Time flew by, and two weeks passed quickly.

In the black gold castle on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, Li He slowly opened his eyes.

"The trauma of the soul is finally healed!" Li He felt a burst of joy in his heart. "My soul is now nearly one-third stronger than before I was injured. This time it is really a blessing in disguise!"

"Black Gold Castle, go above the sea!" Li He ordered to Black Gold Castle.

"Okay, Master." Black Gold Castle agreed, and quickly rose from the bottom of the sea.

A minute later, the Black Gold Castle floated above the sea from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of two to three kilometers.

At this time, the sea was covered with clouds and storms.

Such bad weather is a dangerous time for small and medium-sized ships at sea. If you are not careful, there is a danger of capsizing.

But for the Black Gold Castle, even if the wind is ten times stronger, even if the rain is ten times stronger, it can still sail smoothly over the sea!

Rather than flying in the sky, Black Gold Castle is more willing to float in the water.

If you are flying in the sky, the Black Gold Castle can fly tens of kilometers at most at a time, and you need to land on the land to rest for a while.

But floating in the water, the Black Gold Castle can continue sailing for several days and nights.

"Master, where are we going? You are stronger now, will you go to the Glory Vatican to kill the Quartet?" Black Gold Castle asked Li He.

"Of course I will go to the Glory Holy See, but not now." Li He replied, "Tony, you are sailing north now, I'm going to recruit troops and buy horses in America!"

As early as when he was in another world, Lee Hyuk had already thought about it in his heart, and when he returned to the earth world, he would form a force that belonged to him.

Now that he decides to form a power, Li He will naturally not just find a few small fish, small shrimps, cats and puppies, and the power he is about to form must be the strongest in the world!

"Within six months, I want the forces I have formed to spread across every country and region on this planet!" Li He set a development goal for himself in his heart.

Above the sea more than ten kilometers away, a small leaning passenger ship is sinking slowly.

Around the passenger ship, more than a dozen humans wearing life jackets or holding swimming rings are struggling to contend with the wind and waves on the sea.

"We must stay away from the passenger ship!" shouted a middle-aged man wearing a life jacket. "The passenger ship is about to sink. When it sinks to the bottom, it will cause a whirlpool on the water! If we don't stay away from him, it will I was sunk to the bottom of the sea with it!"

The middle-aged man named Newman is the captain of this small passenger ship that is about to sink.

"Captain, what should we do now?" a captain named Edie asked in fear.

Captain Newman said: "First try to stay away from the passenger ship! Then we have to try our luck! If we are lucky, we may be able to find a small island or something in the nearby sea; or, we can meet a passing ship! "

A young crew member named Anita asked: "What if you have bad luck?"

Captain Newman smiled bitterly: "If we are unlucky, we may not be able to see the sun tomorrow!"

He was telling the truth that in such bad weather, they couldn't live for a few hours at sea.

Suddenly, the crew member Bert suddenly exclaimed: "Look, there is a small island there!"

Everyone looked at the direction Burt was pointing, and they saw a small black island standing above the sea.

"Oh my God, we are saved!" Anita yelled, waving his arms vigorously and rowing towards the island.

"Anita, wait a minute!" said Captain Newman, "that's not an island, it's moving!"

Bert stared at it for a while, and said, "Oh my God, it's really moving!"

Casey said, "Is that a big ship?"

Edie shook his head and said, "But its appearance does not look like a big ship!"

Captain Newman squinted his eyes for half a minute and said in surprise: "It looks like a castle! God, what is going on? An old castle floating on the sea?"

Adolf wiped his eyes and said, "Captain, you are right, that thing really looks like an ancient castle!"

"Anita, come back soon, that thing is not an island or a big ship, but a weird castle!" Captain Newman shouted to Anita who had rowed dozens of meters away.

"Captain, no matter what the thing is, as long as it can help us shelter from the wind and rain, and withstand the waves, it is enough!" Anita replied, "Captain, I am very cold now. If I can't find a warm shelter, I'm afraid I won't survive even an hour!"

Anita finished speaking and swam to the black castle again.

Captain Newman looked at Anita's distant figure, and suddenly gritted his teeth: "Anita is right. If we stay at sea, we will soon be frozen to death and drowned. Since we stay on the sea, we will definitely die. , Then why don't we take a gamble? Let's go to the castle too!"

Casey asked in a little horror: "Captain, the castle is really weird. Then there will be no monsters hidden in it?"