ball flew over. With a bang, I fainted. After waking up, I found that the world around me no longer knew me."

"Is it possible?"

Li He quietly established a temporary communication channel to discuss with Xiao Luo.

Xiao Luo said: "At the beginning, the devil established a super-large worm gate between the earth and Zu'an. If the weapon of that alien civilization is designed with space technology, it can send people from the first space to the subspace, then there will be The chances can follow the traces left by the Wormgate Corridor in the subspace to reach Zu'an...Master, it is possible, although the possibility is less than one in ten million."

In the vast universe, anything is possible, but it is a matter of probability.

The number of surviving earth civilizations is more than 10 million, and it seems that it makes sense for a person to pass through by chance.

"Do you want to go back? Back to Earth Star." Li He asked.

Yuna said immediately: "Yes."

"Thinking is pretty beautiful, go to sleep when you are tired, you have everything in your dreams."

Li He put his hands behind his neck and lay down on the ground as soon as he fell.

Yuna... what kind of person is this.

"By the way, my name is Lee Hyuk."


Li He opened his eyes and glanced at the woman who was sipping the wine: "Seeing the faith in your Asa's heart, aren't you excited?"

"I found that your character is not good, and the excitement has all turned into disappointment."

Li He's body immediately froze and became petrified.

Is this Nima talking drunk, or is she speaking truth after drinking?

Li He closed his eyes again and woke up in a fake sleep. This matter is considered to be dealt with. The next step is to comfort Victor who is holding his cane close to and breaking his leg.

Although his body is invincible in front of mortal weapons, Li He's body is not comparable to six or seven hydraulic legs.

But it's all old friends, and it's embarrassing to blow up the beard and stare at each other, and Li He still doesn't make sense. After all, Li He did it first.

He was thinking how to explain to Victor to avoid embarrassment and pinch, and to soothe him, at this time Li Hyuk felt someone push his side.

Open your eyes, it's Yuna.

"Oh, what do you think of that lamp?"

On the top of the sky, twinkling twinkling, it seems that the sky is full of little stars.

"Yellow Alert!"

In space, sound transmission requires a specific medium, so the alarm devices on the Ark are all lights.

Li He quickly stood up, and the black sand wrapped Li He's body, and a set of armor quickly formed. Li He opened his right hand and the black sand gathered to form a big sword.

Xiao Luo: "Master, a city in the sky on the edge of the Ark formation was attacked by an unknown life body. It has fallen behind."

The forward speed of the Ark fleet is three times the speed of light. As long as it can't keep up for a second, it will stretch hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

"The entire Ark fleet is decelerating. The sky city number 14 under the attack, and the sky city number 14 sent a request for support."