After school, Xiao SA suddenly said to li man at the same table, "Happy Birthday!"

Li man is secretly sad! Last year, Xiao SA specifically told her the day of her birthday. Xiao Sa also promised to celebrate her birthday today. As a result, today's Day is almost over, and he hasn't heard anything yet. Li man thinks he has already forgotten.

A little joy arose in his heart, but Li Man scolded: "what ghost are you? Today is almost over! Come to bless me at this moment? Say, did you just remember?"

Xiao Sa: "aunt, I booked a birthday party for you yesterday. It's in the flower like jade private room of the sishuiliunian restaurant. You go and ask your good friends to go together. I'll wait for you there first."

"Mm-hmm." li man ran out first happily.

Xiao Shao was not in a hurry. He walked slowly to the sishuiliunian restaurant and walked into the flower like jade private room he had ordered. Today, the flower like jade private room is very warm. There is no light on. Two red candles are lit. The candle light flickers, which is very romantic. A big round table that can accommodate 20 people is covered with a red tablecloth. In the center is a large basin of bright flowers, but it's not roses. Xiao SA doesn't want li man to misunderstand.

But there was someone inside, Tingting Yuli, smiling like flowers, looking at herself.

Not li man. Who else?

Xiao SA was surprised and said, "what the hell are you? How can you arrive faster than me?"

Li man smiled: "I am the reincarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva, with great powers!"

Xiao Sa: "where are your good friends?"

Li Man: "it's all here."

Xiao SA knew that she didn't call any good friends at all. Instead, she ran here directly. She smiled and said to the waiter standing outside the door, "serve."

After a while, twenty-one beautiful young waitresses filed in with dishes in their hands, reported a dish name and a dish, and filled a large table at once.

Li man was stunned and said for a long time, "Xiao SA, you're crazy! Can we finish eating so many dishes?"

Xiao Sa: "it's not my fault. I asked you to call your good friend. You didn't call."

Li Man: "even if I call all my good friends in Beijing, I can't eat so much!"

Xiao Sa: "not much. Twenty-one dishes represent the twenty-one years you have gone through. They are full of ups and downs. Taste them again today. After today, you won't want to think about it and stride forward to a better future!"

Li man puffed a smile: "where do I sit?"

Xiao SA went over, took her hand, asked her to sit down in the central master position, poured red wine for her, then walked to the opposite side of her, poured red wine, raised his glass and said, "Li Man children: now, on behalf of all your relatives and friends, the Jade Emperor and the queen mother, I wish you a happy birthday! My youth will last forever!"

Li man puffed a smile again: "how come the Jade Emperor and the queen mother are here?"

Xiao Sa: "goddess Guanyin's birthday, they naturally want to come."

Li man smiled and stared at Xiao SA. The candle was dim, and he couldn't see it very clearly. He said, "you sit here, just the two of us. What are you doing so far away from me?"

"Distance makes beauty!" Xiao SA said with a smile, but still walked over with a wine glass and sat down next to li man.

Li man looked at him and pursed his lips.

Xiao Sa: "what are you silly about?"

Li Man: "I suddenly found that what you just said is very reasonable."

Xiao Sa: "what sentence?"

Li Man: "distance produces beauty. When you get closer now, I find that you look so ugly!"

Xiao SA didn't expect li man, who has always been serious, to have such a humorous side. He immediately laughed and said, "it's sad! You didn't know until today after sharing the table with you for so many years? You really should have a penalty! But for your birthday today, you won't be punished. Come on, brother clown, a toast to the great beauty!"

Li man smiled, picked up his glass and drank, saying, "brother clown, this name sounds good! Come on, brother clown, I respect you!"

Xiao SA didn't expect that li man called his clown brother all his life.

"Don't worry, drink the wine slowly." Xiao sprinkled li man with a dish and said, "try each of the 21 dishes. Even one bite means you've eaten."

Li man smiled: "OK!" he picked up a bowl of noodles and ate it.

Xiao SA gave her another chopstick and another dish, but li man picked up a red wine cup: "a dish, a glass of wine, one year old. Come on, dry!"

Xiao SA raised his glass and touched her and did it.

It was said to be a cup. In fact, I only poured her a sip at a time.

When all the 21 dishes are tasted, li man becomes as beautiful as peach and plum.

Xiao SA clapped her hands. Two young girls came in with the birthday cake in the dining car. Xiao SA took Li Man's hand and came to the birthday cake. Li man saw that the birthday cake said: "congratulations to Li Man's children on their happy birthday, eternal youth and longevity!"

Li Man: "eh! Brother clown, you are so vulgar!"

Xiao Sa: "don't worry, brother. Just be elegant. Come on, light candles and make a wish."

Li man smiled and lit a candle to make a wish. Xiao SA cut a cake and handed it to her. Li man took it. He couldn't eat it. As soon as his eyes turned, he suddenly patted the cake on Xiao Sa's face, then turned and ran away.

Xiao SA immediately chased after him with a cake in his hand, and the two fought a cake war

The result of the war was that there were blooming cakes on their hair, face, neck and even body.

Both of them looked at me and I looked at you. Finally, they both laughed and couldn't breathe. They bent down

After laughing, they both went into the bathroom and washed out. Xiao SA took out a box from his pocket and handed it to Li Man and said, "here's the birthday present."

Li man took it and opened it. It was a wrist watch, exquisite and lovely.

Li man took it out, put it on his wrist, rolled up his sleeve and asked Xiao SA, "is it nice?"

Xiao SA saw that her arms exposed her sleeves were as delicate and snow-white as spring lotus root. She felt hot in her heart and said sincerely: "it's so beautiful! Bullying frost is better than snow!"

Xiao SA replied that the donkey's head was wrong and the horse's mouth was wrong! Li man asked him if his watch looked good? He replied!

Li man naturally knows that she praises her arm. There is a trace of joy in her heart, but her eyes stare at Xiao SA and scold: "bad guy!"

Xiao SA realized that he had a question to answer, but he had always had a thick skin and smiled indifferently.

Li man put down his sleeves and didn't take off his watch. He turned to Xiao SA and didn't speak for a long time.

Xiao SA shook her hand in front of her eyes and said, "silly girl! Why are you stunned?"

Li man burst into tears, then rushed into Xiao Sa's arms and began to cry