In the boundless Amazon rainforest, Li He couldn't help being curious when he suddenly saw human lights.

Who lights up a lamp in the woods on the other side of the river?

Is it a native or an outsider in the Amazon rainforest?

When Li He was a human in his previous life, he had seen information about indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest in some materials.

In the vast expanse of the Amazon rainforest, there are hundreds of indigenous tribes, some of which maintain contact with the outside world, while others are basically isolated from the world.

These indigenous tribes have thousands of people, while the small ones have only dozens of people.

In addition to the indigenous tribes in the rainforest, some modern humans occasionally break into the Amazon rainforest.

These visitors come from modern society, some of them are explorers, some are poachers, and some are researchers engaged in animal and plant research.

Li He quietly crossed the river more than a hundred meters wide, carefully crawling towards the light.

Two tents were erected in the woods, and the light was leaking from one of the tents.

Eight people, six men, and two women sat in the illuminated tent.

Judging from their appearance and their outfits, they are obviously from outside modern society.

They are talking non-stop in English.

When Li He was a human in his previous life, he had studied English by himself and his English was very good, so he could fully understand what the humans in the tent were saying.

After listening quietly for a moment, from their words, Li He knew that they were an expedition team, and they entered the Amazon rainforest to find a plant called "blood orchid".

The mysterious gene in the blood orchid is said to greatly delay aging, so the expedition was hired by a pharmaceutical company in America to search for the flower in the Amazon rainforest.

"Strange, why do I have a sense of deja vu in this situation?" Li He thought for a few seconds, and then suddenly remembered-isn't this the plot of a movie he saw in his previous life? !

That movie has been in Lee Hyuk's impression for a long time, and he saw it when he was a child.

If I remember correctly, the name of the movie should be called "The Anaconda".

"The Anaconda" is a series of movies, and the plot to find the blood orchid should be the second in this series.

Regarding the plot of this movie, Li He has forgotten the seven or eighty-eight, only remember that there is a big python like a ghost, and its big mouth can easily devour humans!

The reason why the boa constrictor became so powerful seems to be because it ate the blood orchid.

Thinking of this, Li He's heart suddenly moved: "Since the blood orchid can make the python become so powerful, it will probably help me too!"

In order to determine whether this expedition team was the one he had remembered, Li He listened patiently for a long time, and then he was finally able to determine: This is the expedition team in the second part of "The Anaconda".

There are eight members in this expedition team, they are-

Dr. Jack Byron, White Medicine Expert

White Beauty Shane Rogers

Gordon Mitchell

Gail Stern

Cole Burris

White Captain Bill Johnson

Yellow Race Guide Boat En

Ban Doug

In addition to these eight humans, there is also a monkey named Xiaokang. The monkey was raised by the white captain Bill and has been squatting on Bill's shoulders.

The group of them had come by Captain Bill's ship, but the ship was damaged in the middle, so they had to abandon the old broken ship.

As there is no transportation, the current situation and atmosphere of this expedition team are a bit bad.

Regarding what to do next, the members of the expedition team are also divided into three factions.

The first faction was headed by Dr. Jack, who advocated continuing the search for blood orchids. Although they don't have a boat, they still have feet and can walk along the river bank.

The brawny black man Gordon and the white team doctor Doug support Dr. Jack.

The second faction is headed by the black beauty Gail, who proposed to end the expedition.

Cole, a young black man, agreed with Gale's proposal.

The white beauty Shan, the white captain Bill and the yellow guide Chuanen remained neutral for the time being.

Dr. Jack argued with the black beauty Gal, and in the end it was Dr. Jack who won.

Because as Dr. Jack said, they have gone deep into the rain forest. They have no means of transportation. Even if the expedition is ended immediately, their return journey will be full of difficulties and dangers.

Since moving forward and returning are the same difficulties and dangers, why not choose to move forward?

Li He also hopes that they will continue to move forward.

If they continue to move forward, Li He can follow them to find the legendary blood orchid!