There are more than 100 universities in this city, including the famous Harvard University.

Harvard University is the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States. It is a world-renowned private research university and a member of the famous Ivy League. It has a high academic status and extensive influence in many fields such as literature, medicine, law, business and astrophysics. It is recognized as one of the top higher education and research institutions in the world.

Harvard University has trained eight American presidents, and has given birth to more than 150 Nobel Prize winners and 18 fields prize winners, all ranking first in the world.

Xiao SA and his party arrived on time according to the itinerary already agreed with Harvard University. After the school staff picked up the plane and checked in at the hotel, they reconfirmed the schedule of the visit and speech with the school, declined the kindness of the school staff to accompany them and let them go back because Ike was there.

The four people didn't have to change jet lag. After washing, they went out of the hotel and went shopping together.

They first went to see the famous Boston landmark State Capitol building, which has a golden dome. It has stood on the lighthouse mountain for more than two centuries and is known as the "center of the solar system". After taking photos, several people went to visit the "road of freedom".

"Freedom Road" is the most famous cultural landscape in Boston, USA. It is about three miles long from Boston Park to the bunker mountain monument. It will string together many major events and scenic spots reflecting the American colonial era and the war of independence, such as the Boston Tea pouring event and the first shot of the war of Independence... The "Freedom Road" has witnessed the history of the American people's struggle for independence and freedom!

After a sumptuous dinner in the western restaurant, the four returned to the hotel to stay.

Xiao sprinkled into the room to take a bath and came out. He saw Fu Rao watching TV in his room. Xiao sprinkled a glance and saw that it was a boxing program. Xiao sprinkle felt no meaning, but Fu Rao watched it with relish.

Xiao SA was tired and said to Fu Rao, "sister, I don't care about you. I'm going to sleep."

Fu Rao stared at the TV and said, "you sleep with you. I'll watch it for a while."

Xiao sprinkled on the bed and soon fell asleep

I don't know how long later, Xiao sprinkle felt vaguely that someone had gone to his bed and was taking off his clothes. Xiao sprinkle thought it was Ike again. Knowing that she was bold, she was at her mercy

After a while, a hot body squeezed into his arms. Xiao SA thought it was Ike in the dark. He suddenly became passionate and turned over to press her under him. For a time, they went crazy

Before long, Xiao SA felt a strong tremor from her

Xiao SA felt something wrong, but when he was full of passion, he would think more. He had been frantically tossing for more than half an hour before he stopped.

Xiao SA stretched out her arm and took her into her arms. Hearing her moan, Xiao SA was surprised: "sister!" reached out and turned on the wall lamp.

It was Fu Rao. She looked shy, her eyes drooped and charming. At the moment, she was already soft and unable to move, curled up in Xiao Sa's arms, like a lazy cat

Xiao SA quickly turned off the light, hugged Fu Rao and said in her ear, "sister, why?"

Fu Rao: "brother, I don't know why? I don't want anything. I won't ask you for money, let alone fame. I just want to hurt you! Love you! You're tired, sleep, don't think about anything, good..."

Early in the morning, Xiao SA woke up. Fu Rao had left his room, but there was still her fragrance beside his pillow. Xiao SA was warm and ashamed. He didn't expect that his first night in the United States would be so romantic and beautiful.

Xiao SA reluctantly gets up and washes. He opens the door for breakfast. Fu Rao's door also opens. Fu Rao comes out and looks at him with gentle eyes.

Xiao SA saw that she was walking differently. Knowing that he had tossed her too hard last night, he hurried forward to hold her and said, "don't worry?"

Fu Rao whispered in his ear, "you're a hungry wolf! Danlu has the country and the city, but he didn't feed you?"

Xiao SA smiled Hei hei: "I won't be hungry if I have you in the future!"

Fu Rao: "well, I only give you one in my life. If you want it, find me. I love you!"

Xiao Sa's heart is burning. He wants to kiss Fu Rao in public!

After breakfast, the four went to Harvard University to visit and give a speech together with the staff of Harvard University.

Harvard University has no imaginary high-rise buildings, but palace like buildings scattered in large tracts of lawn, antique, exquisite and elegant.

Harvard University obviously planned the event carefully. The organization, reception and other aspects were impeccable, simple and solemn. What made Xiao SA interesting was that before the speech, he and Wanqing saw the small Lu Yu at a glance. Next to her was a CCTV reporter holding a camera.

Xiao SA didn't expect that CCTV would pay so much attention and would send reporters to the United States!

Of course, besides teachers and students, there are also many journalists from other news media, periodicals and newspapers.

The president of Harvard University personally presided over the speech. He enthusiastically introduced Wanqing and Xiao SA. He not only called them the youngest and best scholars and writers, but also humorously called them the golden girls of the mysterious East.

When Wanqing and Xiao SA left the podium, they really surprised all the teachers, students and journalists present at Harvard University. Xiao SA was tall and handsome. The charming, beautiful and beautiful Wanqing almost gathered the best characteristics of all Oriental women. It was full of charm and made everyone applaud warmly.

Ladies first, Wanqing starts his speech in pure English with a clear and sweet soft voice:

"Dear president, teachers and students, Hello!

Yesterday, my companion Mr. Xiao SA and I came to the beautiful, ancient and mysterious Boston to experience the "road of freedom" and witness the great history of the American people's pursuit of independence and freedom! The 5000 years of the Chinese nation is also a history of the pursuit of independence and freedom, especially the pursuit of spiritual freedom! "

Xiao Sa: "there are many schools of Chinese traditional culture, such as Confucianism, Taoism, strategists, Zen and so on. There are thousands of rich works, methods and paths, but the wisdom and ultimate pursuit contained in them are interlinked, making our human hearts more peaceful, more peaceful, more compassionate and brighter! Let the world live in love!"

Wanqing: "Confucianism, for example, takes benevolence as the core. The way to practice is sincerity, integrity, knowledge, self-cultivation, family unity, governing the country and leveling the world. There was a great Confucian in China's Ming Dynasty. His name was Wang Yangming..."

Xiao Sa: "Zen, for example, takes compassion as the core. The way of practice pays attention to enlightenment and insight. The world has Buddha nature. Mystery is all sentient beings, and enlightenment is Buddha..."

Wanqing: "Taoism, for example, follows the laws of human nature and nature as the core..."

Xiao Sa: "No matter what approach or method we take, we start with every thought at the moment. Wang Yangming, a great Confucian scholar, said that there is no good and no disgust. There are good and malicious movements. Knowing good and knowing evil is conscience, and eliminating evil for good is a kind thing. Let people get conscience for good and eliminating evil. Buddhism says, don't do all evil, pursue all good, read heaven and hell, and heaven and hell are all in your mind. Please advise me The world is merciful... "

Wanqing: "therefore, the wisdom of Chinese traditional culture tells us that whether the world is war or peace, restless or quiet, ugly or beautiful, dark or bright starts from perceiving every thought we have at present. Cause and effect are connected, what cause and effect we plant, what effect we get, what evil cause, natural evil effect, good cause and natural good effect..."

Xiao Sa: "Wang Yangming said on his deathbed, 'my heart is bright!', the earth is very small and like dust in the vast universe, so we can call it the global village. We are all villagers of the global village, breathing together and sharing a common destiny! We sincerely hope that every villager in the global village will start from being aware of his current thoughts, and then expand to being aware of all his words and actions and not give birth to the world The world brings hatred, complaint, sadness, pain and darkness, and brings peace, peace, joy and light to the world! Be a person with a bright heart! At that time, you can experience what is qiguanchanghong! "

The speech suddenly stopped, the whole audience was quiet, and then applause broke out for a long time