Yuan Li had already cooked dinner, and Xiao Ling, her younger sister, had already returned, so she had dinner.

Yuan Li just sat down and picked up the dishes and chopsticks. Before she had time to eat a meal, she couldn't wait to ask Xiao SA, "did you get the monthly test results?"

"Come out, I'll show you after dinner and ask you to sign." Xiao SA replied while eating. Yuan Li's food is excellent, full of color, smell and taste. It's a world different from the student canteen. Xiao SA eats very well. She knows Kung Fu. Most of the bowl of rice has been eaten.

"Go and get it to me now, hurry up!" Yuan Li heard that the results came out. Before she saw the report card, how could she still have the mind to eat? So urge Xiao to sprinkle.

Xiao SA had no choice but to get up and turn out the monthly test result notice and test papers from his schoolbag to his mother Yuan Li. He also prepared a pen and handed it to Yuan Li for her to sign.

Yuan Li first looked at the result notice. Xiao Ling went to get the test paper curiously, but Yuan Li clapped it open and said, "I'll see it again."

Xiao Ling puffed a small mouth discontentedly: "rare!"

When Yuan Li saw the grade ranking on the report card, she was happy and said to Xiao Ling, "Lingzi, we'll eat later. Go to your second uncle's house and call your father back and let your father eat!"

Xiao Ling was eating well. She really didn't want to get up. She was very dissatisfied and said, "the second uncle's dinner today must be better than his family. Why don't you wait until he comes back?"

"Let you go! Little girl, why are you so wordy?" Yuan Li slapped Xiao Ling on the back of the head. Of course, it fell very gently.

Xiao Ling was dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to listen to his mother. He got up and went to his second uncle's house. Anyway, he was in the same yard. In less than two minutes, his father Xiao's house and came back, but Xiao Ling didn't come back. He was left by his second aunt for dinner. The second aunt is the most kind. In the memory of Xiao Sa's previous life, the second aunt loves him most.

Yuan Li didn't wait for Xiao's family and to sit down, so she handed Xiao Sa's monthly test report card to him and said, "look! Xiao SA is the first in the grade again!"

Xiao Jiahe grabbed it. There was no doubt that the monthly test result notice was very clear, but Xiao Jiahe still couldn't believe it and asked, "where's the test paper?"

Yuan Li hurriedly handed the stack of papers to Xiao Jiahe. Xiao Jiahe turned over one by one, and his face gradually burst into a smile. When he turned to the last test paper, Xiao Jiahe had laughed happily, slapped the table and said, "cousins, go and pour a glass of wine. I want to drink today!"

"Good!" Yuan Li had already laughed so hard that she got up and went to scoop wine for the Xiao family.

Xiao SA picked up the pen and handed it to Xiao Jiahe: "Dad, parents should sign the notice and test paper."

With a wave of his big hand, the Xiao family said, "my handwriting is too ugly. Your mother's handwriting is beautiful. You can sign with her. Cousins, you can give your son another ten yuan. When he is a junior in senior high school, it's time for him to eat more."

Yuan Li agreed and brought up the wine glass. When the Xiao family saw that there was only one wine glass, they asked her, "don't you have some?"

Yuan Li smiled and took another cup. She took a sip from Xiao Jiahe's glass and said, "OK, I'll have some, too. Be happy!"

"Dad and mom, eat first, or it will be cold." Xiao SA reminded when he saw Xiao's family and Yuan Li holding their monthly test paper. He is also happy in his heart. What he wants to do now is to comfort and be happy for his parents.

Yuan Li did not take chopsticks, but picked up a pen and asked her son, "where is the sign?"

Xiao Sa: "you have to sign on the grade notice and on each subject's test paper. Just watch it. Mom, eat first and sign after dinner."

Yuan Li ignored his words. First, she put great emphasis on signing her name on the letter of achievement, and then signed it again. She also checked what questions Xiao SA had made wrong one by one and asked Xiao SA if she knew what to do now.

Xiao SA could do nothing about his mother's persistence, but he wolfed down, answered Yuan Li's questions and ate three bowls of rice. He had almost eaten, but Yuan Li had not moved her chopsticks.

Yuan Li smiled and scolded him: "eat slowly! Swallow carefully! Are you a hungry ghost? What's the hurry?"

"Mom, the food you cooked is so delicious! Compared with the food you cooked, the food in our school canteen can only be regarded as pig hogwash!" Xiao SA did not mean to praise his mother.

Yuan Li's pen was full of flowers and twists. She was originally very beautiful. Although she worked too hard, the Xiao family and loved her very much, so she was still full of charm and moving. Xiao SA looked a little crazy and said, "Mom, you smile very well. It's beautiful!"

Yuan Li slapped him on the ass: "smelly boy! Do you laugh at your mother like this?"

Xiao SA smiled and said, "Mom, you said I'm so handsome. Is it your credit?"

Xiao Jiahe said, "you're handsome! Why do I think you're as ugly as I am?"

Yuan Li quit as soon as she heard it: "bah! My son is handsome! How can he be like you?"

The Xiao family and raised their voices: "look for yourself, eyes, eyebrows, nose, which is not like me?"

Xiao SA saw something was wrong and quickly rounded up the scene and said, "OK, I'm your two sons, like you two."

Yuan Li: "that's more like me. Otherwise, how can I be so handsome? My son is more handsome than you! Old ghost, don't be unconvinced!"

Xiao Jiahe was not really angry. He took a long drink from his glass and said, "men are not ugly, as long as they strive for success!"

"Man's house, that's reasonable. I respect you!" Yuan Li picked up her glass and touched Xiao Jiahe, but she still didn't take chopsticks and continued to turn over Xiao's monthly examination paper for signature. When she saw Xiao Sa's composition, she saw that the title was "my mother", so she left her mind, covered the test paper and said, "no, eat now, put the test paper here, and sign after dinner." after that, she picked up chopsticks to eat.

Xiao SA didn't notice Yuan Li's expression. Although he didn't drink, he was also intoxicated. It feels good to go home. I haven't been so happy with my parents for a long time.