A raft descends on a tributary of the Amazon River.

On the raft, the five survivors of the human expedition were still in shock.

While shaking his oars, the black young Kerr asked Chuanen’s guide: “Chaenen, is there really a giant scorpion in this world that feeds on giant pythons of more than ten meters?”

The ship’s grace guide nodded without hesitation: “I’ve seen it with my own eyes, isn’t it true enough?”

The black beauty Gale said: "A golden giant scorpion, as fast as a cheetah, more toxic than a stone spider, and a pair of indestructible tongs, which can easily kill a mutated python that is more than ten meters long! God! Ah, what kind of monster is this?"

Captain Bill thought: "This should also be a mutant species! But compared to those ten-meter-long pythons, this golden giant scorpion is more mutated!"

The white beauty Shan said: "Is the giant python corpse that disappeared last night related to this golden giant scorpion?"

Captain Bill said, "It's very possible."

"God!" The black young Kerr drew a cross in front of Xiong. "So, we might have had a face-to-face with the golden giant scorpion last night? Sometime during the process of demolishing the house and building the raft. , That guy is watching us in the dark somewhere nearby?"

"Very likely." Captain Bill nodded.

"That's horrible!" said Gale, the black beauty. "Looking back now, I feel a wave of creeps!"

The white beauty Shan said: "The only fortunate thing is that it doesn't seem to be very interested in us humans!"

The ship’s guide nodded: “Yes, I feel that it does not seem to be malicious to people humans!”

Kerr, a young black man, retorted: "There is no malice, how could it kill Jack?"

"Jack's death, it's her own responsibility!" The black beauty Gal's impression of Dr. Jack was extremely bad.

She didn't feel sad at all about Dr. Jack's death, but felt a little divided.

"If Jack doesn't die, then I must be the one who died at that time!" Shipen's guide said, "In a sense, that golden giant scorpion has a life-saving grace for me!"

The white beauty Shan said: "With the ability of the golden giant scorpion to easily kill the giant scorpion, if it lists us humans as prey, then we people will definitely not survive last night!"

With a thoughtful expression on the face of the ship's enlightenment guide, he said: "When I was young, I once heard a legend about the indigenous tribe of the rainforest. This legend may be related to this golden giant scorpion."

"What legend?" Captain Bill and Shan asked in unison.

The ship’s guide said: “In the legend, some tribes in the Amazon rainforest worshiped a giant scorpion as a god!”

The black young Kerr looked at the ship's guide and said, "Ship'en, do you suspect that the golden giant scorpion is the **** of the indigenous tribe?"

The ship’s guide nodded and said: "I think it is very likely to be an indigenous god! Although the Amazon rainforest tribe is blocked and backward, they are not fools after all. Since they enshrine a scorpion as a god, there must be a reason! If only Ordinary scorpion, why is it enshrined by indigenous tribes?"

Captain Bill pondered: "If the golden giant scorpion is an indigenous tribe god, some of its behavior can be explained. Because it is enshrined by the indigenous tribe, it has established some extraordinary relationships with the indigenous tribe. This makes it have a certain goodwill towards humans and does not list humans as predators."

"So, although this golden giant scorpion has long discovered us humans, it did not attack us. After all, we and the indigenous tribesmen in the rainforest are all humanoid creatures walking upright in its eyes."

The white beauty Shan said: "Bill, I think it makes sense for you to analyze this way. But since the golden giant scorpion has a good opinion of humans, why does it kill Jack? Isn't Jack a humanoid creature walking upright like us? ?"

For Shan's question, Captain Bill didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Perhaps that golden giant scorpion has the magical ability to recognize good people and bad people!" said the black beauty Gal, "it knew that Jack was a bad person, so it killed him!"

In the valley, Li He was devouring the bad guy Dr. Jack.

Although Dr. Jack is a bad guy, the genes in his body are excellent.

Li He gained 79 evolutionary energy from it.

In this way, the evolutionary energy accumulated in Li He's body reached 578 points, which is only 422 points away from the next evolution.

Then, Li He began to devour the blood orchids in the valley.