The highest attributes of these convertible robots are only 200, which is obviously unscientific compared with the abnormal limit of level 98 heard before. Tang Qing guessed that it should be related to his own attributes, otherwise, how could the system products be no more than 200, but that's enough. Tang Qing was a little excited at the thought that someone who was more powerful than him could have a good fight.

There's no way. He can't fight Han Leng and Sun Chao at all. He can't bear to fight with them. Han Leng and Sun Chao are exhausted every time.

Now, you can exchange for a stronger opponent than yourself. You don't need to worry that the opponent will kill you. Tang Qing immediately has a feeling of leaping forward. As for why he thinks that the second level soldiers must be stronger than himself, it's not only because of their attributes, but also because of what the whole soldiers are proficient in. Although you don't know what they are proficient in, the system is all It's not easy to admit mastery.

"Waiter, what does it mean to be proficient in soldier skills? What do you have? " Tang Qing asked. In fact, he had a guess in his mind. It's probably that there are too many skills. The second child has integrated them. After all, a qualified soldier needs to master a lot of basic skills. If all of them are displayed, he will feel like a bully.

"Back to commander in chief, soldiers' skills include fighting with and without implements, gun mastery, driving of various vehicles, medical first aid, camouflage, interrogation by torture, survival in the whole environment, culinary foundation, blasting, foreign language, computer foundation, communication foundation, communication foundation...".... Soldiers can undertake all the tasks of combat and non combat arms, land and air. Except for command, intelligence and staff, all skills except foreign languages will be loaded by default when exchanging. "

Little two said nearly 20 skills at a time, but he didn't count them, because the more he listened, the more surprised he was, and the bigger his mouth opened.

After listening, Tang Qing felt a little confused.

These skills all sound like abuses. They are all full-fledged warlords. They can do anything. One or two hundred in case, it can be said that cabbage is home, but also absolutely loyal.

Tang Qing's heart began to itch after he came back to his mind. Tang Qing wanted to "get something for nothing" after listening to these skills, which cost a lot of money. What's the most important thing is to save time, so he asked hopefully, "can I learn these skills, waiter?"

"Yes, commander, the operation control center has a simulation training area. You can learn all the skills from any robot who has mastered the skill without any charge." As soon as he heard that Tang Qing was in a hurry, what we wanted was a quick success. Instead of following a little bit of learning, he immediately asked, "can't you learn directly, little boy? You are a robot that has learned it directly. "

"Back to commander in chief, the robot has started memory infusion at the time of synthesis, so it has no effect. However, commander in chief must unlock the level 10 gene lock before he can bear the skill memory infusion of the operation dispatching center. If he uses it before level 10, the success rate is only 10%, and irreversible permanent damage will occur after failure." The child said, "system, when I am reborn, I will also count as memory infusion. Why is it OK?"

Although he has believed the second child's words, he still wants to ask the system, so that he can't accept the cold water splashed on him without being clear about his itch.

"Host, at that time, your brain is protected by the system and can withstand large-scale memory transfer. After that, the system does not provide the overload protection function of brain memory infusion." The system replied.

"System, can't I exchange one point at a time, not all skills at a time." Tang Qing asked again before he died. If all the skills are together, there must be more, but let's have a little head office.

"The overload caused by memory infusion has nothing to do with the amount of infusion, only with the ability of the body to bear it." The system gives Tang Qing another mug.

Tang Qing didn't ask any more. He pulled down his face in disappointment. In any case, the system chief just said something. Wait a minute. Wait until you unlock the level 10 gene lock. If NIMA really arrived, I would have learned it by myself. OK, I'll use you to instill it in me?

It's true that our learning ability is a decoration. You are a chicken.

He can only comfort himself like this, but although he complains in his heart, it's tempting to get something for nothing.

"By the way, how many function areas are there? I just heard from you about the training area. " Tang Qing suddenly remembered that the junior two said the training area just now. Looking at the huge command room, it must be no small to think that it can be measured by the area.

"Back to the commander in chief, the operation dispatching center is divided into six functional areas: operation command room, living area, simulation training area, logistics equipment area, transmission area, scientific research and production area. All the basic modules of the six regions are now activated. " Said the second.

Others are easy to understand and accept, but what kind of ghost is the transmission area?

Listen to the feeling of being tall. Is it a teleportation array?

"Waiter, what's the use of that transport area? I mean, where to transport?" Tang Qing thought about it and asked, "it's not interesting to just transmit to other unopened areas of the integrated service center. It's useless. It's also a weakness to transmit in the operation dispatching center.". It would be nice to send it out.

"Back to commander-in-chief, the role of the transport area is to deliver soldiers and equipment to places with relative transport nodes in the external boundary, and at the same time to transport materials to other areas of the integrated service center." The second child said, "relative transfer node? What is that? " Tang Qing asked again.

"The relative transmission node is a set of portable transmission equipment. The commander only needs to put it on a flat ground to locate the transmission personnel and equipment, because the commander can not carry anything directly out except what he brings in, and the commander can also use the transmission area to transmit to any relative transmission node outside." Xiao Er explained that Tang Qing nodded. If you want to transmit, you really need a set of positioning equipment. Otherwise, if you don't have coordinates to transmit an egg, it's over. It can be delivered with its own things anywhere here. This should be the responsibility of the system, and other things need to go through the transmission area. Obviously, the personnel access system in this place will not be directly managed, but it is similar to opening a transport interface for the second child to watch and handle by itself.

What a lazy system.

"How many node devices do we have?" Tang Qing asked again.

That's what he cares about. It would be great if there were a hundred and eighty sets of node equipment sprinkled all over the world. He didn't need to take a plane when he went out of the door. He didn't want to save a little money on air tickets, but he was better at safety. No one could find his entry and exit records. When he did something bad, there was evidence that he wasn't there.

In addition, he doesn't have to worry about being hit by a missile in the air in the future. It's not that he's alarmist, but that the auxiliary functions of the system are all open to this part. He knows what level his enemies will be in the future, and if he dares to fly in a private plane, his enemies will actually send him missiles. It's not alarmist.

"Back to commander in chief, you will be given a set of node equipment for each level of promotion. Now there is only one set of node equipment in the transmission area." Said the second.

Tang Qing is very disappointed after listening. It seems that he thinks a lot. How can such a big bug appear? There are still 180 sets? I think it's cabbage.

The curious Tang Qing then went to visit each place under the guidance of the sophomore. The center provides transportation, which is a bit like a flying skateboard. It is controlled by the mind, and the speed is super fast. The top speed is more than 300 kilometers per hour. Originally, he wanted to take it out for fun, but the sophomore said that it is powered by wireless power. It is useless to take it out, so he dismissed the idea.

The more you look, the more frightened you are.

It's really worthy of the title of the system from the ox fork to the sky. The living area is about the same size as the transmission area and the scientific research area, which is four or five times larger than the command room. The transmission area is relatively open, but the living area is tens of meters higher than the war room, which is hundreds of meters high. In this huge field, there are many buildings, the highest one is nearly More than 20 floors, canteen, accommodation, leisure and sports.

But now there is nothing. Later, he needs to buy robots to serve as staff. At the thought of it, he wanted to scold. NIMA wanted people for cooking and farming, and these people were all soldiers. Isn't that wasteful? The most important thing is my money!!! The cheapest one is a million.

of course, he can only make complaints about himself in his mind. Being called by the commander in chief of the junior two, we can't lose our share because of money.

The same is true for the scientific research area. There are many buildings in the huge area, which are all empty. Tang Qing listens to Xiao Er about the future convertible scientific researchers. Now, only the exchange center controlled by Xiao Er is running.

The logistics equipment area is also acceptable. It's only ten times larger than the two before. Each equipment rack is also empty. Even there is water immediately. Tang Qing estimated what kind of marine equipment to put.

What do you want to do in konima simulation training area?

This is really a bit big, at least thousands of square kilometers. You are too extravagant to be the system creator of your uncle. If you make a space ring, it will not go against the weather. Tang Qing really couldn't help but Tucao, the system had such a large space, but now he refused to give him a cubic storage device, and make complaints about it.

Forget it. It can be transmitted to different dimensions. What's bigger? Just open your brain a little bit.

It took nearly an hour for Tang Qing to finish reading all the areas and return to the command room. He had to start building.

PS: Chapter one.