Xiao SA was also happy. It seems that he had to look through the international student information book when he went back. He neglected such an important resource!

After the final day of the final exam, the counselor Zhu Minghui gathered the students of class 2 for a short meeting, which was nothing more than to remind the students of the precautions for the summer vacation. After the meeting, Zhu Minghui shouted Xiao SA and told him excitedly that because he had published two or three academic papers in influential domestic journals, this time he had the opportunity to be officially rated as a lecturer of Beijing University by the teaching assistant, The school has issued a professional title evaluation form for him to fill in and hand it in.

Zhu Minghui sincerely thanked Xiao SA. The publication of his papers benefited from Xiao Sa's guidance.

Xiao SA didn't take this seriously, but thought of Wanqing. Wanqing was evaluated as a lecturer last year. I wonder if he has the opportunity to evaluate as an associate professor this time? Under normal circumstances, it is impossible. We have to wait three or five years to rank according to seniority.

Xiao SA smiled and congratulated Zhu Minghui. She left the classroom and was going to go to Wanqing's snail house. She was going to ask her about her professional title evaluation, but she was blocked by Su Xiaobei's smile.

Su Xiaobei handed him a monthly journal of contemporary literature. Xiao SA didn't need to know that multidimensional world was officially published.

Su Xiaobei said happily, "this journal has published the first half of multidimensional world, and the second half of the issue in August. The trilogy of parallel world has finally come out. The editorial department wants to take advantage of the summer vacation to launch the single edition of multidimensional world and distribute the trilogy set. I agreed without asking your opinion. Are you ok?"

Xiao Sa: "good thing! What's your opinion?"

Su Xiaobei: "what about translating what you said into English?"

Xiao SA has a headache. There is a thick academic work to translate in Wanqing! Here's another trilogy! But Xiao SA doesn't want to fake it. He's afraid that others can't translate it. He has to take his time. Anyway, he has two years to go to college and work hard!

Xiao SA said, "let's talk about it next semester. When the summer vacation comes, take a good vacation first."

Su Xiaobei: "what's good for summer vacation? It's so hot! It's better to hide at home and cool down!"

Xiao Sa: "literature comes from life. Hide at home. What do you write in the future?"

Su Xiaobei: "isn't there you? You are the source of my creation! I'll just find you."

Xiao Sa: "wishful thinking! The trilogy is completed and our cooperation is over. From then on, you take your Yangguan road and I cross my single wooden bridge."

Su Xiaobei stared at Xiao Sa: "no! If you dare to ignore me, I'll die and show you!"

Xiao sprinkled a slap on the back of her head: "what is dead and alive? Life is so worthless?"

Su Xiaobei murmured, "I used to be dead! Now you give me my life! You ignore me, I still have to die!"

Xiao SA cried and laughed: "you are now a famous writer respected by everyone. You have a bright future. Leave me and live better!"

Su Xiaobei pouted: "no!"

Xiao Sa's heart was soft. Knowing her dependence on herself, she had to say, "well, let's ignore these for the time being. Go back and have a good summer vacation! I've written a trilogy. Aren't you tired?"

Su Xiaobei: "tired, but I'm very happy. I'm most afraid of doing nothing. I'm flustered at leisure! I want to write another novel during the holiday. Give me some more inspiration!"

Xiao SA raised her foot and ran away: "I'm afraid of you!"

Su Xiaobei smiled when he saw him fleeing

When she returned to her bedroom, she saw that everyone was packing and preparing to leave school and go home tomorrow. She asked, "how are you going to spend your summer vacation?"

As a result, everyone began to talk. Only Li Shuqin and li man were silent. Li Shuqin was ready to go home with her bag on her back. She lived in Beijing and didn't have to wait until she left school tomorrow.

Su Xiaobei has always had a close relationship with Li Shuqin. Thanks to Li Shuqin telling Xiao SA about the last incident, it was possible to resolve the bad thing silently and perfectly. Therefore, Su Xiaobei has always been very grateful to Li Shuqin, so he came forward to take the bag in her hand and said, "I'll send you!"

Su Xiaobei has been sending Li Shuqin to the school gate. Li Shuqin said with a smile: "send you thousands of miles, and you must say goodbye. Go back and have a happy holiday!"

Su Xiaobei: "are you going to stay in Beijing all summer? Will you go to Suzhou?"

Li Shuqin whispered a few words in Su Xiaobei's ear. Su Xiaobei immediately looked happy and whispered a few words in Li Shuqin's ear. They looked at each other, smiled and waved goodbye

Xiao SA came to Wanqing's snail house. Wanqing may have gone to a meeting. Before she came back, Xiao SA waited. She thought she would call again to remind her. He hurried back to his bedroom, cleaned up what he had brought back, said hello to his classmates, and left school. Fu Rao was afraid he had been waiting for a long time!

Sure enough, Fu Rao's car had already been waiting in the old place, and li man had already got on the car. Now she has formed a dependence on Xiao SA. Xiao SA arranged to buy a ticket back to Tanzhou during the summer vacation, and naturally went back together.

Xiao SA first went to Tsinghua to pick up Danlu, and then took a detour to the Central Academy of fine arts to pick up Ding Ning.

Unexpectedly, when entering the door, she collided with Shen Danping, who was in a hurry to go out. Fortunately, Xiao SA was tall and hugged her before she didn't knock her down.

Xiao Sa: "rash ghost! In such a hurry! Why go?"

Shen Danping saw that it was Xiao SA. She was relieved and said, "why did you come so late? Ding Ning was in a hurry. I just wanted to go out and see if you came?"

Ding Ning sat quietly at the head of the bed, cut his hair with his hand and said, "what's my hurry? Is it you? I told you not to hurry."

Shen Danping was angry and said, "dead girl, the emperor is not in a hurry. He is anxious to die a eunuch!"

Ding Ning got up and hugged her. "Good sister! I'm leaving. Have a nice holiday!"

Shen Danping: "get out of here, love sex more than friends!"

Ding Ning suddenly blushed.

Xiao SA walked out of their bedroom with Ding Ning's suitcase, but someone smiled and said, "Dan Ping, why don't you go with Ding Ning..."

Dan Ping: "Sao hoof, I won't tear your mouth!"

Ding Ning puffed a smile behind Xiao SA. Xiao SA turned back and said, "what are you laughing at?"

Ding Ning: "brother, do you know that everyone in our bedroom has a copy of contemporary today, and you have become the idol of all the students in our bedroom! In particular, Dan Ping adores you. She edited all the news reports and photos about you into booklets. Parallel world and mirror world. She was early in contemporary I read it on the Internet, and then I bought a separate edition collection. She envies me every day! "

Xiao SA immediately forced the cow to coax: "you see, brother can still give you some face?"

Ding Ning smiled like a flower: "more than face saving? There are all in it! Even our head teacher, Mr. bin, praised you to me several times! She read the CCTV report on you, the time you gave a speech at Harvard University."

Xiao Sa: "it's a piece of cake!"

Ding Ning: "cow force!"

Xiao SA laughed.

A full load of people returned to the Lepi Lane quadrangle, but saw an uninvited guest squatting at the gate of the courtyard. On a hot day, they were wearing a melon skin hat, small eyes, big nose, happy face, and holding a big pipe in their hand. It turned out to be Huang Yinyu, an old urchin.

Xiao SA hurried out of the car and saluted: "old Huang, how did you find here?"

Huang Yinyu: "my disciple has a holiday. I want to take her to the capital so that she won't be abducted and run away!"

Xiao SA was moved and funny. Knowing that he was thinking about Lingzi, he quickly invited him into the main room to sit down and serve tea and water.

Unexpectedly, Huang Yinyu was restless. He got up and went out again. He walked around the quadrangle several times, then walked around the houses, and finally returned to the main room. Xiao SA, who had been politely accompanying him behind him, shook his head and said, "something's wrong! Something's wrong..."