When Miao Shufeng saw her son's sudden success, her heart was filled with joy.

She felt that stimulating education was more effective than painstaking efforts for Xu Tang, so she immediately said happily: "if you want to borrow, yun'er will certainly agree. In fact, mother's coming to see you this time is to tell you that I'll find a relationship for you after the new year. I hope you can be pulled out next year, but you have to promise your mother one thing."

Xu Tang knows that there is a play. In the past two years in prison, he can see what he has learned. In this world, money is the king's way, and no money is nothing.

"Guarantee what?"

"I want you to promise us that after you come out, you'll have to break up with all your old friends and listen to our words and be a good man."

"Well, I promise, I will be a good man in the future." Xu Tang didn't even think about it, so he answered directly.

From entering the visiting room, Xu ya, Lai Huiqing and Xu Yun are all in vain. Xu Tang looks at Miao Shufeng from beginning to end, because Xu Tang knows that Miao Shufeng is in charge of the Xu family. As long as Miao Shufeng agrees, he will do it. As for his father, Xu ya, he is not even a man.

As long as Xu Yun doesn't get married, her money belongs to the Xu family. As long as it belongs to the Xu family, it's his.

Miao Shufeng was assured, and her heart was half relieved. Then she was cold and hushed. Lai Huiqing wanted to say a few words, but she couldn't get in her mouth. Xu Ya was black all the time and didn't know what she was thinking.

Xu Yun, with her head half lowered, starts from Xu Tang's bitter look at her. She is asking herself, what should she do?

100000 is just a beginning. If my brother really develops the ability to take whatever he wants, he will become a black hole filled with discontent, and his ambition will be even greater in the future. This is just like a hidden danger. What should she do to save him?

But when she secretly looks at Miao Shufeng, Xu Yun is speechless.

She knows Miao Shufeng too well. Her stubborn and headstrong personality makes her so strong that she won't listen to anyone's persuasion. If she says her idea, she hardly needs her head to think about it. Miao Shufeng will definitely scold her, scold her for being cold-blooded and neglecting her kinship

She couldn't listen to those sad words, but if it went on like this, what's the difference between her and helping the evil?

Xu Yun has no choice but to bite his lips and finally leaves the visiting room in a trance.

After everyone got on the bus, Lai Huiqing said in awe: "Shufeng, you shouldn't have given that money just now, tang'er, he He's changed now. " It seems to have become more selfish.

The latter sentence, Lai Huiqing dare not say, just look at Miao Shufeng worried.

As a grandmother, she has no status in the family, especially in the education of children. No matter what opinions she puts forward, Miao Shufeng will not listen. But after seeing Xu Tang today, Lai Huiqing really thinks that Xu Tang's problem is very serious.

"Mom, tang'er has suffered such a big loss. He must change it. Besides, he borrowed money at a high interest rate. If I really can't see it, and if I don't pay him back, his life will be gone."

"It shouldn't be like this. It shouldn't be." Lai Huiqing pale, not good at words of her, really do not know how to say, but she knows, can't be so indulged again and again.

Today tang'er said he borrowed usury. Tomorrow, tang'er said he borrowed usury. The day after tomorrow, what should we do? Do you always wipe his ass?

This education method is wrong.

"Mom, you don't care. You don't understand these things. As long as he comes out quickly, it's good. No matter how much money he borrows, as long as people are there, he can always earn it back."

Xu Ya is holding his temper from beginning to end. What Lai Huiqing wants to say but can't say, he has been thinking about it for a long time.

Xu Tang is like a crooked neck tree. Not only does he grow crooked, but also his heart is crooked. His selfish appearance is really angry, angry and hateful.

He was angry that Xu Tang was not successful. He was angry with Xu Tang for his selfishness. He hated that his father was useless and failed to educate him well. Even if he had fallen into such a big fall, his heart did not break back and change.

"Miao Shufeng, didn't you find any other problems?"

"What problems am I going to find out?" She is not very nice.

"Tang'er has become very selfish. He knows that you and I have only so much salary, but he is reckless and extravagant in prison. He takes money as the ground pick, and our property as his property. Besides crying, you take everything from him. You do not love, but harm."

Miao Shufeng's face changed and her long, gloomy face said, "that's the meat that fell from my stomach. Will I harm him? Didn't you hear what he said? Prison is a place where people eat people. Can he live without money? "

Xu Yun sits in the driver's seat, listening to her parents begin to argue, but her expression is helpless and numb.

Ning 19 didn't dare to mix in these household chores, pursed her lips, and drove with her eyes unblinking, pretending that she couldn't hear.

"There are so many people in prison, and no one has spent money like him? Don't others live well? " Xu Ya Qi shivered, he knew that he would quarrel with Miao Shufeng.Over the years of marriage, Miao Shufeng would not listen to other people's opinions no matter what they discussed. On the contrary, she would find countless reasons to refute, and she would not give up until she had won the rebuttal.

"Come on, who do you think lives well? How many sins have they suffered? Do you have to tell you one by one? Xu Ya and Xu Tang were born in October. I can't stand his suffering. Do you understand

"I know how you feel. I'm also his father. But it's not the way to educate a child. He is a boy. First of all, he should have the courage to take responsibility, rather than opportunistic and evasive. What's more, he can't develop the idea of taking possession of himself. Why does the state have criminal law? That is to let them accept the transformation again and correct their long and crooked thoughts. But what did he say today? "

Miao Shufeng's high tone completely infuriates Xu ya. Xu Ya suppresses Miao Shufeng with a roar. With the high tone, how can Miao Shufeng, who has always been strong, let herself down, and roar louder than Xu ya.

"What did he say today? Is there anything wrong? Didn't he just ask us for money? It's right for him to buy points with money. What's more, he has made a promise to be a good person in the future. After he comes out, he will work and return Xu Yun's money. Is that wrong? Xu ya, don't you want him to come out? Don't you want him to be better? Ah? Say it

Xu Ya's eyes widened. He just couldn't say why. Miao Shufeng was simply unreasonable.

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