Chapter 381: 381 Lu Jingye asked Zi Yi, where are your shoes?

Chapter 381 381 Lu Jingye asked Zi Yi, where are your shoes?

Ansair obviously still had something to do, and left after explaining.

When Ziyi went out in Ansair, a ball in his hand was about to bounce.

was stopped by Lu Jingye standing nearby.

"Wait first."

The two stood behind the cabinet, very crowded, they could only stand side by side. Zi Yi tilted her head to look at his strange face, and subconsciously raised her hand to touch it.

Lu Jingye grabbed her hand, tilted his head and whispered in her ear: "Wait, if there is a situation, if you stay, I will bring Count Alex over. He will not embarrass you."

After speaking, he even asked: "Where are your shoes?"

Zi Yi moved her feet, "I was thrown into the flowers next to this house."

Lu Jingye gave a hum.

The two waited for almost two minutes, and they saw Alan walk to the window, drew the curtains to open the window, stretched out their heads and said, "You can come in."

As soon as Allen finished speaking, a man came in silently from outside the window.

A woman came in, wearing a black bodysuit and holding a soft whip in her hand.

The woman came in without letting the person under the window notice.

Alan closed the window and closed the curtains, and asked the woman eagerly: "Have you found that woman?"

Zi Yi knew inexplicably that the woman in Alan's mouth was talking about her.

The woman spoke with a cold voice: "She is in this building."

"In which room?"

"I don't know yet."

The woman finished speaking and took out something from her body.

Allen asked: "What is this?"

"Tracker, this tracker can track her based on her breath."

After speaking, she walked to the door, opened the door a gap, and prepared to release the tracker.

But just before releasing the tracker, Lu Jingye deliberately made a little movement, and the woman vigilantly shouted into the room: "Who? Come out!"

Lu Jingye walked out directly, and then fought with the woman.

Zi Yi ejected the ball and controlled the tracker.

When the two were fighting, Alan seemed to feel something, and strode towards the cabinet.

Zi Yi shot Allen as soon as he walked to the closet. A round ball was thrown out and hit him directly in the eye.


Allen immediately covered his eyes and walked back several steps in pain.

Then he said loudly to the woman: "Zi Yi is here."

The woman who is fighting with Lu Jingye will come over as soon as she hears this.

was immediately stopped by Lu Jingye.

The woman said to Ellen: "Try to catch her."

Alan’s eyes were so painful that he was about to explode, but as soon as he heard a woman’s words, he would grab Ziyi regardless of the pain in his eyes.

"嗤..." Zi Yi chuckled, and the ball in his hand quickly turned into a sharp weapon and headed towards Allen.

Allen had no time to dodge, and the back of the hand that stretched out to grab Ziyi was directly cut off a piece of meat.


The woman heard Alan’s screams, she split her mind, and was directly punched by Lu Jingye.

The force of this punch is not small, and the woman's body is like a kite with a broken line flying directly up the window.




In the loud noise of the woman falling out of the window when she was hit, the alarm in the whole house went off.

Lu Jingye said to Zi Yi: "Earl Alexis is here, wait for you to go straight to the door."

Zi Yi nodded.

Lu Jingye slid her body out of the window, and he left.

Soon there was the sound of fast running footsteps all around, even under the windows, there were voices and loud shouts.

"Catch this woman!"

"Someone is on the top of the building, chase it."

Zi Yi stood there calmly and waited.

The door was pushed open in the next second, and a group of bodyguards armed with guns quickly came in and surrounded Zi Yi and Allen, who was squatting over the back of his hands.

Then Count Alex and Ansair walked in.

"Miss Zi, why are you here?"

Earl Alexandre was very surprised when he saw Ziyi standing there.

Then he looked at Allen who was squatting there, even more surprised.

When Ansair saw Ellen, he was surprised and hurriedly walked over and asked: "Mr. Ellen, what's the matter with you?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zi Yi with a deep gaze.

Ziyi did not look at him at all, looked at Count Alex, frowned and said, "My cousin is gone. Many people saw that they were in the backyard of the count’s house with Meng He. Mr. Ansair accompanied me to find someone, but Wanting to treat me wrong, I inadvertently hid in this room. I didn't expect that he would soon bring Mr. Allen into this room again."

Earl Alexandre looked sharply at Ansair and Allen: "What's the matter?"

Ansair immediately argued: "Father, Miss Zi is talking nonsense."

"What nonsense did I say? Isn't it the living room where Mr. Ansair left with me? It's not that Mr. Ansair said my cousin was here?"

After questioning, Ziyi turned to look at Count Alex, "If Count Alex doesn’t believe it, you can check your home’s surveillance, or just ask the people I’ve talked to, am I talking to Ansi? The living room with Mr. Al."


"Ansair." Count Alexandre's voice became severe, so severe that fear flashed across Ansair's face.

Earl Alexandre glanced at the destroyed studio, and Alan, whose body was trembling with pain, and his face was muddy with tears and nose, asked Ansair in a deep voice: "What's the matter with that woman downstairs? What happened to the person who ran across the roof just now?"

"Father, I don't know, you..."

Just when Ansair was about to quibble again, a gorgeous question came from outside the door, "Father, what happened?"

Then I saw a handsome, white-skinned man with shoulder-length blond curly hair walking in gracefully.

Zi Yi looked at him, and suddenly recognized that this person was the one who played the violin on the bridge last night.

Ian seems to have only discovered Ziyi standing in the room, and his eyes are just right and amazing: "Father, who is this beautiful lady?"

Earl Alexandre obviously liked the second son very much. His face improved a little when he saw him, so he introduced him.

"This is Miss Ziyi Zi from the Empire, and she is also the first place in the first and second rounds of the International Painting and Calligraphy Competition."

"Miss Zi?" Ian was surprised. When everyone looked at him, he said: "Lu mentioned to me before that his girlfriend is Miss Ziyi Zi."

Zi Yi was a little surprised that Ian would say so, and guessed that he was familiar with Lu Jingye.

These words made Earl Alexandre and Ansair change their faces at the same time.

At this time, Ian also added: "Hasn't the eldest brother heard of it?"

Earl Alexandre suddenly turned his head to look at Ansair.

Ansair looked at his second brother, and his heart sank, feeling that he was being calculated, and his heart was itching with hatred, and he hurriedly explained: "Father, I don't know..."

(End of this chapter)