v10 Chapter 1054: Step by step

At this moment, he waited for a long time.

Also planned for a long time.

Once the Kang family is taken down, then... what he will face next is the enemy in the true sense.

The Low Family.

As for the Han family...

Hehe, it's not so much an enemy, it's better to be in-laws.

You know, Pan Jiajun decided in his heart that Han Xuan must be possessed, so in his subconscious, when Lorraine died, this Han Xuan was his own.

As for how to deal with the Han family, this is much simpler.

Their current Patriarch, Han Dingtian, is already very old. Of course, although he has left a lot of tales in the business world, among their Han family, it is the first place where the deep meaning of blue is better than blue.

Han Zhennan is better than his father.

And now Han Xuan is also trained by the Han family, but unfortunately, her time is short. It is not enough to fight for intelligence and skills with Pan Jiajun who is now completely "opened up". So, how about the Han family? There is only one person to resist the three strong attacks of the Pan family, Da Raul and the Alnath family... that is Han Zhennan.


Even more terrifying is.

The facilitator and alliance between Da Raul and the Alnas family is only a superficial situation.

In the back ground, there are the Sky Eye Organization and the Demon Gentlemen Alliance as backers and trump cards. This is a very difficult link for Han Zhennan and the Han family. Fortunately... Han Zhennan’s son, Han Chen, The origin of identity is also not simple.

As the leader of the Salvation Group, he will of course find ways to resist the dark forces for the Han family when the Han family is fighting against the Pan family.

This is the United States, not China.

Perhaps in China, these underground forces still have some scruples, but in the United States, it is completely different. These issues have been discussed before. Because of the different systems, the rules here are different from China.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the main reason why the Pan family can reach cooperation with Da Raul is because of the Sky Eye Organization and the Demon Gentlemen Alliance.

But now in terms of their status in these two organizations, the Pan family is even more important than the Grand Raul faction of the Gambino family.

Because Da Raul was only limited to cooperation with the Demon Gentlemen Alliance, and the Pan family cooperated with both the Sky Eye Organization and the Demon Gentlemen Alliance. Pan Jiajun invested heavily in the plan to transform the fighters.

It is true that the Gambino family is richer than the Pan family.

But Pan Jiajun took advantage of being a Chinese. Now the plan of cooperation between the Demon Gentlemen Alliance and the Sky Eye organization is based on the boss of the Sky Eye organization, the Red Ghost, as the leader. Because of his strong strength, even the leader of the Demon Gentlemen Alliance. They all respect the red ghost for three points, because after all, the underground world still respects strength after all.

Judging from this situation, once the Han family is targeted by the Pan family, there will be more fortunes.

As the leader of the Salvation Group, Han Chen has already sent people to investigate the participants in the Demon Gentlemen Alliance’s warrior reform plan. At first, he had already learned from Alpha before he knew that the Sky Eye organization was involved. He and Long Er knew that Da Raul was involved in this plan.

Therefore, when Pan Jiajun announced that their Pan family and the Gambino family’s Grand Raul faction were cooperating, Han Chen guessed that Pan Jiajun was already involved in the warrior transformation plan. Although it was just a guess, this guess was wrong. The correct rate should be as high as 90%.

Otherwise, the Gambino family, especially the Da Raul faction, could not have reached such a deep cooperation with the Pan family so easily.

During this period of time, the Pan family frequently interacted with the Gambino family, and Da Raul was very admiring. In private, in the name of personal and friends, he invited Pan Jiajun several times to their Gambino family house. Be a guest.

Although this is a show, the show is very mind-blowing. They just want to tell people around the world that the cooperation between the Gambino family and the Pan family is definitely not the kind of unstable cooperation that the outside world guessed, but a very close connection. .

In view of this, Han Chen has begun to meet with Han Zhennan frequently to discuss these issues.

Of course, although Han Chen trusted his adoptive father, he never said the existence of the Salvation Group. After all, the Salvation Group is the biggest card in the future conspiracy plan to deal with the Sky Eye Organization and the Demon Gentlemen Alliance. Once it is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous. Both Alpha and Lorraine died because of being involved, so it seems that the secret of the existence of the Salvation Group is even more important.

"Foster father, next, Pan Jiajun should act on our Han family in the name of the Pan family. I guess, according to their style of doing things, they should be a secret attack. You must be careful." In Han Zhennan Han Chen said in his office.

Han Zhennan nodded, and there was a solemn expression hidden during his rainy season.

Although it has been a while, he still can't believe that a young man he was so optimistic about, Lorraine, just died...

"What a pity... what a pity..."

Han Zhennan sighed softly. Now every day, Han Zhennan feels regret. Whenever he thinks of Lorraine’s death, he feels very sad: "In this world, bad people often live longer than good people. Back then, I saw Zhong Lorraine, in addition to his good ability and background, more, I value his character, this is his strength, but in the end, it is this strength that hurt him, if he can be cruel ...Perhaps, this situation won't happen now."

Speaking of Lorraine, Han Chen also felt very heartache.

Because in addition to a hidden subordinate relationship with Lorraine, they are also very good friends, especially after he later revealed his identity in front of Lorraine, there was no gap between the two. , To be honest, although the existence of the Salvation Group has a certain sense of mission important responsibility, but when they are in the secret base of the Salvation Group, when they discuss the plan together, it is really like a family and very warm.

Until now, Han Chen still remembered that feeling.

"Foster father, don’t be too regretful. If Lorraine was really such a cruel person, you wouldn’t have valued him at the beginning, would you? If he was not that admirable character, then he might have been You can’t go that far anymore, so the adoptive father must not doubt people’s good and evil because of Lorraine’s death. Everyone has their own path, and their destiny also walks separately. One person chooses it himself."

Han Chen comforted.

Han Zhennan nodded: "Yes, good and evil, these really cannot be completely denied or subverted because of certain things, but this time, the Pan family will definitely deal with our Han family, and then defeat our Han family. After that, it was the Luo family. At that time, the Luo family without Lorraine would definitely be defeated. There were a lot of talented advisers around Lorraine, but... they are facing up with Pan Jiajun now, still Too reluctant."

"and so……"

After a pause, Han Zhennan said, “This time, I’m going to go against my usual style of adoptive father. I’m going to attack the Pan family first. Their Pan family, now the most dominant leader, is Pan Jiajun. So, as long as If you kill him first, many things will be solved."

When Han Zhennan said these words, he sat there calmly and motionless, his eyes drenched slightly, and his whole body exuded an aura of giving up to me.

Very majestic, very decisive.

Although the legend of Han Zhennan has passed for so many years, the reputation of Han Laosan is not a joke. He has determined to meet this Pan Jiajun for a while. He originally wanted to use commercial means to fight against him, but he found helpless. , Because Lorraine died so suddenly and without a plan, it caused the action response to be slow, and a slow shot, which means that he can’t keep up with his steps. Now the pace of the plan is pulled further and further, and now The Chinese Gang alliance has almost been disintegrated, and the Han family has become more passive, and Han Zhennan will be ruthless.

Han Chen looked at the appearance of his foster father at this time, and his heart trembled slightly.

He had never seen the appearance of his foster father. He knew that at this moment, Han Zhennan was completely angry.


He couldn't bear to open his mouth to remind Han Zhennan, "Foster father, you can't kill Pan Jiajun."

He could not say this.

Because of many inconvenient reasons, the existence of his salvation team must be kept secret.

Otherwise, the last hole card will be lost.

Lorraine and Alpha cannot be sacrificed in vain.

Therefore, Han Chen said in a more subtle way: "Foster father, I also have this intention. If the foster father rests on me, let me arrange it manually. I am responsible for arranging the assassination plan of Pan Jiajun, and you are responsible. For business planning, we have two fathers and sons, and we divide the labor evenly so that we can also keep our attention."

Han Zhennan looked at Han Chen's determined appearance and nodded for a while: "Okay, do it right away."


An unknown Miao village.

An incredibly splendid morning.

Lorraine practiced earnestly under the supervision of Uncle Yao.

There is a very interesting folk custom here, that is, the wedding does not start until the evening.

In addition, the wedding has a three-day banquet.

It is not until midnight on the last day that the bride and groom can go to court and get married. It just so happens that it is also a good time for the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

The day before the three-day banquet, Lorraine was still practicing hard.

"Okay, that's it, condense the breath." Uncle Yao felt the breath on Lorraine, surprised, "Very good, Xiaotian, you are a genius."

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