"This giant king tiger armor looks like a difficult thing to chew!" Li He whirled around the giant king tiger armor's body, thinking to himself.

Especially the outer shell of the giant king tiger armor is even more solid than the protective deck of a human heavy tank. Although Li He has a very good mouth, it is difficult to gnaw off this thing!

But this is not difficult for Li He, there is a digestive juice in Li He's body, which can melt and digest the body of almost all living things, including the outer shell of the giant king tiger armor.

After Li He spit out the digestive juice into the outer shell of the giant king tiger armor, he came and swallowed it when the giant king tiger armor began to soften.

After a few hours, Li He finally swallowed the giant king tiger armor body.

Although the corpse of the giant king tiger armor tastes terrible, it contains a wealth of evolutionary energy.

Li He gained a total of 3680 points of evolutionary energy on this giant king tiger armor.

After devouring the giant king tiger armor, Li He continued to crawl into the depths of the valley.

After crawling for a few hundred meters, the wreckage of a spaceship appeared in Li He's field of vision.

Obviously it has been many years since this spacecraft crashed here, and some sprawling plants have grown wantonly in the wreckage of the spacecraft, and they are extremely prosperous!

"That kind of strange element seems to emanate from the wreckage of this spaceship!"

As Li He thought, he crawled over to the wreckage of the spacecraft.

Suddenly, a long black vine growing in the wreckage of the spacecraft stood up like a poisonous snake and rolled over to Li He.

"Even the plants have mutated so aggressively!"

Seeing that the black long vine was about to wrap up Li He, one of Li He's chelated feet slammed out of the clip, and the long vine was clipped off.

Part of the pinched long vine fell on the ground and twisted like a wounded snake, while the other part quickly retracted!

It began to secrete some fishy sap at its fracture, and under the juice and nourishment, the fracture began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"It's an amazing mutation!" Li He thought to himself as he watched the growing black vine.

After the black vine was clipped off, hundreds of nearby black vines were agitated, raised their heads one after another, and attacked Li He from all directions!

Li He opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of poisonous fog, and dozens of black vines hit the poisonous fog, and they were corroded instantly!

Immediately, the other black vines that had not been exposed to the poisonous mist returned like a tide!

Li He climbed to those black vines. Wherever he didn't recognize him, he would try to stay away from Li He as far as possible. Obviously, he was harming Li He!

"Unexpectedly, I have good wisdom!" Li He was surprised again in his heart.

If this momentum continues, it is possible that after hundreds of thousands of years, they may develop into a wise race!

Li He suddenly bit on a black vine in his thoughts.

"Sure enough, it can be swallowed!" Li He thought in his heart.

Since these mutant black vines can provide Li He with evolutionary energy, of course Li He will not be polite to them!

But before devouring these mutant black vines, Li He went to check the wreckage of the spacecraft.

Since the spacecraft crashed for a long time, Li He did not find any particularly valuable items or clues on the spacecraft.

However, according to some small clues, Li He believes that the owner of this ship is most likely an alien creature.

A spaceship of alien creatures crashed on Skull Island for some unknown reason. As a result, a certain substance in the spaceship leaked out and spread through the air to the entire island, resulting in a large number of biological mutations on Skull Island!

Next, Li He began to devour the mutated black vines.

Due to the large number of black vines, it may take Li Hyuk more than ten hours to swallow them all.

When Li He swallowed the black vine in the Worm Valley, Carl, Jack, and Captain Huo of England again boarded Skull Island.

"Carl, are you really going to catch that giant orangutan? You have seen that giant beast. It is much stronger than Super Tyrannosaurus. Don't you think our capture plan is dangerous?" Jack Low Asked Carl.

"Of course." Carl nodded and replied. "Do you think I'm kidding? I'll count on this behemoth for the rest of my life!"

With a worried look on Jack's face, he said, "But what if we fail to arrest? And in the process of arrest, there may be casualties!"

Carl interrupted Jack, waved his hand and said, "Nothing is wrong! You just need to follow the plan! Your task is to lead the behemoth into our ambush circle, and other things Leave it to me and Captain Huo of England!"

"Jack, even if you don't believe me, you should believe Captain Huo of England? You know, he is an expert at catching prey! Anyway, I am full of confidence in our plan!"