Wu Yang choked and couldn't speak. His generation was there. His uncle and grandson with white beard in the cradle had no reason to speak!

Ding Ning walked up to Xiao SA with a smile: "brother, I didn't say you! Although you are an elder, it's always wrong to beat people all the time! Today I'll ask for a guarantee, don't fight, and let her be obedient in the future!"

Xiao SA was funny in her heart and solemnly cooperated with Ding Ning in acting: "since you plead for her, it's OK this time. If there's another time, you'll fight!"

Wu Yang is so angry! He jumped out from behind Danlu: "fourth uncle, you are too eccentric!"

Xiao SA wondered, "why am I eccentric?"

Wu Yang just felt that Xiao sagang spoke in favor of Ding Ning, but he really wanted to say what was eccentric. He couldn't tell. Seeing that Ding Ning was about to enter the room and put his schoolbag, he had an idea and said, "you are eccentric. You gave her a house to live in."

Xiao SA smiled: "I don't care about it. If you want to live here, tell your fourth aunt. There are so many houses here. Will there be less houses for you?"

Wu Yang smiled, turned and stretched his arms around Danlu: "aunt four, I want a house, too."

Danlu Yingying smiled: "it's OK to live here, wash rice, buy vegetables, wash dishes, wipe tables and dishes, and clean the yard. Can you do these?"

Wu Yang naturally knew that Danlu was joking with her and said, "aunt four, you're the best. Can you do less?"

Danlu: "bargain, add life and heavy punishment!"

Wu Yang stuck out his tongue and made a face: "OK! I'll do it. But, aunt four, you're finished!"

Danlu was funny: "how can I be finished?"

Wu Yang: "you're too poisoned! It's hopeless!"

Danlu said curiously, "what poison have I been poisoned?"

Wu Yang: "you've been poisoned by the fourth uncle! You were so gentle, but now you're so cruel, just like the fourth uncle, a vicious capitalist!"

Ding Ning then put down his schoolbag and came out of the room. After listening to it, he said, "how dare you say your fourth uncle is cruel? White eyed wolf! Brother, stop the pocket money given to her every month!"

Wu Yang waved a small fist at her: "I'll settle with you later!"

Danlu reached out and twisted her face: "the cruel one is still behind! If you are afraid, leave as soon as possible."

Wu Yang: "hum! Fourth aunt, you underestimate me! I haven't done any work at home? Look, I'll wash rice and cook now." after that, I really went into the kitchen.

Danlu, Fu Rao and Ding Ning smiled at each other and followed them in. A symphony of pots and pans sounded in the kitchen

From then on, Wu Yang also stayed in the siheyuan of Lepi lane. Every weekend, he went back here more than he went home. Sometimes he came back home and couldn't stay for a while. Wu Dayang is now happy to tease little Nezha. How can he care about her? Go in and out with her. She just takes advantage of it.

Both Wu Yang and Ding Ning are freshmen. They are generally old. They will inevitably bump. Ding Ning let Wu Yang more. In fact, Ding Ning is three months younger than Wu Yang.

These are all afterwords. After dinner, Xiao spilled into his study and wanted to conceive a third novel for Su Xiaobei. Unexpectedly, his ass was not hot yet. Ghost eye seven and Zhang Qing came here in a rickety old liberation truck. It was Wang Meng who drove.

Xiao SA smiled: "is this the car you bought?"

Years ago, they reported to Xiao SA that the rebirth company wanted to buy a truck. It was more convenient to receive and ship goods. Xiao SA was right without saying a word.

Wang Meng Han said with a smile, "boss, although this car doesn't look like yesterday, it's full of power, and second-hand goods are cheap. The seventh Master said that our company has just started. We have to use it carefully. When we make money, it's not too late to buy a new car."

Xiao SA nodded: "OK! But what should be added must be added. Opening a company always looks like opening a company."

Zhang Qing: "the company is all set up. I'd like to invite the boss to come over tomorrow to see if there's anything else to point out. In the future, we'll choose an auspicious day to officially open. In fact, we've already started receiving goods. Opening a ceremony and hanging a whip is a good luck!"

Xiao SA said with a smile, "OK, I'll go and have a look tomorrow."

Zhang Qing said happily, "thank you, boss! Mengzi and Dalong, what are you doing? Moving things."

Ghost eye seven commanded on one side. Zhang Qing and Zhang Qing carefully lifted a large piece from the truck. Xiao SA hurried up to take a hand, and four people lifted it. Try harder. After all, ghost eye seven is old and doesn't have so much strength to lift things.

When he lifted it down, Xiao SA was happy. It was another bed. Xiao SA smiled and said, "when you are sleepy, someone will give you a pillow. Three girls, you should hurry to choose a room and this bed will give you sleep."

Wu Yang is the third in the family, and Xiao SA always calls her the third girl.

Wu Yang smiled and said, "I'll sleep with Anning in the one next to her."

Ding Ning shouted with horror on his face: "naughty troublemaker! Stay away from me!"

Wu Yang: "I will follow you!"

Xiao SA four people carefully carried the bed in, and then carefully began to assemble under the guidance of ghost eye seven. It took nearly two hours to complete the assembly.

It's so beautiful when you look at it. This is a yellow pear carved dragon phoenix pattern moon cave door cover shelf bed. It should be from the third generation of the Qing Dynasty. The carving is exquisite, the pulp is thick and beautiful.

Ding Ning was so envious that he said, "brother, I want such a bed too! You all have it, but I don't have it."

Originally, four shelf beds have been collected in the siheyuan of Lepi lane. In Danlu's room, there is an old Su Gong's three entry shelf bed, which is also huanghuali's. There is also one in Xiao Sa's room and one in Fu Rao's room, which is Xiaoye red sandalwood's. with this one today, there are four in total.

Ding Ning is now sleeping in a arhat bed with small leaf red sandalwood inlaid with white marble. It is also very beautiful, but it is not a shelf bed.

Xiao SA knew that she just wanted to argue with Wu Yang, so she followed her words: "what should I do? You two hammer, scissors and cloth, who won and who slept in this bed?"

Where will Wu Yang be willing? Said: "no! Fourth uncle, you can't keep your word! You said first, this bed is for me."

At this time, as like as two peas, seven eyes laughed, "two little granny, no dispute, and a identical one. They will be delivered tomorrow."

Be startled at this, as like as two peas, and such a beautiful old yellow pear rack bed, it can be said that it is impossible to meet, and how can it receive two copies at the same time?

Ghost eye seven saw Xiao sprinkle's face full of doubts and explained, "Sir, these two beds are not small..."