Xiao SA entered the store and saw everyone scrambling to buy helmets. He asked Longbo with his eyes. Longbo hurriedly explained: "today, the traffic police went on the road to check and take action. Those who ride motorcycles without helmets will not only be fined 100 yuan, but also be deducted points. In the future, it will be the same. Every traffic police post will stop the inspection. In the future, riding motorcycles without helmets will be a dead end! President Xiao, you're really powerful! I admire you."

When long Bo said this, Ma Ping, who was very busy, also secretly gave Xiao a thumbs up.

Xiao SA was shocked when he saw that the price of Longbo's helmets was 58 yuan. He pulled Ma Ping aside and asked quietly, "what's the matter?"

Ma Ping nodded and said, "you didn't see the price. Everyone is still rushing to buy it!" Ma Ping knows the meaning of Xiao Sa's question, because Xiao SA agreed with them that the price of helmets is 48 yuan, but now it's 58 yuan, which is a little high. However, everyone still lined up to buy, and no one complained that the price was high. Xiao SA let it go. It's a fool not to make money! No way, 80% of Tanzhou's helmets are concentrated in Xiao Sa's motorcycle repair shop, which can't be bought elsewhere! Not only motorcycle drivers come to buy, but also motorcycle sales stores and maintenance stores come to ask for goods in batches. Dozens of them are bought at this price. No way, although it doesn't make money, it can attract customers!

In less than a week, 7000 helmets were sold. Xiao SA hurried to Guangzhou, called a back truck and came back with 10000 helmets.

This time we set a wholesale price. The price of selling more than 30 helmets at a time was 50 yuan and the retail price was 58 yuan. It was basically sold out in less than a month. However, Xiao SA didn't purchase any more, because at this time, others also saw business opportunities, clarified the purchase channels, began to purchase in large quantities, and the price began to fall. Xiao SA opened the account book of the motorcycle repair shop and looked at it. He made a profit of more than 700000 yuan for a single helmet, more than 200000 yuan for carburetor maintenance, and tens of thousands of yuan for other maintenance projects. In less than two months, he made a million and made a lot of money! This does not include the income of Hongdun kitchenware factory. There are also 6000 or 7000 yuan of income every day. In three months, there are more than 600000 profits. Xiao Sa's wallet is bulging. It adds up to 15.6 million. He is a proper millionaire.

The time has entered the end of December, and the monthly exam has been taken four times. In each exam, the scores of Xiao Sa's language, mathematics and foreign studies are far ahead in the whole grade. Although the scores of history, geography and politics are not as good as the top few in a single subject, they have also risen steadily, and the total score has always been the first in the liberal arts class. Four times in a row! This makes other people who want to compete with him die and lose their temper. What a monster! The basic knowledge of Chinese doesn't lose points. The composition is used as a model every time. Mathematics and English almost get full marks every time. How can people compare it? At least Dai Xuewen took Xiao SA from his bones and dared not be arrogant in the class anymore! The three teachers who pay great attention to Xiao SA, namely, attentiveness, Xia Jing and Xiao Qiming, and Xiao Sa's parents are also completely relieved. The rebellious bear child in senior two is finally gone. The Phoenix is nirvana, and Xiao SA has a new life!

At this time, there is one thing that makes the dull campus excited and active, that is the campus new year's Day party jointly organized by the Youth League Committee and the student union.

For this matter, Yang Liu, the publicity committee member of class 55, even looked for Xiao SA once. The time was in early December, after the third monthly examination results came out. Yang Liu asked Xiao SA to give a program on behalf of class 55, because Xiao SA played a good erhu and played on the stage in his freshman year.

Yang Liu thought Xiao SA would promise herself. After all, Xiao SA was so obsessed with herself when she was a sophomore in senior high school. Although she politely refused, she should still have some feelings. But unexpectedly, Xiao SA refused without thinking. It's not that he hates willows, but that he doesn't have that spare time.

Yang Liu was hurt. She was not despised, but directly ignored by Xiao SA! She has no origin and is full of sadness. This Xiao SA, who was so crazy in her sophomore year, loves and pursues herself, but now, she can no longer feel even a little affection for herself! It's really like what Xiao SA said to her last time. There's no entanglement anymore. He and she are just ordinary classmates. Not only that, Yang Liu can even feel Xiao Sa's strangeness and disregard for her. She and Xiao SA met face to face several times. Xiao Sa's eyes flashed over her, and the waves were not surprised, as if she didn't exist.

When Yang Liu was injured, she went to the head teacher to treat her injury. She heard him play erhu at Xiao SAGAO's first time. She also wanted to listen to her beloved man play on the stage, so she promised Yang Liu to talk to Xiao Sao.

So Xiao SA was gallantly called to the teacher's apartment. When the pillow wind blew, Xiao SA obediently agreed. Yang Liu was very happy. She came forward and borrowed a erhu from Xiao SA. The sound quality was better than Xiao Sa's father Xiao Jiahe's erhu. That's all right. Yang Liu used rehearsal as an excuse to gather in front of Xiao SA if he had nothing to do. Xiao SA was very annoyed. If he hadn't promised hospitality, he really wanted to quit.

After the fourth monthly exam, Yang Liu organized the students in class 55 to have the program for the last rehearsal, and invited the head teacher's hospitality. The time was after the last skill class in the afternoon, and Xiao SA had to rush to Hongdun at this time of the day. So Xiao SA asked Yang Liu for leave. Yang Liu refused. He said that the student union of the Youth League Committee would come to choose the program tomorrow. There were up to three people in a class. If not, none of them could go on. Of course, Yang Liu wanted to have all the programs in her class, so she said very seriously that no one was allowed to ask for leave. Gallant also stared at Xiao SA with threatening eyes. It was very likely that if he really dared to run away, he would wait carefully for a good look.

Xiao SA had no choice but to run to the attentive office and call the financial office of Hongdun kitchenware factory to tell them that they would not settle the bill today and settle it together tomorrow. Zhao Cheng, the chief of the supply section, called again and asked him to inform Wu Heping, Yuan Dan and Liu Li and ask them to go back today and meet again tomorrow. After making a phone call, he thought, it's still convenient to have a mobile phone, but now even BB pager hasn't appeared, let alone a mobile phone. Just wait! Waiting for the progress of the times! In fact, it's just fine. If there are no mobile phones in this world, there may be more care, concern and missing among family, relatives and friends. People will not be so selfish and indifferent as in that life. They only recognize colorful money, do not recognize people, and even their parents and brothers! How shameful and pathetic is a world that laughs at poverty but not prostitutes!

Of course, it's useless to think about it! If you should go, you will go, if you should come, you will come. History will not change too much because of Xiao Sa's idea.

Xiao SA finished the phone call and returned to the class for rehearsal. The publicity committee member Yang Liu worked hard this time and organized five programs. One was the accordion solo of monitor li man, the other was Yang Liu's own solo, the third was the song and dance of Yang Liu and another female classmate Wu Hongying, the fourth was the martial arts performance of sports committee member Liu Shaolin, and the fifth was Xiao Sa's erhu solo.

The song played by Li Man's accordion is "the train runs towards Shaoshan". Although the fingering is simple, it plays a happy and lively taste. Everyone applauds and passes it once.

Then Yang Liu's solo, her voice is really sweet, and we can't be picky, but then there is her song and dance with Wu Hongying, which is also very good. Wu Hongying has practiced dancing since she was a child, which is a boy's skill! However, it is estimated that it is impossible to go on at the same time. It is difficult for everyone to choose for a moment. At this time, he said politely: "just rehearse. As for the choice, it will be handed over to the Youth League Committee and the student union tomorrow. Maybe both will be selected!"

As soon as everyone thought about it, they continued to rehearse, followed by Liu Shaolin's martial arts performance. His performance is worthy of the name, that is, Shaolin boxing. It is estimated that it will certainly attract the attention of male students.

Finally, Xiao Sa's erhu solo. Xiao Sa's erhu skill comes from his own biography. He learned it from his father Xiao Jiahe. First of all, he played it for fun. When Xiao Jiahe saw that he had a great sense of music, he gave careful advice. However, Xiao SA didn't really take it seriously, so when he played on the stage in senior one, he didn't play it very well, that is, he just counted up the numbers. But when that life came, Xiao Jiahe and Yuan Li died, and Xiao SA missed his parents, He picked up his father's erhu again and specially paid tribute to the Ming master to learn skills. His erhu playing skills have made great progress.

Xiao SA wanted to pull it casually, but he couldn't bear to look at the eager eyes. Now he has a strong affection for hospitality. He unknowingly pulled a song "Liang Zhu", which reveals his true feelings and makes everyone intoxicated. Especially the hospitality. There is endless love in Xiao Sa's eyes. If there were not other students, She wanted to throw herself into Xiao Sa's arms immediately!

There are two others deeply affected by the sound of the piano. One is the monitor li man. After listening to it, she immediately stated her position and cancelled her accordion solo. She knows that a class can't perform two programs at the same time, and her accordion running towards Shaoshan is too childish compared with Xiao SA's Liang Zhu!

Another deeply infected person is Yang Liu. When she listened to Xiao Sala's erhu in her first year of high school, she only felt very good, but she was not excited. But this time, her heart trembled because of Xiao Sala's melodious and affectionate piano sound. At the end of Xiao Sala's song, she was intoxicated, sat still for a long time, and there were tears in her eyes. If Wu Hongying hadn't called her, She's afraid she can't get rid of the music.