Chapter 1046 Visit

It is impossible for Yin Xiaojun to catch up with the military training for one year, but if Yin Xiaojun is really interested, it would be nice to send him to the army.

However, Yin Xiaoyin's mood has improved a lot after interrupting with these two little things, and it seems that going to military training for a year is not a bad thing.

In late July, Zhang Weiyi and Song Xin returned to Longcheng with Anderson and others.

A full month of visit, Anderson has a general understanding of Huaqing Holdings.

The most intuitive feeling is big, really big.

There are more than ten factories, 20 small factories, large and small factories with thousands of people.

There are hundreds of people in the smaller ones. Although the machinery and equipment are not the most advanced, it can even be said to be relatively backward.

But the sales of products produced are very good.

There are also feed factories in Sichuan Province and Jinling Hotel in Jiangsu Province. Zhang Weiyi took Anderson and others to travel across the country.

This scale, Anderson probably has a few in his mind. If it is really a mortgage loan, it is not a problem to borrow one billion rupee, or even two billion rupee.

Even exaggerate a little bit, do some false data, 3 billion rupee is not a problem.

However, there are no specific figures, and Anderson can't guarantee without the loan.

Jiang Xiaobai saw Anderson off in Longcheng.

"I will do this immediately when I return to Moscow, but there may be some documents and other things that need your cooperation."

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Anderson started talking about business.

"No problem, if you need to call directly, I promise to cooperate." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Okay, cheers, I hope we can cooperate happily."

"Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation." Everyone's wine glasses clashed together, making a crisp sound.

Early the next morning, Anderson and others boarded the train to the capital, and when they arrived in the capital, they would return directly to Moscow.

At the same time, there has been a lot of rumors about Jiang Xiaobai and Mou Qizhong’s reselling of the plane.

First of all, of course, this matter came from Sichuan Province. Mou Qizhong said it himself, and of course it also came from Sichuan Airlines.

There are many people who know about such a big event, and it is too shocking. The news is definitely unavoidable.

In addition, Mou Qizhong himself contributed to the flames, and soon there was a lot of uproar in all parts of the country.

Some people say that Mou Qizhong and Jiang Xiaobai have earned 100 million, and some people say that they have earned 200 million.

Some people also said that they had bought an extra plane. Anyway, after it spreads, they will say everything.

And it’s not just that people spread it, it’s published in many newspapers.

And Mou Qizhong has come forward to accept several interviews.

The Economic News of Sichuan Province also opened a column for Mou Qizhong, covering the incident of changing canned food to planes.

"Boom boom boom."

"Come in."

"Director Xiaobai, a reporter from Longcheng Metropolis Daily arrived and said that he would like to conduct an interview with you."

"Just say I'm back to Jianhua Village." Since the news about the change of canned food came out, many reporters came to interview, but Jiang Xiaobai fooled them away.

In addition to other periods of time, Anderson has been wandering around with Zhang Weiyi and others. From time to time, newspapers in various places will report that Huaqing Holdings' foreign partners are investigating in various places, so it is still possible to fool the past.

At this time, the newspapers in various places have nothing to write about. Friends from abroad come to investigate. Of course, newspapers in various places will seize the opportunity to report this news.

But now Anderson is gone, and there has been no news report for several days. The reporters from Longcheng couldn't sit still, and came back again.

"No, say I went to the capital." Jiang Xiaobai quickly changed his words and said

If someone listened to it, and went straight to Jianhua Village, and found out that they were not in Jianhua Village, that would be offensive.

The title of uncrowned king is not for nothing. Don’t offend reporters if you offend anyone.

Look at the online violence in later generations, and you will know the news out of context.

Some people say that in this world, there are always 1% to 2% of people with ulterior motives, and 50% of those who don’t use their minds can be driven.

How to drive it? News and newspapers are the way to drive it at this time. Therefore, journalists are the least able to offend.

"Okay." Zhao Xiaojin turned and left, and returned after a while.

"The two reporters said they were your acquaintances, one surnamed Wang and the other Qian."

"The surname Qian, is it from the Provincial Evening Newspaper?"

"He said that he used to be from the Provincial Evening News, and now he is in the Metropolis Daily."

"Please come in." Jiang Xiaobai sighed and said.

The reporter surnamed Qian really has intersections. He was the first reporter to interview in Jianhua Village. Later, he signed the contract before the construction of Huaqing Building.

At the beginning, because of Yin Xiaoyin’s accident in the garment factory, I also called to help post an article, and it was inappropriate to promote it.

What does it mean that people can't help themselves in the arena? That is, there are always things that you can't avoid.

"Oh, Reporter Qian. It's been a long time, not a long time."

"Director Xiaobai, you are a busy person, it is not easy to meet each other." Reporter Qian said with a thorn in his words, and said with a smile.

But Jiang Xiaobai nodded and admitted without expecting it.

"You have to say something else, I dare not admit it, but a busy person, I have to respond to this title. Don't look at Huaqing Holdings Co., Ltd. not very good, but thousands of people rely on me to eat, and thousands of families are behind them. That's tens of thousands of people, how dare I be idle.

This year is even running around, and the children almost didn't know me when I came home. "

Jiang Xiaobai said, reporter Qian and reporter Ma laughed.

Reporter Qian has his own identity as a reporter. There is something in the words, but the words are thorny. Jiang Xiaobai does not try to be more conscientious, and has a tough attitude.

The uncrowned king belongs to the uncrowned king, but there are thousands of people under Laozi. Such a big company is not for nothing.

"And it's true. Otherwise, reporter Qian, Reporter Ma, you two will come over. I'm determined not to see other reporters. I'm not holding a stand, but really busy..."

Jiang Xiaobai said, pointing to a bunch of human pieces on the table and said: "I see it, this is a small part of the work that needs to be processed this morning."

"Director Xiaobai is not easy, he has a heavy burden, and understands." Reporter Qian nodded and said, his service softened.

"Yes, Huaqing Holding Company is now flourishing, growing bigger and bigger, becoming the industry leader of private enterprises in Shanxi Province. Outsiders look envious, but who knows, one minute on stage, ten years off stage, It was the director of Xiaobai who worked hard, and this made Huaqing Holding Company what it is today."

Reporter Ma also echoed that the reporter is still competent, and if you really want to lick it, it is very comfortable.

"Haha, I can't talk, I can't talk, please sit down, please sit down." Jiang Xiaobai greeted with a big smile.

(End of this chapter)