Chen Shouzhong and Yuan Qilin shook their heads.

Chen Shouzhong: "there are some difficulties in doing business with Lao maozi, mainly due to the problem of money. They really need our mainland commodities, such as canned food, as well as daily necessities such as thermoss, clothes and shoes. But they don't have US dollars, and we dare not ask for rubles, so the business volume is not large."

Xiao SA nodded and said, "I'll give you an idea to organize the sources of goods urgently needed by old maozi in China as soon as possible, mainly light industrial products and food, and sell them."

Yuan Qilin said, "do you accept rubles? The risk is too great!"

Xiao Sao shook his head: "there is no US dollar, but we don't want rubles. We ask them for goods, arrive with goods, and exchange what they need for trucks, machine tools, precision instruments and equipment, and even aircraft."

"What?" Chen Shouzhong and Yuan Qilin almost lost their chin.

Xiao SA got up and spread out a map of the state of the Soviet Union. Dozens of places on it were circled by Xiao SA with a red pen.

Xiao SA pointed to the red circle he drew on the map and said: "At present, laomaozi is in turmoil in China, people want to change, and no one cares about production. Your two companies should quickly send capable teams to laomaozi to start with what we need. As long as the mainland needs it, you will give me a chance to get it back and exchange cans for their trucks and planes!"

Chen Shouzhong and Yuan Qilin looked at each other and thought Xiao Sa's move was really incredible and bold!

Knowing that they had doubts, Xiao SA pointed to a place marked by him on the map and said, "come on, let me tell you:

For example, this aircraft manufacturer is facing closure. They have eight Tu-154 aircraft in stock. They are eager to sell them, but they dare not sell them to the West. They are unable to find a buyer.

I heard that our Sichuan Airlines is trying to buy this kind of aircraft. The State Administration of civil aviation will certainly support it. Lao maozi is also willing to buy it for us. We have the right to foreign trade and Sichuan Airlines has the right to aviation. As long as we rub it together and cooperate with Sichuan Airlines, we can make it happen!

Another example is Lao maozi's large transportation company, which has hundreds of heavy trucks. Many domestic manufacturers want to... "

Xiao zaizi explained to them one by one for an hour. Now yuan Qilin and Chen Shouzhong finally realized that Xiao zaizi was not talking to them.

Xiao SA finally said: "You must grasp the opportunity to make a move, not too early or too hasty, otherwise you can't cut down the price and the profit margin is small. You should lower the price as much as possible and exchange the minimum cost for the maximum profit! Of course, it's not too late, and it's gone if it's too late! If it involves negotiating with the government, you should report to me immediately, and I will win the support of the State Foreign Economic and Trade Commission and the State Planning Commission. Do you understand?"

Chen Shouzhong: "I see. We can lower the price at both ends and make money at both ends. It's just that there are some risks at Lao maozi's side, but it's worth doing!"

Yuan Qilin: "I see. I'll organize capable forces immediately."

Xiao Sa: "OK, you divide these dozens of units. One person and half. Don't fight with your own people at that time!"

Chen Shouzhong: "OK, let's take it back and subdivide it."

Xiao Sa: "I'm just telling you a general idea today. You can think about it when you go back. But don't always think about it, because you sit at home and don't know the actual situation in Lao maozi's country, so don't wait. Send someone in first to grasp the actual situation and determine the next action plan. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You must not delay the time!"

Seeing Xiao Sa's serious tone, Chen Shouzhong and Yuan Qilin quickly stood up and said in unison, "yes."

After the business talk, we'll talk about friendship.

Xiao SA first asked Uncle and grandfather yuan Qingmei about his physical condition. Knowing that he was still the same, he was relieved and made an appointment to visit the old man in the afternoon.

Similarly, Xiao SA asked old man Chen cunzheng about his health. Chen Shouzhong said with a smile, "our old man is in great health! I didn't have time to tell him you came, otherwise he would have come."

Xiao Sa: "no! I'd better go to see the old man tomorrow morning."

Yuan Qilin and Chen Shouzhong left immediately. Xiao SA wanted to leave yuan Qilin to ask about Yuan Meng, but he thought he would go to see his uncle and grandfather in the afternoon anyway. It's OK to ask again then and let them go.

In the afternoon, Xiao SA and Yuan Meng went to see Uncle grandpa together. Uncle Grandpa couldn't close his mouth when he saw them. He had to leave Xiao SA for dinner before he let him go.

Yuan Qilin was at home with him, but then an important customer came to the company. He had to go. What Xiao SA wanted to ask failed again.

After staying in Hong Kong for another two or three days, it was the end of July.

Xiao SA did not delay any longer. He took Fu Rao and flew directly from Hong Kong to Germany. He made a round trip in Germany, Sweden, Denmark and France. He successively inspected the rich world Tai Chi hall founded by Peter, Daisy, angel and Francis. He gave them guidance and instruction hand in hand, which benefited everyone a lot.

Susanna actually took the time to accompany her all the way. Secretly, naturally, she could not help falling in love with Xiao SA. The winding path leads to the secluded

After seven or eight days in Europe, I finally said goodbye to Suzanne and Francis in Paris and flew to London.

Elizabeth had already received a call from Daisy and others to welcome the plane.

Elizabeth is a member of the British royal family, so the reception standard is not generally high. Xiao SA thought she should take into account her identity and didn't start Taiji company?

Who knows, Elizabeth took him to visit the rich Tai Chi hall she founded with a smile. Xiao SA was stunned after watching it!

The British royal family not only gave Elizabeth a large school as a Tai Chi training base, but also assigned a small garden near the school to Elizabeth.

At present, she has recruited many staff and is working in an orderly manner.

Xiao SA was very pleased that rich Tai Chi had five branches in Europe, and Tai Chi began to take root in the European continent

Xiao SA gave Elizabeth special guidance for two days, and left Fu Rao to continue his guidance. He quietly went to Cambridge to see Wanqing. He fell in love with Wanqing for many days and left.

In mid August, Xiao SA flew to Boston and saw that Danlu had lost some weight, but she was full of energy. It happened that she had just finished her work in the astronomy center and was going to Harvard University for graduate courses.

In his spare time, Xiao SA took her and Fu Rao to visit Huangshi National Park.

Yellowstone Park is the first largest national park in the world, covering an area of about 900000 hectares.

Xiao Sa's three people have successively visited Mammoth Hot Spring Area, Huangshi Grand Canyon and waterfall, Huangshi lake, intermittent hot spring, historical relics museum and other scenic spots. They can't help but be shocked by its vastness and spectacular, and are also impressed by the excellent protection of its natural ecological landscape.

Yellowstone National Park has long been included in the world natural heritage protection list. It has rich vegetation and a wide variety of wild animals. There are various eye-catching natural landscapes such as Canyon waterfalls, lakes and mountains, geysers, hot springs, steam pools, hot water pools, mud fields and jet holes. Xiao SA and her three had a good time and took many photos. It was fun!

However, the happy time always passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, seven or eight days passed. The day for Danlu to report for admission came. The three returned to Boston, and Danlu entered a tense learning state again.

Xiao SA accompanied Danlu for another period of time, and then went to New York with Fu Rao