However, at this moment, no matter how careful the countermeasures are, they are not worth mentioning in the face of absolute overwhelming force.

Therefore, ye Tian and Li Fei can only follow their old ways. Run.

Jie Jie's laughter spread out again, and the huge suction appeared again, as if they were attracted from every corner of the world.

Their existence is so small at this moment.

They are small and ridiculous, no matter how twisted they are and how desperate they look - they never stop looking.

The suction is too huge. Ye Tian grabs the stone tablet alone and Li Fei firmly with his other hand.

And Li Fei is desperately trying to push Ye Tian away, not to become his burden.

"You let me go, his goal is you, it doesn't matter if I'm sucked in!" Li Fei roared loudly and said to Ye Tian, "let go! Thousands of Adidas of Lao Tzu will be ruined by you! If it goes on like this, I will only be a burden to you

Ye Tian ignores what Li Fei is calling at this time. He just has a smile on his mouth, and his strength is not reduced at all.

Inadvertently, silver moon city, with three big words of blood red light on the stone tablet, began to fade. The sudden increase of the suction made them unable to support and fly out.

Yes, it flew backwards. Because ye Tian struggled to resist the suction caused by the dark shadow, so he suddenly produced a force to the contrary, so he had no way to react, and could only be absorbed at once.

Moreover, this force is stronger than before, and it suddenly appears.

Shadow no longer laugh, Jie Jie laughter finally no longer full of this space, slowly disappear. Slowly quiet.

For the first time, the shadow showed a puzzled expression. He didn't remember using such a force.

But when he saw the body of Li Fei and ye Tian and the direction they were flying backwards, he was completely unable to calm down.

The sinister and strange smile on his face no longer appeared. Instead, a stream of resentment and anger from the inside out gradually filled his face. Then he stares at the place where they fly, and suddenly accelerates to the extreme. He wants to move in a moment to take them away.

But he failed. What came out and into the two ears was a roar:

"Yuzhi! I'll kill you

The world is a dark place, and the twists and turns of the sky make both of them feel familiar and incredible. It's like they come to this space, and the feeling of shuttling is like a passage through space.

Li Fei and ye Tian close their eyes tightly in such a time and space legend because they can't open their eyes.

However, the two of them have nothing to remember, because they know that they don't seem to be succeeded by the shadow at the moment, which can be heard from his roar.

I don't know how long it's been - Ye Tian wakes up first, then Li Fei. Two people feel that they have a headache, which is more severe than when they came in. They didn't get used to it at all.

"Is this going back?" Ye Tian secretly thought that it would be great if it was like this. From what shadow said just now, he could not come out.

Li Fei thought the same at the beginning, but when his sight was wide, he didn't have time to say that was a good sentence.

The sight here is very dim. I can barely see all around. It's still stuffy. I can feel that the ventilation here is not good and it's very narrow.

Two people confused lying on the ground, gasping, obviously here is not the outside world, is not in the water. But they can at least breathe with ease - the crisis is over for the time being.

Li Fei took a look at Ye Tian and forced him to joke: "maybe we've gone to the underworld. Today we went to the Dragon Palace, then to the underworld, and finally to make a scene in heaven. My life is worth it. Ha ha

Ye tianpiao's mouth, but many years later, he really thought this guy was a prophet. Or is it a good flag? Or is poisonous milk powerful enough?

"It seems that the two friends are in a good mood."

Almost at the same time, Li Fei and ye Tian are playing. From the ground, there are two figures standing up straight from the ground, in addition to vigilance or vigilance, there is no relaxation, looking directly at the sound of the place.

"Who are you?" Ye Tian asked with vigilance.

"Who am I? I also forgot that this is not what I need to remember. If you ask my master, his name is Yuzhi. " The voice answered truthfully."Yu Zhi?" Ye Tian doubts, he seems to remember, just that black smoke into the figure, on the ferocious shout sound Yuzhi.

Li Fei was more straightforward and said directly: "there is a guy outside who looks like a gas stove looking for you everywhere. It's like, you say, are you his accomplice? Give me a cake. I'm hungry... "

After a pause, the voice mechanically answered, "I don't know what you're talking about. I can't understand a lot of your words. But you said that the guy outside should be the Soul Eater. That's right. He is the enemy of my master's life. "

"It should be said that it was the enemy of my life before I separated. It's more appropriate."

"Have you two already involved outsiders in your enmity?" Ye Tian questions the voice.

Then he said, "I'm sorry to have surprised you. Fortunately, my master expected you to come and left something for you as compensation."

"Do you want to be done with compensation? I tell you, if it's not delicious, it can't be finished... "Li Fei put on the airs of a young master," how can you talk like a robot? Your master won't write you like code. "

"I'm sorry, because the master's strength was not enough at that time, so the separation function produced was also limited. I believe that the current master must be very strong, and the separation is the same as the noumenon. "

Ye Tian knows the theory of separation and nods secretly. If it is the separation created during the distraction period, it's a miracle that it can exist for such a long time.

The original Ye Tian has not even come into contact with this level. If the function of Fen Shen is abused, the cultivation world will be in chaos. A Fen Shen can do a lot of things.

Moreover, the precious degree of a separation can be imagined. The man named Yuzhi was willing to leave the separation in such a place, obviously he took this matter seriously.

"Where is this now?"

"Back to Ye Tian, this is inside the body of Binglong Yinyue."

"How do you know my name?"

"The master guessed. And Li Fei. "

In just two sentences, the amount of information is too much. Let Ye Tian and Li Fei all stare big eyes