Xiao SA nodded and said, "I'm sorry! Second, sometimes I can't help thinking of her."

Danlu: "it hurts in my heart, doesn't it?"

Xiao SA nodded again: "yes, the kind of pain that tears the heart and cracks the lungs."

Dan Lu: "would you be so distressed if I left you?"

Xiao SA was surprised and hugged Danlu in her arms and said, "silly girl, how could I let you leave me? I've made a mistake once and how could I make it again? If you leave me, I won't just feel bad, but I won't live. Do you understand? I'm sorry! I don't know what's wrong with me today. I think of her again for no reason."

Danlu: "You don't have to blame yourself. It's an involuntary thing to miss someone in your heart. You can't help but think about it! I don't blame you or hospitality. It's just that I'm late than her! Neither you nor she did anything wrong. She must be very kind to you, so you miss her so much! So, I'm actually very grateful to her! Big fool, do you believe it? I'll do better than her in the future!"

Xiao Sa: "you're no worse than her now. Second brother, am I too greedy? I don't know if it's a blessing I've cultivated in my life to have you! I think I must have saved 500 years in front of Lingshan Buddha before I can have you! But I'm not satisfied, I still can't help thinking of her."

Danlu said softly, "in fact, I often think of her, because she is very difficult now, and I am much happier than her! You say she is pregnant with twins, should have been born now, where will she be?"

Xiao Sa: "I think she is deliberately avoiding me so that I can't find her."

Dan Lu: "it doesn't matter. I'll go with you. One day I'll find her! Let's leave for Fuzhou tomorrow."

Xiao SA stared at Danlu in a daze, and Danlu smiled: "Why are you looking at me so much? If I can't see your worries, do you deserve to be your pillow man?"

Xiao SA stretched out his hands to hold her face and pecked it fiercely: "you are an elf!"

Danlu smiled: "you are a big fool!"

Xiao SA and Danlu didn't know. At this time, yuan MENGZHENG stood in front of the window and looked at them. The two lines of tears fell silently

The next afternoon, Xiao SA, Danlu and Fu Rao appeared in the streets of Fuzhou. They first went to see the house in the center of three streets and seven lanes that Xiao SA bought for gallant. The house was locked and uninhabited, standing lonely in the downtown.

Xiao SA went to find the attentive parents and sisters again, and then she knew that the attentive parents and sisters had moved, and the neighbors didn't know where they were going.

Xiao SA was unwilling. She went to the neighborhood committee and found out about the unit of her attentive parents and sister. She first found her sister's unit. Unexpectedly, her sister took maternity leave and didn't come to work years ago. The unit didn't know where she went on vacation. It was said that she went to her husband's house, but her husband was from other places and no one knew the specific address. Xiao SA had no choice but to go back to work again Go to find the unit of the attentive father and mother, but the two old people have retired, and the unit doesn't know where they have gone. Their old retirement wages are received by the attentive sister.

All the clues were broken. After spending three days in Fuzhou, she thought about all the moves that should be thought of, that is, there was no attentive information. Xiao SA had no choice. With deep pain in her heart, she set off for the north and had to go back to the capital, because school was about to begin. It doesn't matter if she delayed. If she delayed Danlu, she would be a sinner forever! Because Danlu's future achievements are her present You can't even imagine it!

Xiao SA can only hope to come back to Fuzhou to find her attentive sister in the summer vacation. If she wants to come between them, she will exchange information.

When they returned to the siheyuan of hat alley in Beijing, they all felt very tired and wanted to close the door and have a good rest. Unexpectedly, they kept calling. There were two moms Yuan Li and Chen Biyun, several bosses of the company, Xia Jing, Xu Min, Yuan Meng, and Danlu's grandparents, aunts, uncles, uncles Grandpa called. There was a call that Xiao SA didn't expect. It was Ding Ning. He didn't say anything else. He just asked him when school would start and what the weather was like in the capital. It was pure gossip.

After that, he received a call from Wu Yang. As soon as he heard Xiao Sa's voice, Wu Yang said happily, "fourth uncle, you can come back! My father asked me to call you in the morning, middle and evening every day these days to see if you came back? I should blow up your phone!"

Xiao SA hurriedly said, "brother Dayang, what's urgent?"

Wu Yang giggled: "he has something urgent. I haven't seen him for a long time. I miss you! Fourth uncle, I miss you too! You haven't given me a red envelope for the New Year!"

Xiao SA jokingly said, "the red envelope is inseparable from you. Are you going to take the college entrance examination this year? Are you still so lazy? Didn't go to class?"

Wu Yang: "I've been in class for a week! Don't you know this weekend? Fourth uncle, please don't improve the exam with me. I'm scared when I listen!"

Xiao Sa: "not really! You little boy, who has no skin and face, will also be frightened?"

Wu Yang: "fourth uncle, you are too bad to say that about me! Seeing you, how can I settle accounts with you? By the way, my father asked me to ask you, when do you have time? Call second uncle and third uncle to come to my house for spring dinner."

Xiao SA just wanted to ask about the progress of the winery and said, "tomorrow, I'll go to school and have dinner at your house."

Wu Yang: "Well! Remember to call sister Fu Rao and sister Danlu. Oh, I'm sorry! I'm wrong. Should I call aunt four?"

Xiao Sa: "you naughty devil! Get out!"

Wu Yang: "I'm going to school tomorrow. Don't lose my red envelope!"

Xiao Sa: "if you don't give me a new year's greeting, the red envelope is small!"

Wu Yang: "fourth uncle, I'll kowtow to you for the new year now! The red envelope must be big!" after saying that, there were three sounds at the end. It was estimated that a wooden fish was knocking.

Xiao SA laughed and hung up the phone. Danlu saw that he was happy and asked what happened. Xiao SA said, "brother Wu Dayang asked Wu Yang to invite us to dinner tomorrow for spring dinner. He specially said to invite sister Fu Rao and aunt four."

Dan Lu suddenly blushed: "bah! This naughty ghost! Who is her fourth aunt?"

Xiao SA whispered in her ear, "Whoever sleeps with her fourth uncle is naturally the fourth aunt!"

"Smelly hooligan!" Danlu stretched out her hands and pinched his waist, and Xiao SA fled.

But in the evening, Danlu was still the fourth aunt. She was tossed about by Xiao SA for more than half an hour. She got up the next morning and was refreshing, charming and charming.

Xiao SA first sent Danlu to Tsinghua to report, and then went to Beijing University to report. He got the books and textbooks and was trying to go back to the dormitory, but he was blocked by Wanqing halfway.

Xiao SA asked, "fairy, after only one year, the fairy spirit is more sufficient! What's up?"

Wanqing: "Xian, you big head ghost! Of course I have something to do with you. Come home with me this weekend."

Xiao Sa: "why?"

Wanqing: "what else can I do? My boyfriend doesn't accompany me home all spring festival. What do you think my parents will think?"

Xiao Sa: "when will my fake and shoddy products end? No, I said last time, that time."

Wanqing reached out and grabbed Xiao Sa's ear: "don't you try!"

Xiao Sa: "Why are you becoming more and more domineering and unreasonable?"

Wanqing: "I'm overbearing and unreasonable. What's the matter? Say, are you going or not?"

Xiao Sa: "fairy, I have a wife. It's really inappropriate to pretend to be your boyfriend unless you are willing to be my little wife!"

Wanqing: "bah! Nice thought! By the way, Ike, they said they would invite you to dinner. Thank you for your hospitality last time we went to Tanzhou."

Xiao Sa: "that's good! If you have something delicious and delicious, think of me more."

Wanqing: "you bastard! Did you go to my house and treat you badly?"

Xiao SA smiled: "that's different. Watching the swan can't eat the meat, but he has to play the swan's husband. It's too cruel and painful!"

Wanqing's face flew Red: "little ruffian! It's getting more and more flowing! Believe it or not, I'll slap you to death!"

Xiao Sa: "I believe. When the goddess is angry, the Beijing earthquake will shake the earth and mountains!"

Wanqing puffed with a smile: "well, don't be poor with you. It's agreed. Don't collapse the field for both things!"

Xiao Sa: "you haven't said when they will invite me to dinner, ike?"

Wanqing: "tonight."

Xiao Sa: "not tonight. I've already made an appointment with a good man."

Wanqing: "you have many problems! OK, change it tomorrow night. I can decide for them."

Xiao Sa: "the goddess is mighty! Cheng, that's it."