Chapter 39: Big guys have great wisdom

"Well, Mr. Conron, please go on, I'm listening." Pine said.

Kang Lun sighed: "Let's make a long story short. One of my subordinates is being chased by a huge scorpion in the Amazon rainforest. He can't leave the rainforest with his own power, so I need to send someone to rescue him."

Pine blinked: "Being chased by a giant scorpion? This sounds a bit weird! Mr. Conran, I would like to ask, how big is that giant scorpion? Didn't your hand carry it in the rainforest? Weapons?"

"Of course he has a weapon!" Kang Lun said, "I can assure that they have carried enough weapons, but everyone else is dead, and only he is still alive! The scorpion is said to be two or three meters long and will Treat humans as its food!"

Pine thought for a while, and then asked, "Mr. Conran, as far as I know, you came here the day before yesterday. Was it also for this matter?"

Conlun nodded: "Yes, it was also for this matter the day before yesterday. I was looking for Harden the day before yesterday."

Pine said: "Yes, I know this. Someone saw you sitting here with him. So, what has happened to this thing now?"

Conlon said: "After I found Harden, Harden went to the rainforest, and then about six hours—well, it’s almost seven hours now! About seven hours ago, I had a last call with Harden. , And then his satellite phone remained unanswered. Three hours ago, the satellite telegram could not be reached."

"It sounds like something troublesome!" Pine said, "I'm afraid Harden has failed! But I'm still willing to give it a try! Now, let's talk about the price of this thing!"

Kang Lun said: "How about one million foreign currency? First pay half a million foreign currency, and then pay another half a million foreign currency after it's done."

Pine frowned. "Is this the price you negotiated with Harden?"

Conlun nodded: "Yes."

Pine said: "Mr. Conran, I'm afraid this price is unacceptable. Maybe you don't know, in the circle of superpowers, my price is much higher than Harden!"

A slightly puzzled expression appeared on Kang Lun's face.

Upon seeing this, Pine explained: "Mr. Conran, perhaps in the eyes of you outsiders, Harden's fire superpower is very cool, but cool and powerful are not the same thing!"

"Tell you so, if I fight with Harden, I can definitely beat him to the ground within a minute! Although Harden's fire superpower is very cool, but his own strength is too weak, and his reaction is too weak. too slow!"

"All in all, Harden's superpowers are flashy in the eyes of true insiders!"

Conlun thought for a while and asked, "So, Pine, how much do you want?"

Pine Shen pointed out two fingers: "Two million foreign currency, I promise to rescue that person from the rainforest."

"Is the price a bit too high?" Conlun said, looking at Pine.

Pine shrugged his shoulders: "Mr. Conran, value is always linked to strength! If you want to hire powerful people to handle some tricky things, you have to pay a high price! Of course, you can also choose cheaper ones. Superpowers, but there is a saying? Well, "cheap is not good"! If you are greedy for a while, you will often lose more in the end!"

Conlun asked: "Are you sure you can complete the task?"

Pine nodded: "I'm pretty sure."

Conlun gritted his teeth: "Very well, then I'll wait for your good news! Besides, if you can catch the giant scorpion alive, I will give you another million foreign currency; if it is a corpse If it is, it’s 200,000 foreign currency."

Two days later, the burly, muscular Pine appeared in the rainforest.

Although Pine weighs as much as 140 kilograms, he showed no signs of clumsiness when he moved.

Even compared to Harden, who entered the rainforest a few days ago, Pine was obviously much more flexible.

"I'm a big guy, I have great wisdom!" Pyne hummed briskly as he walked.

Li He followed him twenty or thirty far behind Pine, watching him patiently.

"Another superpower! It seems that he should be a power superpower!" Li He thought to himself.

"On the surface, this muscular guy seems to be a brash man with well-developed limbs and a simple head, but judging from the signs he shows when he walks, his head is not simple at all!"

After observing for a while, Li He concluded: "This big guy is obviously better than the superpower I ate last time, but this can't be a reason for me not to eat him!"

Now that he had decided to do it, Li He didn't hesitate anymore. When the four pairs of steps were used at the same time, his body flew towards Pine like an arrow from the string!