"It's none of your business! Study hard." Xiao SA raised his book and smashed it on Liu GE's head.

At this time, the head teacher and Chinese teacher's hospitality came into the classroom with a large stack of test papers. The students were excited and another subject's monthly test results came out. We didn't expect that hospitality would use the evening self-study to comment on the Chinese monthly test papers.

The first name she called attentively was monitor li man, who scored 112 points. There was an exclamation in the classroom. Li man was a very quiet girl with self-control, so she smiled and went to the podium to get the test paper. She was neither proud nor reserved. All the students felt her warmth and beauty. Li man is the apple of the eye of Li Shutong, President of Tanzhou No. 1 middle school. His identity is not ordinary, because Li Shutong is a veteran of Tanzhou education. Many prominent figures in Tanzhou are his students and hold disciple rites in front of him.

Don't gossip. Gallant continued to distribute the test papers. Liu Ge liked to read gallant because gallant was also a great beauty. Liu Ge looked at Xiao SA and said, "something's wrong!"

Xiao Sa: "what's wrong!"

Liu Ge: "something's wrong with being attentive!" he never called the attentive teacher in private, but called him by his name. Who is used to calling a beautiful woman a teacher!

Xiao SA was puzzled: "why is something wrong? Don't I think it's good?"

Liu Ge said, "it's not very good, it's very good!"

Xiao SA grabbed the book and smashed it.

Liu Ge hurriedly blocked it with his hand and said, "no kidding, hospitality is really wrong. She must have cried and her eyes are red."

Xiao Sa's heart moved. He quickly observed it carefully and found that it was true. His attentive eyes were red and his eyes were swollen. It was obvious that he had cried. Xiao SA has some uneasiness in her heart. Is it Gao Yong's son of a bitch still affecting her?

"Liu Ge, 90 points," he shouted

Liu Ge went up to pick up the test paper. Xiao SA was a little surprised. He didn't think Liu GE's Chinese score was so good. He really took it. He doesn't know yet. Liu Ge is still very serious about her class. She can't live up to her kindness, can she?

Then everyone cheered up because they called Dai Xuewen's name attentively. Instead of paying attention to Dai Xuewen, they paid attention to his gambling appointment with Xiao SA. They listened attentively and said, "Dai Xuewen, 107 points."

"Wow!" there was another exclamation. Dai Xuewen came on the stage with complacency and took the test paper. Chinese has composition, so it is difficult to get high scores. It is rare to get 100 points. So far, monitor Li Man and study committee member Dai Xuewen have got 100 points, even Yang Liu has only 98 points, so Dai Xuewen has a proud capital.

He didn't see the name of Xiao SA until the last test paper in his hand was issued. Dai Xuewen was anxious, but he didn't dare to stand up and ask questions anymore. He made jokes twice in English class and mathematics class and was beaten in the face. He already had a psychological shadow.

After handing out the test papers, he returned to the center of the podium, put his hands on the podium and said, "the test papers have been distributed to the students. If there are still students who have not received the test papers, please stand up!"

Xiao SA reluctantly stood up and said to himself: follower, what are you doing today? What are you doing with my test paper?

The whole class were scanning, and finally they all stared at Xiao SA.

He smiled attentively, with a sunny smile, a spring breeze and a choppy smile. She made no secret of her happiness and smiled like a flower: "Xiao SA, your test paper is here. I can't send it to you now. I'll use it later. Sit down."

You said it! I have to stand up and let the whole class pay attention. Isn't this a trick? Xiao SA muttered discontentedly. Dissatisfaction returned to dissatisfaction, so he had to sit down honestly.

Gallant: "now we begin to analyze and explain the test papers. The students look at their own test papers carefully. Xiao SA, look at the test papers at the same table."

Xiao Sa's deskmate Hu Jianxuan had already spread his test paper in the middle of the desk for Xiao SA to see. Jianxuan is a down-to-earth person. Like Xiao SA, he is also from the countryside. He is very harmonious with Xiao SA at the same table, but he is usually silent and his grades are as ordinary as his appearance. He has no sense of existence among his classmates.

120 points total, 80 points basic, 40 points composition. First, analyze the basic part. Xiao SA sees everything from the beginning to the end. He should be correct without any mistakes. After all, he is a top student in the Chinese department in that world. This basic knowledge of high school is really a piece of cake.

After analyzing and explaining the basic part, he politely paused for a while. When the whole class calmed down, he continued: "Now let's begin to explain the composition of this monthly exam. Before explaining, I want to read a composition from a classmate in this monthly exam. This composition is not only read by the Chinese teachers in senior three, but also circulated by the Chinese teachers in the whole school. Many other teachers who are not Chinese teachers have also read it. The final consensus is to give full marks to this composition, but in my opinion Hold on, the grade group still deducted one point, because this student may be too excited when writing his composition. He made a small mistake and wrote two wrong words. Let me read it to you. The title of his composition is my mother. "

"The person I don't understand in this world is my mother. She teaches me to be thrifty and frugal, but secretly gives me pocket money; she finds my fault at home every day, but doesn't allow others to say that I'm not right outside; obviously she gave birth to me, raised me, gave me life and raised me, but I didn't do anything, but she always feels indebted to me Many... "

"When I was a child, my mother's knee was my handrail, and I helped it to learn to stand and walk; when I went to school, my mother's arm was the handrail, and I helped it over the mud and bumps; when I grew up, my mother's eyes were the handrail, and I didn't feel lonely when I helped it to travel around the world..."

"When I was young, my mother was recognized as a great beauty in all parts of the country, but now, for the sake of home and me, wind and frost have eroded my mother's once beautiful face, and excessive labor has bent her once graceful waist..."

"I grow up, but my mother is old! Mom, I would like to borrow a part of my life for the rest of your life. Even if I use my ten years for you to live one more day, I am willing! I just hope that my unfilial son can use his shoulder as your hand one day to accompany you all the way..."

After reading the composition, the classroom was silent. There were only a few girls standing on the podium with low cries and tears.

After a long time, the same tearful monitor li man began to applaud, then the applause rang out again and again, and finally the whole class burst into prolonged applause