"Want to cry!"

"Hold on!"

"No tears."

Three French and German scientists constantly comfort themselves, calm down, be calm, what Nobel Prize is, ha ha, what cancer is, ha ha, what HIV is, ha ha.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!


I think so.


very fast.

In the melodious music.

The king came to power.

With a smile on his face, at this moment, all the cameras are aiming at the three figures with different painting styles. Many of them are old at the scene, and many people have gone to Myanmar to receive treatment with friendly eyes.

Of course.

There are also unfriendly ones.

The truth.

Many people would like to tie up the three and force out the preparation technology of the transcriptional solution, which is not entirely economic interests, but also curious, especially scientists, which is really itchy.

Two years.

No progress, no one will catch the blind.


"Thank you for your contribution to the world medical community."


In the face of the media, while thanking, the king murmured in his heart, hoping that the consortia would not make too much trouble, otherwise, Sweden's face would have to be thrown into the world, for which he was helpless.


Already in control.


It's good to be able to maintain the status. It's just to maintain the face. After all, for thousands of years, inheritance, orthodoxy and blood are the marks of this land. Only when there is a royal family can capital have hereditary dignity.


Pure capital.


That's a lot of money, not money with honor.


"It's not over."

Outside the concert hall.

At the top of a building, two men in black and with binoculars looked down nervously. They were transferred from the United States. Looking back last month, their hearts were pounding.

One night.

Hundreds of people died, all of them elites.


They may have to face the same enemy. When they think of it, their palms are sweating. They would have walked in the dark. They know how terrible a hidden opponent is. It's really deadly.

"Observation point A9, normal."


Every minute.

All have to be reported.

Put down the communicator and continue. The top of the high-rise building around the concert hall is full of their people. Two or three people in a group monitor all the suspicious people. There are more people on the ground.




"Say it."

"I feel like I'm being watched." One of them frowned. It was a strange feeling. It was not murderous. He didn't come down from the battlefield for a long time. He was very sensitive in this respect.

"In which direction?"


I'm not a God. How do I know.


My companion responded, and it was strange to know. Suddenly, the man said, "I always feel that it's not that we surround others, but that we are surrounded. I hope it's that I'm multi-minded."

Just for a moment.

He remembered.

That kind of feeling is the feeling of being ambushed. I didn't care much before, because I am the ambush party. It's impossible at all, but I'm not sure when I think of the mystery of that force.


The companion was stunned.

On intuition.

That man is much better than himself. He just came out of the CIA and is skilled in professional skills. But in terms of intuition, compared with the front-line soldiers or elite special soldiers, the gap is not small.

"Are you sure?"



"It just feels weird. Be careful."


The special soldier narrowed his eyes and looked around with his telescope. Some of the buildings could see his own people on the roof. After a circle, no suspicious people were found. Everything was normal and terrible.

Be quiet.



Suddenly, a man was excited. It was so quiet. The familiar breath was gone. All of a sudden, he stood up with sweat and turned his head difficultly. In an instant, he was scared to death.


It's gone.

Instead, it was a strange face.


He was smiling at him. The smile was more terrible than the smile in any horror movie. It was frightening. Because it was too exciting, he was so scared that he could not speak at all.


This sentence.

It was the last word he heard before he woke up.


When it's dark, you don't know anything.






All the information is collected in Greece.

Everything is normal, but this is normal. It sounds so ironic. Last time in the United States, I heard it was the same. It took a long time for others to finish their actions before they were discovered.


The less reassuring.


"There is a situation."

Report by hand.


The old man came to spirit.

"There's a fight on the kovoro side."

"Here we are."

This news makes the old people's eyes shine. They are not afraid of accidents. They are afraid of calm. In fact, they don't have hope. They were originally used as cannon fodder envoys in order to catch some fish.

At this time.

"Seventeen observation teams lost contact."


"There's a message from kovoro, and their men are missing. The decent people are coming." Two bad news in a row, loss of connection, in addition to signal shielding, is death, the latter is more likely.

"Our people are going, too."



The message spread everywhere. Ten teams drove in the direction reported by kovoro, overtaking, speeding and running red lights. The Swedish police on duty at night received the report but ignored it.


If not for headquarters transfer.


Stick to your post. It's an order.


"Get out of the car."

A dozen cross-country vehicles stopped outside a factory building, which is located in the suburb and sparsely populated. Because of the rampant underground forces and poor public security, few people came at night.


Kovoro is No.1 of the world's underground forces.

In front of it.

These are all little brothers, but the business is different. Kovoro has deviated from the low-level business model, preferring to the high-level underground forces. Strictly speaking, it is the upgraded version of the underground forces - the dark forces.

"Be careful."

Dozens of people got off.

Look at the factory building in the distance.


Surrounded by iron fences, some of the lights in the plant are still on, some of them are flashing. According to the task description, only the people in kovoro enter, take others out temporarily, and be ready to support.


Nearly 20 fully armed kovoro members pressed against the wall.



The people of the consortia can't help nodding. The members of kovoro are all elites among the elites. Now, it's worth mentioning that a considerable part of the CIA's global intelligence network is controlled by kovoro.

Sure enough.

There are two brushes.


Kovoro's men entered the factory.

But ten seconds.





After half a minute, the voice stopped. At night, it returned to the previous silence. They wanted to know the result of the battle.

"Kovoro support failed!"


There's a sound in the headphones.

"New support from kovoro is coming."


This painting style.

It seems a little strange!