Chapter 69: Headshot and Lightning Knight

In the middle of the night, on the surface of a certain part of the Atlantic Ocean, a white speedboat was riding the wind and waves.

A sturdy black man with a fierce face stood on the bow and threw an empty wine bottle far away.

"It's terrible!" The **** man spit, scolded fiercely.

A slender white man walked out of the cabin and shrugged his shoulders: "In fact, it's not that bad! At least each of us earned 200,000 foreign currency subsidies!"

"Fuck the 200,000 foreign currency subsidy!" The sturdy black man scolded, "If I hadn't had this **** mission, I should be sitting at the gaming table smoking a cigar and gambling money!"

The white man smiled and said, "It is also possible that you have lost all your money now and owed a fart-share debt!"

The two men on the speedboat, one white and one black, were all mutants of the Amerika navy department.

The white man's name is Carey, and the black man's name is Obak.

Carey's ability is to discharge, he can discharge up to 1200 volts of electricity, nicknamed "Electric Light Knight".

Obak's ability is to control bullets, he can control the flight path of bullets within a certain range-but there is a premise, that is, special bullets with patterns engraved on the bullets must be used!

Because Obak is good at controlling bullets to explode the enemy's head, Obak earned the nickname "Headshot".

Both of them were instructed by Colonel Victor to go to Nubra Island to investigate the loss of communication between Major Kevin and his party.

Two hours later, the speedboat sailed into the pier on Nubra Island.

Lieutenant Casimir and Lieutenant Leyburn stood at the dock to greet them.

"What we can be sure is that one of the helicopters has hit the mountain and crashed! The other three are still missing so far!" Lieutenant Casimir said to Obuck and Carey.

Obak drew out a cigar, lit it with a lighter, and spit out a puff of smoke before he said unhurriedly: "Tell me the approximate route of Captain Kevin and Oden. Let us take care of the rest! "

Casimir had already prepared an electronic map and marked it on the map.

"Very good." Obak nodded, turned and walked outside the resort.

Casimir said in surprise: "Mr. Obak, Mr. Carey, are you planning to go to the woods now?"

Obak turned around: "Why not?"

Lieutenant Leyburn suggested: "Two, in about three hours before dawn. For safety's sake, I think you can search for them at dawn!"

A arrogant-arrogant smile appeared on Obak's face: "We have rushed through places ten times more dangerous than this! For you, the woods may be dangerous, but for us, it is just extraordinary! "

Lieutenant Casimir asked: "So, what do we need to do?"

Carey said: "Maybe you can get us a breakfast! I like sandwiches and milk, while Obak likes beef, which is half-rare and half-cooked! Also, don’t forget to prepare him a bottle of spirits, preferably Whiskey or vodka!"

After speaking, Carey and Obak disappeared into the darkness outside the resort in stride.

Lieutenant Casimir looked at the backs of Carey and Obak, and asked Lieutenant Leyburn next to him: "Do you think they will succeed?"

Lieutenant Leyburn looked serious and said: "I don't know if they will succeed, but I know that any arrogance-complacency is more likely to lead to failure!"

Carey and Obak walked quickly in the woods.

In the beginning, they walked very fast. But gradually, their speed gradually slowed down.

Carey suddenly stopped, staring at what sounded.

Upon seeing this, Obak whispered with some alertness: "What's the matter?"

Carey whispered: "Listen to—"

Obak also listened for a while, and then said puzzledly: "I don't seem to hear anything."

Carey nodded: "I didn't hear anything. But it's an extraordinary situation just because I didn't hear anything."

Obak is also a man who has experienced many battles, and he immediately understood: "In places where some powerful creatures exist, the nearby areas are often very quiet. This is because the nearby creatures have sensed the breath of the powerful creatures, so give Fran lurked in hiding."

Carey said: "I am now very sure that there is a powerful creature nearby. It may be the hybrid tyrannosaurus, or it may be other creatures."

"So, do you think this powerful creature is a half-blood tyrannosaurus or some other creature?" Obak asked.

Carey said: "I'm actually more inclined to have other powerful creatures nearby. Because if it's a hybrid Tyrannosaurus, it shouldn't happen that all four helicopters are gone! Even though the hybrid Tyrannosaurus is capable of fighting on land. Very strong, but the helicopter is flying in the sky, what can the hybrid Tyrannosaurus do?"

"It makes sense." Obak agreed with Carey's analysis.

Carey hesitated for a while, and said, "Perhaps we should wait until dawn and search again! Actually, we are not in a hurry now!"

Obuck laughed and said: "Kerry, you are good at everything, but sometimes you are too courageous! Do you feel unsafe? With your abilities, even if you encounter a creature stronger than the half-blood tyrannosaurus, What are we to be afraid of?"

As soon as the voice fell, Carey suddenly pushed her hand towards Omak, and a white light flew toward Omak.

Obak was taken aback and was angry about why Carey was about to sneak attack on him, when the white light passed over Obak's shoulder and hit a Xiujaw Dragon behind him.

The Xiujaw Dragon was immediately driven to the ground by Kaili's 1200-volt high-voltage electricity.

At the same time, Li He slowly opened his eyes seven or eight hundred meters away.

"There are two more little mice who don't know the height of the sky and the earth are coming to feed!" Li He thought to himself.