v5 Chapter 317: unbelievable!

Chapter 317

Ma Chaoxian made a mistake.

Made a serious low-level mistake.

If it is other merchants who carry out such inferior acts of copycats, there is reason for it, and it will not cause any pressure from public opinion. To put it bluntly, Huaxia is a big country of copycat piracy.

Such a title is disgraceful, but there is no way, it is true.

However, in the capital, and even in the entire China, the Ma family and the Ma family are all very resounding banners. The hotels under the Ma’s name are the first choice places for celebrities in Beijing. For example, the Ma’s international chain of leisure and entertainment venues is like the Hilton Holiday Inn, which is very famous in Europe, America and even internationally. Although it is not as famous as Hilton, Mars International is really a big name in this China country, in this three-acre land in Yanjing.

And Ma Chaoxian’s blind copycat behavior this time undoubtedly discredited Ma’s International. Although it is only three hotels,... it is near Kaiyuan District. Here, the Ma family’s influence is weaker and cannot be ranked first. Time stopped the spread of this negative news. Within half a day, the celebrities in the capital spread word of mouth. On this day, the Ma family became a laughing stock for the first time.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. This is true. In the leisure and entertainment industry, the Ma family is indeed the biggest one.

But in a mountain forest, in addition to tigers, there may be leopards, rhinos, and wild boars. There is never a shortage of ferocious carnivores. In other words, some wealthy families or merchants second only to the Ma family still exist.

For example, although the Kang family is not mainly engaged in the leisure and entertainment industry, the leisure and entertainment industry under its name is still very good.

Those who are most willing to watch the Ma family jokes are these potential competitors at the second and third level.

Therefore, this negative news spread quickly.

Fortunately, Marley noticed the news, which was relatively quick, used thunder means to cover up the bad rumors, and then immediately called Ma Chaoxian to scold Ma Chaoxian.

At this moment, Ma Chaoxian also realized that he had done something wrong, he did not dare to say anything, and even felt a little self-confidence in his heart. It's too shameful... This time, I am afraid that I will lose my place in the Ma family. And his parents will be ashamed of themselves.

In fact, Marley was willing to hand over the three hotels to Ma Chaoxian to operate, which was pretty good to him.

"But... Brother, didn't you let me carry out...'plagiarism'?..." Taking the courage, Ma Chaoxian retorted.

"Plagging your mother, the King Kong gourd baby!!...Is there a copycat like you? You live so big, don't you have any opinions? You can't use your brain?!" Marley cursed angrily. Because of this incident, he was also quarreled by his grandfather.

After scolding for more than five minutes, Marley was considered to have vented his fire, and his tone replied in the usual cold and mean tone: "Ma Chaoxian, you are not as good as rubbish! Now I order you to return the agent administration of the three hotels immediately. Power, go back to your house! That's it!"


With a fierce sound, I don't know if Marley on the other side of the phone smashed the phone on the ground.

"Master...Don't be so angry..." At this moment, a pretty woman with a hot body and a partner stuck to Marley's body, whispering and greasy.

"Go away, stay away from me." Marley had no interest at all at this time, raising his hand to throw the woman away.

The woman was stunned for a moment, but when she changed her mind, she reverted to a solitary expression. She didn't dare to speak any more. Instead, she walked away and sat down, carefully looking at Marley without a moment.

Marley looked up at the woman, and said impatiently, "Why are you still in front of me? I'll let you out."

The woman pouted, wrapped her bathrobe and left Marley's bedroom.

No way, Marais is such a kind of incomprehensible style and even eats and wipes out the next day and forgets who you are, but this kind of woman is very happy to stick to him. Not for anything else, just because he is a young man of the Ma family, as long as he likes him, just throw you a bank card, there may be millions of funds in it.

After the woman left, Marley took a deep breath, shook his head irritably, closed his eyes slightly, and calmed himself down as much as possible.

In the past two days, an extraordinary event has happened in the capital...

Chinese Supreme...

The concept of high-end consumption in a new field, what a **** loud banner! But... Marley had to admire the character who came up with such an idea. To be honest, the emergence of this supreme Chinese business philosophy has brought Marais a sense of crisis, and the more he thinks about it, the more he feels crisis.

"Is the proponent of this idea a member of the Kang family or the Shen family?-Or, this is a joint effort between the two families and want to make some big moves?... But it shouldn’t be... Kangcheng That kid didn’t mention it to me either. Could it be that someone from another line of the Kang family did it? But looking at the concept promotion of this supreme Chinese, the methods are old and the style is unique, and it’s not like people with ordinary lines. from……"

Marley was thinking hard, but he was puzzled.

He raised the phone and tried to call Cannes several times, but finally put it down. He is not quite clear about the matter in the middle, maybe his call will be very impolite or abrupt. In short, it will not do any good.

In his opinion, the boss behind the operation of this supreme Chinese business philosophy should be from the Kang family or the Shen family, and he did not even think about the Rock Group. Although Luoshui International, under the name of the Rock Group, is also in this cooperation ranks, but...Marley only regards Luoshui International as one of the common partners similar to other leisure and entertainment venues for outsiders.

"I don't care about this matter, who is operating it, I have to fight back... In the capital, there is really no one who can compete with the leisure and entertainment industry of our Ma family."

Marei took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed one after another. At this moment, in his mind, he didn't know how many coping methods had flashed, but he quickly rejected them. The brand-new business concept of Chinese Supreme is undoubtedly a very tricky antithesis. Even Ma Dayo, who is in the leisure and entertainment industry in the capital, cannot easily think of a strategy to deal with it. Of course, he didn't bother to come up with something like Ma Chaoxian, Huaxia Supreme, Huaqiu Supreme, Huadong Supreme, and so on. He would rather use a more powerful business concept to dignifiedly defeat this unknown behind-the-scenes manipulating boss.

It's not that he doesn't know how to take tricks, but... the Ma family is so famous that he can't allow him to go to the cottage. Now the Chinese supreme business philosophy has been successfully introduced to the market, and it has a good start. He now comes up with a similar concept of "commodity", which will only be counterproductive, and now the Ma Group has just had a copycat incident. Although it has been successfully resolved by Marley, it still has a certain nature of aftermath.

The problem...

Young Master Ma, who has always considered himself the pride of heaven, has a headache.

The Chinese supreme concept, such a brand-new business concept, is impossible for him to come up with.

Who is this behind the scenes who proposed this idea? In his mind, all the business heroes he had ever met--Han Dingtian, Han Zhennan, Pan Wang, Xu Qianian...These people are all powerful figures in the capital and the Chinese business community.

However, he never imagined that the person who proposed this powerful idea would be Lorraine, the nouveau riche in the Rock Group that he had been dismissing all along.

Here, Marley paced back and forth in his room, wondering what he was thinking.

On the other side, Lorraine watched the exciting latest news from the computer.

"The fourteenth partner, the contract was successful!"

"The fifteenth partner, the sixteenth partner, the signing is successful!"

“Fangshi Group’s headquarters sent representatives to sign the cooperation agreement. There are three large-scale dining establishments under its name, two medium-to-large hotels, and one middle-to-high-end leisure and entertainment venue.”

"As of 12 o'clock noon on January 4, 2007, thirty-seven people who have handled transfers have become VIPs with the supreme status of Chinese people."

"As of 1 p.m. on January 4, 2007, there have been 50 VIPs who have handled the transfer and become the Chinese supreme status."

"As of 5:00 p.m. on January 4, 2007, there have been one hundred and one Chinese VIPs who have handled transfers."

"As of 5:00 p.m. on January 4, 2007, the number of VIPs who have transferred their accounts to become the supreme Chinese status has exceeded the two hundred mark!"

In front of him, a piece of news flashed by Lorraine's operation. Although he was calm, he still couldn't help but surging in his heart... The two hundred mark... The supreme Chinese business philosophy has been launched in just a few days. The value of nearly 40 million yuan has been created in the time! !

In Lao Mei's words-oh my god!

After digesting these exciting news, Lorraine took a deep breath to calm himself down, and then passed this statistical data to Kang Shaojie and Shen Zheyu through encrypted emails.

Sure enough, ten minutes later, Lorraine's phone rang.

"Lorraine!...I have to say...too bad!" Kang Shaojie's tone was obviously very excited. Although he is not incapable of earning this 40 million, the cycle will be very long, and A lot of money must be invested in it. But these forty million were like a windfall, and they were easily won!

"Hehe, you and Zhe Yu both have 15% of the income of nearly 40 million yuan. Therefore, each of you will return nearly 6 million yuan in income. I will tell the people in the financial department to go. Go through."

"Wait, what are you anxious for?... Wait until you have earned 100 million yuan! Then what, let me say that first, I have a meeting to go to, and I will call you when it is over!"

"Well, good, goodbye."

Hanging up, after a few seconds, the ringtone remembered again.

Lorraine smiled, thinking it was Shen Zheyu, but when he glanced at the name of the caller ID, he was taken aback, paused for a while, and pressed the connect button.