Xiao Sa: "I raised you for your parents and trained you to enter Beijing University. It's not unjust to send them two old people and a gold mine! I sincerely send them two old people, and you don't have to pay them back."

Wanqing: "my parents are stingy on the surface, but they really hurt me secretly!"

Xiao Sa: "I've already seen it. Otherwise, how could they train you to go to Beijing University? Besides, if they don't love you, they won't be so worried about your marriage? There are no parents in the world who don't love their children? They just love their children in different ways."

Wanqing: "I really don't have to pay it back?"

Xiao Sa: "really not."

Wanqing: "is there any conspiracy to be so generous?"

Xiao Sa: "yes, waiting for you to make a promise!"

Wanqing: "bah, beautiful you!"

The two returned to Jingda with laughter. Xiao SA didn't go up again. Seeing Wanqing enter the teacher's apartment, they turned around and drove back to hat alley.

On Sunday morning, Danlu came back. She was very excited when she looked at the vast and beautiful cosmic stars in the observatory on Friday and Saturday nights. When she came back, she kept finishing her notes and chatting with Xiao SA to describe the universe in her eyes. She was full of passion.

Xiao SA sighed in his heart: another door has been opened for the second child! I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing? Although her rebirth was involved in her life, she still embarked on the road of exploring the vast universe and stars like her previous life. This is a beautiful, wonderful, lonely, mysterious and monotonous road that ordinary people can't go on!

That night, Danlu fulfilled her promise and really compensated him, but not in the hat alley courtyard, but in the Lepi Lane courtyard.

It turned out that Fu Rao told Danlu about the discovery of a snake last night. Danlu was too frightened. She was more timid than Fu Rao. As soon as they combined, they pestered Xiao SA to move.

Xiao SA thought, well, the Lepi Lane courtyard was more than twice as big as the hat alley courtyard, and there was a good treasure in the basement. He immediately decided to move.

He called ghost eye seven. Ghost eye seven immediately called three heroes Zhang Qing, Wang Meng and Liu Dalong, rented a large truck and moved his home to the siheyuan of Lepi lane.

It turned out that the furniture left by old Mrs. Zhou Lian was still left. All the furniture and baby Gu Nao cleaned by ghost eye 7 and others were moved into the siheyuan of Lepi lane.

Well, Zhang Qing and his three people all live in this alley. They can call them at any time. It's more convenient than hat alley quadrangle.

Hat alley quadrangle also received a shelf bed. This time, the family also moved in, so the new house of Lepi Lane quadrangle has two shelf beds. Xiao SA and Danlu have one in their room. Although they already live in one room, after all, they are still in college and can't get married. Danlu's face is tender, so from the appearance, they still have one room for each other, Just next to each other.

When they moved to a new house, Zhang Qing and others helped to do a big cleaning. They didn't go back until dark. They helped ghost eye seven collect antique furniture for Xiao. They didn't earn less money, so they worked hard.

Danlu and Fu Rao looked at the clean and spotless new home and were very satisfied.

When ghost eye 7 and Zhang Jing left, they pestered Xiao SA to open the basement, put all the babies brought from the hat alley quadrangle into the basement, and looked at the three flooded vegetable jars that had already been sealed with mud by Fu Rao. Then they went back to their room to have a rest with satisfaction.

Danlu was very gentle this night, and she was crazy with Xiao SA in her new house in the middle of the night

Back to school on Monday.

As Xiao SA expected, one stone aroused thousands of waves. In less than a week, Ouyang Wanqing and Xiao SA published academic papers in the most prestigious international authoritative academic journals. They were soon known by major universities and major news media. They rushed to visit Beijing University, and the Chinese Department of Beijing University was greatly inflamed.

The editors of academic journals of famous universities were the first to hear the wind. Of course, the earliest was the editors of academic journals of Peking University. The most interesting thing is that they were the editor in chief of the literary journal "Weiminghu" organized by the "Weiminghu literature society" of Beijing University Student Association.

It was the leaders of Beijing University who finally knew the news. It was a matter of gold on their faces. Naturally, everyone was happy, so they immediately sent someone to find the archives of Ouyang Wanqing and Xiao SA.

Ouyang's sunny night soon found it, but where is Xiao SA sacred? Without any of his files and looking through the rosters of all teaching staff in the school, there would be no one named Xiao SA. But it's easy to do. Ask Ouyang Wanqing and you'll know everything.

However, Ouyang Wanqing is now surrounded by reporters from various media and lacks skills.

Reporters blocked Wanqing's offices, classrooms and even bathrooms. Fortunately, Wanqing was too scared to go back to the teacher's apartment, otherwise she would be crowded out.

Like the leaders of Beijing University, the reporters first captured the information of Ouyang Wanqing. In addition, she is the first author. Since she can't find the information of the second author Xiao SA, they all focused on Wanqing one by one.

Finally, the leaders of Beijing University helped Wanqing solve the siege.

The university decided that the Publicity Department of the university would take the lead in organizing a special press conference to invite editors and journalists of academic journals of major universities and journalists of CCTV, newspapers and other major media to participate. At the same time, it also invited several foreign and overseas friendly media.

When the propaganda department does such a thing, it is natural that it is familiar with the road and easy to catch it.

First, arrange the scene of the press conference to render the atmosphere.

The most important thing on the scene is to highlight the theme. The publicity department first found the international academic journal and made the title, author signature and editor of the academic paper in Wanqing into a background wall. Of course, the international academic journal was also enlarged as the background and placed on the background wall, but the most important thing is the images of the two authors.

The Publicity Department of Peking University quickly sent professional photographers to take photos with Ouyang Wanqing. For fear that Ouyang Wanqing would not accept it, it also sent a deputy director of the publicity department to coordinate with the leaders of the Chinese department.

Second, we should prepare a complete speech.

The whole manuscript should not only highlight the academic achievements of Ouyang Wanqing and Xiao SA, but also highlight the importance and cultivation of Ouyang Wanqing by the University. Ouyang Wanqing's achievements are also the achievements of Beijing University.

Third, an exclusive interview.

The editor in chief of the most authoritative School Journal of Peking University personally interviewed Ouyang Wanqing and Xiao SA to deeply explore the bits and pieces of their academic paper from birth to publication and the academic value of the paper.

Fourth, the author's keynote speech.

Fifth, answer reporters' questions.

Of course, the protagonists are Ouyang Wanqing and Xiao SA.

After all, the focus is on Wanqing.

No one can find Xiao SA, because he gave Wanqing a password. If she dares to betray him, he will bring her to justice!

But in the end, Wanqing still couldn't resist the pressure, became a traitor and confessed Xiao.

Because the leaders of Beijing University talked to Wanqing and said that this press conference is a political task, which is related to the honor of Beijing University and must be completed to the letter! If Wanqing doesn't say who Xiao SA is, it will be a very serious political event!

Political events! Everyone knows that as long as anything is related to politics, there is no trivial matter! It's just good. If it's not good, you'll have to peel off the skin if you don't die! So Wanqing had to give Xiao sa a confession. After all, it's not a bad thing. Wanqing knows that Xiao SA is just afraid of trouble.

This shocked the leaders of Beijing University, from school leaders to department leaders.

No wonder we can't find anyone? Actually a student, or a freshman! Who can think of it?

After shock is ecstasy. Why? It goes without saying, whose students? Beijing University Students ha!

Department leaders and university leaders had been worried about whether Xiao SA was an expert and scholar of other famous universities. Now, they are all from Peking University. No one can steal the limelight and glory of Peking University!