Chapter 312 -The Great Expedition (14)

Chapter 312 -The Great Expedition (14)

Hector was towering around two meters.

The ink-black armor enveloping him made the red glow of his eyes stand out even more from his helmet.

With the combined efforts of Henry, Hoosler, and Vucanus, Hector had been reborn as a Death Knight, the only one that was allowed to exist on the continent.

Immediately after summoning him, Hoosler fell to the ground, catching his breath.

“Ha... Ha... Ha...!”

Hector glanced at him and gave him a thumbs up.

- Good work, Hoosler.

“Thank... you, Sir Hector.”

Hector had successfully been reborn as a Death Knight through Hoolser just as Henry had planned. However, because he had been created by a Warlock, there were a number of restrictions on him.

One of those restrictions was that the blood of a living being had to be sacrificed in order to summon him.

“Ha... I almost withered and died.”

- Hey Von. You also did well.

Hector also gave Von a thumbs up.

Von fell to the ground; he could finally take a breather, relieved that Hector was there.

‘It worked...!’

At last, there was a glimmer of hope.

Hector was essentially their secret weapon, meant to compensate for the team’s lack of divine power.

Of course, they had already tested Hector’s power to make sure that it would work against those who possessed divine power.

The principle of it was simple—although Hector had become a Death Knight with a pure soul, they couldn’t possibly purify him of the unique demonic energy resulting from the ritual of making him a Death Knight.

Thus, Henry and Hoosler had decided to use this to their advantage.

Black magic, demonic energy, and undead creatures—these three forces were effective against those who fought with divine power.

‘That’s a bit annoying, but this body certainly feels different from my old one.’

Hector felt the fullness of his power welling up from deep within his Core.

- This... This is true power.

Although Hector didn’t have lips, given that he was a spirit in armor, he felt as though he was smiling.

Hector was genuinely overjoyed. How he had missed this kind of overflowing power...

Out of habit, Hector stretched out his non-existent neck and drew his greatsword from its sheath on his back.

The greatsword was massive; it was so wide that it could almost be considered a shield. It was certainly much bigger than the one he had used in his previous life, and the materials used for it were also much stronger and heavier than before.

Hector held his greatsword effortlessly as though it were a dagger, challenging Narva in a confident voice. ViisiT n0(v)eLb(i)(n).com for the best novel reading experience

- What are you waiting for? Come at me.

“How dare you?!” Narva shouted before lunging at Hector from all fours, letting out a combination of feline and beastly sounds. His speed was frightening.

However, Hector calmly tracked Narva’s movements, his eyes two gentle flames. Once he found the perfect angle, the flames raged ferociously.

- Hmph!

With his target in sight, Hector twisted his waist, grabbed his greatsword with both hands, and swung it in a satisfying motion.

In response, Narva fearlessly thrust his hands toward the sword.

At that moment, the two red dots glowing from within the helmet were accompanied by a smile.

- Goodbye.


The moment Hector’s greatsword and Narva’s hands met, they both already knew the outcome.


Hector’s greatsword stretched out, seamlessly slicing Narva in half.


Hector felt no resistance against his blade, as if he had merely swung a bat at nothing. Regardless, he had managed to draw a rainbow of blood in the air with his perfect swing.


“I knew it...!”

Von and Hoosler had different reactions to their clash. The former was dejected because of how easily his enemy had died, and the latter felt an overwhelming sense of pride in the Death Knight he had created.

Narva’s split body wriggled like a fish thrown out of water.


Hector had sliced him horizontally, but not from the waist. Given that Narva had lunged at him from all fours, parallel to the ground, Hector had sliced him in half from his palms, his blade separating his upper jaw from the lower one, rendering him unable to speak.

Hector kneeled down and looked Narva in the eye before finishing him off.

Narva gradually turned purple from his neck down, then his body contorted and transformed into a flower just like the one back in Enkelmann.

‘A flower?’

Von quickly fixed his stance. He still felt dizzy and his whole body ached, but it was bearable.

“Sir Hoosler,” said Von.


“Do you think there’s any way I could hurt him, even if for a brief moment?”

Von was being serious. Knowing that the Sage would soon return, he wanted to at least hurt Narva, even if superficially, now that he had returned. It was the least he could do for Enkelmann...

Hoosler thought for a moment and eventually replied reluctantly, “There is a way to hurt him momentarily, but... it’s too risky...”

“It doesn’t matter. I felt uneasy a few minutes ago because it felt like I was putting my revenge in someone else's hands. Now that the apostle’s back, I have a second chance.”

Hector became concerned listening to Von.

- Why don’t you just rest? I’ll take care of him. Besides, he’s not the only enemy we have to take down, right?

“I know, but I have to do this. I need to be part of his death.”

- ... Fine, if you insist, I won’t try to stop you. But if you become a burden, you're getting out of the way.

Having made up his mind, Hoosler told Von about the method he could use to inflict damage onto Narva.

After listening to the Warlock’s instructions, Von nodded.

“Alright. Please help me out.”

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“I’ve already made up my mind, so please help me.”


As Von was consulting with his comrades, Narva finished transforming into his final form. He looked like a small fortress made of flowers from the Demon Realm.

- From a boy to a troll, and now a carnivorous plant? What a sight.

- Shut up!

His voice was no longer human.

Enraged by Hector's mockery, Narva unleashed dozens of tentacles that stretched out like whips.

These were the same tentacles with which he had ripped out the hearts of the poor people of Enkelmann.

In response, Hector swung his massive shield-like greatsword, slicing through the tentacles in one swift motion.

The tentacles fell down in pieces, but that didn’t mean they were dead. They squirmed and wiggled back to Narva, seemingly being alive despite having been cut off from their host.

- Wow, you’ve got one hell of an instinct. Von, are you ready?!


- Niceeee!


After calling out to Von, Hector swung his sword once again, severing more of Narva’s tentacles.

As Narva realized that his tentacles were ineffective, he immediately shifted his stance and prepared to fire the spores that had turned the citizens of Enkelmann into blind believers.

Hector, still relatively far from Narva, called out to his comrade.

- Von!

“Got it!”

Hector and Von closed in at lightning speed, positioning themselves on either side of Narva.

The two knights drew their own swords.


Although neither of them spoke out loud, they both drew as much energy as they could from their Cores, as if they had made a promise, a pact with each other.

The air around them quivered as though they were in a drought, large, raging flames igniting in the midst of all.

- Let’s go!


Hector’s flames were purple, his newfound demonic energy bestowing his Aura a unique color.

On the other hand, Von’s flames were a sunset red, his Aura having been altered by Hoosler’s black magic.

Narva released his spores everywhere.

As the deadly spores drifted toward the ground, the two knights concentrated the Auras they had drawn from their Cores into their blades, ready to deliver death to the enemy.


Von swung his sword with all his might, the blade carrying his desperate wish.

The moment their sword strikes overlapped and hit Narva, the two flames created a pure white radiance that engulfed everything around them.

It was a warm glow.