"Pa." a loud slap hit Zhou Yi's face, but everyone could see clearly that Zhou Yi slapped himself. His hand, which was supposed to push Xiao SA, suddenly turned back and slapped himself.

Some time ago, Xiao SA and Fu Rao practiced Taiji pushing hands. Their Kung Fu was not in vain!

Xiao SA smiled and said, "OK, Zhou Yi knows he's wrong. Let's go back to our bedroom."

4212 students rushed back to their bedroom. Unexpectedly, Zhou Yi chased them and shouted at the door of 4212: "Xiao SA, get out of here!"

Just now he was confused. Now he woke up and wanted to find the field again. Qin Lang followed him and grabbed him and said, "forget it, they are all classmates. They look down and don't look up."

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yi lost his head and said to Qin Lang, "go away! It's none of your business! Xiao SA, you come out!"

As soon as Qin Lang's face changed, he loosened his grip on Zhou Yi and said, "sick dog! I'm too lazy to care about you!"

Xiao sprinkled forward, kicked Zhou Yi down the corridor and said, "give face, don't want face, get out!"

Zhou Yi gets up and goes up again, Xiao SA is another foot, Zhou Yi falls to the ground again, gets up and goes up again, Xiao SA is still one foot, and Zhou Yi falls to the ground for the third time. This time, Zhou Yi didn't dare to climb up again. He finally learned the ferocity of Xiao SA, a hick. He stared at Xiao SA and said, "you have seed, we'll see!" he left a cruel word, turned around and slipped into his bedroom.

Looking at a large group of onlookers, Xiao SA was angry and funny before school began. He inexplicably formed a hatred. He was really upset!

In the afternoon, Xiao SA was busy. He first went to apply for a hukou book and a library card, and then paid 30 yuan to rent a broken bike in the logistics office. Then he rode his bike to Qinghua park. I thought, first stabilize the peace of mind of the girl's film, and then it's not important if I can't go to this university. The second is the backbone of the country, so I can't let her be half hearted.

It was a little late when she arrived at Tsinghua garden. Danlu was waiting for the girl downstairs. Suddenly, she saw Xiao SA riding a broken and old bike. She suddenly smiled and said, "rent it? Why don't you rent a better one?"

Xiao Sa: "as long as you can ride, the more broken it is, the better! Save thieves from thinking about it!" nowadays, the easiest thing to steal is a bicycle.

Danlu patted the back of the bike: "let's go and experience."

"Where do you want to go?" Xiao SA asked.

"Wangfujing." Danlu opened her mouth and came.

Xiao Sa: "thirty or forty miles! Aunt!"

Danlu was also funny: "I haven't been to the capital again. How do you know? Just turn around."

Xiao SA carried Danlu around the Tsinghua campus. She saw the Jinchun garden, Ziqing Pavilion, Shuimu Tsinghua, I-shaped hall, the second school gate, Tsinghua School and auditorium all the way. Then she went out of the school gate to ride in the direction of the southwest Summer Palace, but before she rode far, Danlu asked Xiao SA to ride back. She was worried that she could not catch up with the evening self-study.

Not far from the school gate, Danlu smelled the smell of roasted sweet potato and quarreled to eat it. The two got off the bus and bought a roasted sweet potato. Danlu ate it himself, then fed Xiao sa a mouthful, and went back to the campus while eating.

Xiao SA began his serious college life in this way.

During the evening self-study, li man stared at him again and gathered up. Xiao SA wanted to keep a low profile. There was always a big beauty around him. Naturally, he would focus his attention, especially the eyes of the boys on the brain of the sperm.

Li man sat down beside him, put his head close to his ear and said, "where did you die this afternoon? I'm so anxious!"

Xiao Sa's ears were itchy by the heat from li man. He reached out and touched Li Man's face. This action was seen by some students and thought they were flirting!

Xiao Sa: "what's your hurry? What happened?"

Li Man: "you still ask me? What have you done?"

Xiao Sa: "what did I do? I didn't do anything."

Li Man: "you fought! You didn't do anything. Many students saw it."

Xiao SA realized that li man was talking about the conflict between the book of changes at noon and said, "it's not because of you?"

Li man naturally knows something. Some gossip has spread to their bedroom. It is said that Xiao SA and Zhou Yi are jealous and fight for li man.

Li man blushed and said, "don't talk nonsense!"

Xiao SA said the conflict at noon and said, "don't worry, it's over, it's all right!"

Li man was a little worried: "Zhou Yi won't bear a grudge. Will he trouble you in the future?"

Xiao Sa: "am I afraid of trouble?"

Li man smiled: "yes, you are a big trouble!"

Xiao Sa: "then don't you stay away from me?"

Li Man's chin tilted: "am I afraid of trouble?"

Xiao SA was happy as soon as he heard it, and his thumb stood up: "cow force!"

Li Man: "how can you be a cow? Even kick people three times!"

Xiao Sa: "aunt, can I let you kick three heels one day?"

Li Man: "keep your word!"

Xiao Sa: "you're a big head ghost! Girl, can you be safe? What do you look like? Study hard!"

Li Man tooted his mouth: "who fought and killed? It's only two days since the beginning of school. Who fought twice?"

Xiao SA stared at her: "the investigation is thorough enough!"

Li Man proudly stretched out his palm and said, "do you know what it's called? It's called the palm of the Tathagata Buddha!"

Xiao Sa: "do you still have any spells?"

Li man smiled: "if you dare to be naughty and disobedient, try it! My hoop curse is the most effective!"

The next morning, the first and second classes were English classes. Xiao SA deliberately arrived late. He didn't enter the classroom until the class bell rang. He sat down in an empty seat with students sitting on both sides in the last row. He thought, it should be safe now! Unexpectedly, li man sitting in front seemed to have eyes on his back. He immediately got up and walked over and whispered to Xiao Sa's left deskmate. Xiao Sa's left deskmate got up and sat in front with a smile. Li man sat down next to Xiao SA again.

Xiao SA stared at Li Man puzzled: "what's urgent?"

Li Man: "there's nothing urgent. I like it. Can't I?"

Xiao SA was helpless: "yes, of course!"

After a while, the English teacher came into the classroom. Xiao SA looked at the English teacher and was stunned. Since it was her!