Shan Muyu is Bai Tingxue’s agent, and she has been carrying her since Bai Tingxue entered the circle.

In the past five years, the two have been together day and night, staying together longer than anyone else.

So, she was the first person to discover that there was something wrong with Bai Tingxue.

After learning about the cause and effect, she offered to let her go for a walk first, relax her mind and stabilize her emotions and then come back.

After Bai Tingxue’s parents learned about their daughter’s affairs with Ji Chengze, although they regretted that they had no relationship, they were more worried about their daughter’s misunderstanding. Not only did they fail to become relatives with Ji’s family, they caused two tragedies. The daughter can go out to relax and let go of this relationship.

In this way, Bai Tingxue went out of the country under the worries and sighs of everyone.

At the time, Bai Tingxue, 27, was already a small internationally known, and he had so many notices that it was difficult to have such a free time.

She went to several countries in a row, but in the end she settled down in Country F and was at ease.

F country is a particularly romantic country, and the iconic lavender has attracted countless tourists rushing to see it.

July and August each year is the time when country F has the largest number of tourists. At this time, the lavender blooms most beautifully, making it unforgettable after only a glance.

Owen is one of this group of tourists. As the boss of the internationally renowned brand Crown, Gray Owen also has an unknown hobby, which is photography.

Owen believes that human beings can leave many moments of beauty through photography. The small lens on that side can be used to make good use of it, so that he can discover the beauty that can't be found outside.

Owen came to Country F this time, in order to record the beauty of this large lavender blooming with a camera on his hand.

However, Irving did not expect that in the end his camera lens was not aimed at the beautiful lavender, but the figure standing in the lavender garden.

That day, Bai Tingxue wore a snow-white long skirt with a wide and simple beach hat on her head. Her long black hair hung behind her, forming an extremely strong visual impact with the snow-white gauze skirt. People don't feel abrupt.

The elegant skirt swaying gently in the breeze, blowing the surrounding lavender, like a fairy who fell into the world, pure and beautiful, just one glance is enough to make people remember forever.

The glimpse of this corner made Owen instantly forget everything around him. The frolicking crowd and the noisy noise seemed to be away from him at this moment, leaving only the figure standing quietly in the corner of the garden.

Too late to think, Owen has pressed the switch countless times, clicking endlessly, leaving the beautiful image under the sea of ​​flowers and blue sky completely in his camera.

Perhaps the operation was too frequent, and even the camera couldn't help protesting. After another frequent key presses, the camera in Owen's hand went black in protest.

Owen hurriedly lowered his head to debug, but when he looked up again, the amazing figure that had made him completely disappeared.

If it weren’t for the dozens or hundreds of photos in the camera to silently declare that there was such a person, Irving would have thought that everything he had seen before was nothing more than an illusion.

European text thinks that this time I missed it, it may be difficult to meet again, but I don’t want something to be destined.

Owen’s heart beat uncontrollably when he saw the familiar figure in the candidate list of new product spokespersons.

I found you, the muse I hit!