As soon as this was said, Danlu knew that it was very wrong and immediately blushed. Unexpectedly, Lu Guisheng and Chen Biyun didn't hear it. Their faces were very normal. Chen Biyun also said, "just be careful to catch a cold!"

When Xiao SA returned to the pottery garden, the first thing was to call Xiao Ling over and ask her what was going on?

It turned out that a boy in the class liked her and wrote a note to her to offer Yin Xian, but Xiao Ling didn't like him, but he didn't dislike him, but other students gave a small report to the teacher, which made Xiao Ling angry to death, so he stood up with the teacher. As a result, the teacher called Yuan Li and said she was in love early.

Xiao SA understands Xiao Ling very much. Xiao Ling has no bad feelings for the boy, so he can't bear to hurt him. As a result, the teacher misunderstood him.

Xiao SA asked Xiao Ling, "what are you going to do?"

Xiao Ling: "what can I do? I didn't take care of the boy, but I didn't want to hurt him. After saying this again, he didn't dare to find me. It's all right!"

Xiao SA didn't think it was so simple, but Xiao Ling was already a girl in high school. The girl was naughty and independent since childhood. Even if she pried her mouth open, you wouldn't want to hear anything, so she had to nod and say, "that's it. Tell me what you have and help you!"

Xiao Ling: "it's all right, brother. Don't listen to my mother's nervous chatter! By the way, you promised to apologize to sister Ding Ning. When will you go?"

Xiao Sa: "in a few days, don't you see so many guests at home? Wait until I send them away."

Xiao Ling: "all right. Don't stand me up again, or I'll make you die ugly!"

Xiao sprinkled a hard slap on her ass: "little girl, dare to argue with my brother?"

Xiao Ling made a face and ran away.

Xiao SA took a bath and was preparing to go to bed. At this time, her mother Yuan Li came in. Xiao SA was ready to put on her coat. Yuan Li said, "don't wear it. You go into the quilt and lie down and talk to your mother."

Xiao SA smiled and got into the quilt. Yuan Li sat by the bed, raised her hand and slapped Xiao SA on the back of her head: "smelly boy, you just eat Danlu!"

Xiao SA smiled and nodded at her mother.

Yuan Li also smiled. She was satisfied that she could accept Danlu as her daughter-in-law. She said, "smelly boy, you're not stupid yet!"

Xiao Sa: "mom taught me well!"

Yuan Li burst out laughing: "bah! Have the same virtue as your father! I didn't teach you this."

Xiao Sa: "so my father is so powerful! Mom, did my father chase you or did you chase my father?"

Yuan Li: "of course your father chased me!"

Xiao Sa: "really? How do I think you chased my father?"

Yuan Li: "fart your mother!"

Xiao Sa: "Mom, who are you talking about?"

Yuan Li couldn't help laughing. She walked around and scolded herself! She said with great interest: "smelly boy, what's the matter with you and Danlu?"

Xiao SA has no choice but to report honestly

At the same time, at Danlu's home in the courtyard of the old county, Danlu also lay in bed and was interrogated by her mother Chen Biyun!

Chen Biyun: "tell mom, have you been like Xiao SA?"

Danlu blushed with shame and said angrily, "Mom -"

Chen Biyun sighed and said, "silly girl! Women have this day. What's so shy? Xiaosa, this child values love and righteousness. Your father and I don't object to you, but you're moving too fast. You still have a few years to graduate from college. You can't have children for the time being."

Dan Lu nodded and said, "Mom, you go to bed and we'll sleep together tonight. I don't understand many things. You teach me."

Chen Biyun stood up with a smile: "well, I'll talk to your father first and then come over."

After a while, Chen Biyun came over, lay side by side in bed with her daughter, hid in the quilt and whispered.

Dan Lu: "Mom, how did you know that Xiao SA and I were like that?"

Chen Biyun: "silly girl, outsiders can't see it. Can't I see it as a mother? Don't you know? You're much more flexible than when you were a girl. Your face seems to be able to squeeze out water, and it's a lot bigger here." she rubbed the twin peaks of Danlu.

Dan Lu: "I can't see it myself, but sister Rao said so about me. It seems to be true!"

Chen Biyun: "silly girl, of course it's true. That's why young women are more attractive than girls. Women who have been developed and moistened by men are different, especially women who have been well moistened by men will be more beautiful! Xiaosa should hurt you very much?"

"Mm-hmm." Danlu's face was filled with a sweet and happy smile.

Chen Biyun suddenly whispered a word in Danlu's ear.

Danlu looked at her mother in surprise. Ji'er was dizzy and said in her ear, "yes, he's fierce!"

Chen Biyun: "girl, there are some things you don't understand! Listen to me..."

This night, mother and daughter whispered almost to dawn, and Danlu was not sleepy at all.

For the next two days, Xiao SA met with various princes one by one at the company headquarters on the second floor of nanpanling motorcycle store, listened to the financial situation report, took the pulse for consultation and dispelled doubts. Of course, it was mainly the company's development direction and some major matters related to decision-making. He didn't bother to take care of some trivial matters in specific business!

When meeting Xu Min, Xiao SA suddenly asked her, "have you heard from the attentive teacher?"

Xu Min shook her head in surprise: "No. It's strange that a good person suddenly evaporated from the world. I'm afraid it's deliberately that people can't find her!"

Xiao SA looked at Xu Min suspiciously: "you didn't hide anything from me, did you?"

Xu Min came up and slapped him on the back of the head: "little ruffian! What are you talking about? What am I hiding from you? What am I hiding from you? What am I hiding from you..."

A good man didn't fight with a woman, so Xiao SA had to change the topic: "then where will she go?"

Xu Min: "hospitality is the gentlest but most assertive of our classmates. It's hard for anyone to understand her mind! By the way, I've heard you ask her several times. Why do you care about her so much?"

Xiao SA stared: "she is my head teacher! She sent me to college! Shouldn't I care about her?"

Xu Min threw her hands on her hips and stared back at Xiao Sa: "just care! Why are you so fierce? You want to eat me?"

Xiao sprinkled a pat on the table: "think I dare not? Come and try!"

"Come here! I'm afraid of you, ha? Little ruffian!" Xu Min really bypassed her desk and went to Xiao SA. She bent over and pressed her plump and proud peaks on Xiao Sa: "you have the courage to eat!"

Xiao SA was frightened and retreated. Xu Min chuckled: "little ruffian, as timid as a mouse! You dare not eat me. One day I will eat you!"

Xiao SA was really afraid of the female color devil and said, "go away!"


After listening to the two-day report, Xiao SA was both happy and worried. He was glad that all the princes had opened up their territory and laid their own good rivers and mountains, and achieved a lot! The worry is that money comes fast and goes fast. She seems to be a money boy. Xiao Jiabi's retail stores have expanded to the whole province, and almost all the money she earns has been used for expansion. Baifa gas appliance company has a booming business, and the supply exceeds the demand, but Zhang Baifa almost ran out of money and took it for R & D.

Motorcycle wholesale companies in Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces made a lot of money, but most of them were transferred by Xiao SA to Xu Min's real estate company for real estate development.

The import and export trade between Hong Kong Yuanmeng company and Hong Kong chic company has made a lot of money, but on the one hand, it is necessary to ensure the capital needs of the continuous expansion and extension of the business of the two companies. On the other hand, the two companies earn foreign exchange. Xiao SA doesn't want to use it casually and will keep it for great use in the future.

Therefore, a large area of the river and mountain came down, and Xiao's pocket didn't bulge much.

Xiao was so angry that he patted the table and scolded: "Grandma's big hands and feet are more expensive than Lao Tzu!"

Scold who? Curse the air! All the people are gone. I can't live with myself!

Xiao Jiabi has run out of people, and Xiao SA hasn't come out of the office all the time! He went in to see what was going on. Seeing Xiao Sa's appearance, he was angry and funny, and scolded, "smelly boy, you're satisfied!"

Xiao Sa: "seventh aunt, I have no money for the new year. I'll give me the lucky money in advance!"

Xiao Jiabi shook his hand and slapped him on the ass: "wait!"

Xiao SA was wronged: "if you don't give it, why do you beat people?"

Xiao Jiabi said again, "what's the matter with you? With my mother-in-law, I forgot my aunt! Little Wang Bagao!"

Xiao SA quickly hugged Xiao Jiabi with a smile: "how can I? Qi Gu, I think of you every day!"

Xiao Jiabi: "the devil believes you!"

Xiao SA smiled and took a bag from under his desk and handed it to Xiao Jiabi.

Xiao Jiabi: "what?"

Xiao Sa: "imported cosmetics and perfume from France Paris, five suits."

Xiao Jiabi was overjoyed: "smelly boy, you have a conscience!"