I don't know if Fang Fang underestimated the reporter's tracking ability or if she overestimated her anti tracking ability. In short, the next day, Fang Fang and irier put their photos of leaving the hospital in a tight package and quietly on the front page of each major newspaper.

This move is directly based on what ilanyou said at yesterday's press conference. There is another reason for this.

The public opinion, which had fallen on one side, immediately turned.

Seeing this report in the morning, Ilan you just laughed off. What she really cares about today is the internal test of the game. Early in the morning, she sat in front of the computer, suffering for a minute and a second. Finally, when the internal test was released, ilanyou immediately logged into the game control background as an administrator.

A thousand internal test accounts and download quota were robbed in less than a minute.

Normally speaking, only online games will launch internal and public tests. Internal tests are comprehensive tests conducted by game makers, game agents and relevant planners on the operation performance, cultural background of the game and problems in the game system at the technical stage, while the public tests are the tests of invited players.

The stand-alone game that Yi Lanyou and others make generally does not have the game public test this column, only has the game internal test. Because its characteristics are single line plot, one-time input, once the single player game is launched, no change can be made, so players are not allowed to experience before the game is launched, so the single player game only has the so-called internal test rather than the public test.

This time, after careful consideration, they distributed 1000 internal test accounts, and the game time was sometimes limited to two hours.

Ilan you is betting on a reputation.

In fact, she was successful this time.

Although many people didn't grab the quota of the internal test and complain on the Internet, when the time limit for the internal test passed, the wind review of the whole game forum fell completely.

From music viewing to picture composition to plot promotion, everyone is praising.

A large number of screenshots of the evaluation of the game swept the game industry and other large game forums.

"Hoo..." Rolling the mouse to look at these favorable comments, Ilan you breathed a long sigh.

The release time of this single game is January 1, and individual booking is not allowed. All you want to buy is to go to the game shop and queue up to buy an account.

The most important thing is that in the afternoon of the internal test, Huiying technology official sent out a shocking message [the game is limited edition. ]


I couldn't book it, but it's limited edition.

This is really ticklish players and can only do watching, many newspapers and magazines are also to join the fun as if the game will also be reported.

When learning that the main creator of this game is Miss Yijia, many people have compared the two sisters, yilanyou and yiruier.

Maybe someone purposely to create a funny effect, put a funny picture of Ilan you when facing the interview together with the photo of iril when she jumped from the building.

The nostril, which appears to be extra large due to the shooting angle of 0, set off a wave of P-pictures.

"Ah!" Trapped in the room, irier's eyes are red and swollen, and the room is full of mess. I can see that things on the Internet are completely stimulating her.

"Ruier! Open the door, Ruier! " Fang Fang kept knocking at the door: "Ruier, don't scare Mommy!"

"Ah ah!" Yiruier saw that her photo was confused by P's and matched with the parody text, and put it next to yilanyou's photo for comparison. She felt that her whole person would be angry: "why! Why! "

"Ruier, open the door!" Fang Fang knocks at the door and is confused.

"You go! Go away! " Yiruier picked up a picture frame on the table and smashed it hard at the door: "I don't want to see you, I don't want to see anyone! You go! "

Fang Fang listens to Yi Ruier's words and feels that her heart is going to be broken: "Ruier has something to say, you come out and Mommy is with you. Don't be afraid."

"You go!" Irier kneels on the ground, tears in her eyes.

How can she see people after that How can she survive

"Ruier..." Fang Fang took a deep breath and racked her brains to think how to comfort her daughter: "Ruier, you can rest assured that when Mommy passed by the study, she heard your grandfather calling." Fang Fang's eyes suddenly brightened, and she said to the door, "your grandfather won't let Elan you go lightly!"

“……” After a while of silence, the tightly closed door was finally opened. Irier asked with half a face: "Grandpa beat me twice for yilanyou. He really will..."

"Yes." Fang Fang's eyes refused: "you don't know your grandfather. Ilan you blocked his way. He will never sit back and ignore him."

"Really?" There was a trace of uncertainty in Ariel's tone.

"Really." Fang Fang nodded heavily and held out her hand to hold Yi Ruier in her arms. "Ruier, it's mommy who's useless. You're wronged."

Burying her head in Fang Fang's huailiyiruier sobbed and shook her head: "Mommy, what should I do in the future?"

Shame, it's really shame.

"Nothing." Fang Fang consoled: "when you get rid of ilanyou and your father back, Mommy will send you to study abroad. No one there knows you. You can start from the heart." With her hand caressing yiruier's head, Fang Fang said, "after you graduate from abroad, it's already a few years later. When you're old, no one will remember and no one will mention it again."

Yi Ruier looks up at Fang Fang with bright eyes: "Mommy, really?"

"Yes." Fang Fang holds Yi Ruier's cheek in both hands: "Mommy won't cheat you. Don't cry."

"Yes." Yiruier nodded heavily, then gnashed her teeth and said, "Mommy, I want yilanyou to die!"

"Don't worry." Fang Fang rubbed irier's head: "once your grandfather has made a move, she must not die easily."

"Yes!" Yiruier's corner of the mouth is evil.

At this time, ilanyou naturally didn't know what Fang Fang's mother and daughter were thinking. She was busy just sorting out the data.

She collected all the information about game evaluation on the Internet, looked at it one by one, recorded all the places with questions one by one, and picked out all the questions that might be asked by people in the spare time, and pondered how to answer them.

As soon as she was finished, she wanted to take a breath, and found that someone had sent her a window shaking.

Yilanyou opened QQ curiously, and saw the web link of Han jinxiangfa. Yilanyou poked in and saw that it was an interview.

What's interesting is that the interviewees are now the top two game tycoons in China, and the topics are all around the game.

Of course, none of them are good words.

[Shifu, what should I do? ]

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