Carrying the heartache that Ji Chengze has been tossing about for himself and Xiao Ziyu in recent times, and that he has only cared for three children during this period, and somewhat ignored and neglected the guilt of his husband.

An Ruixin indulged someone very much, but she didn't expect that this guy was used to getting an inch, and he just tossed her until the middle of the night.

At the end, An Ruixin couldn't bear it, kicked Ji Chengze who wanted to crawl on her again, and shouted, "Sleep!"

Likely, President Ji laughed after the flirty kick. In the end, he still felt sorry for his wife. He lowered his head and dropped a kiss on An Ruixin’s forehead, smiled lightly and coaxed: "Good night."

An Ruixin thought that she had worked out most of the night, and finally fell asleep until the night without dreams, and slept steadily until dawn.

But she didn't want to. As soon as she closed her eyes with her front feet, her back feet were dragged into a terrifying dream that seemed to be familiar.

The collision of the car, the explosion, and the screams of passersby mixed together, making An Ruixin feel at a loss for a moment.

After seeing the car not far away that even if it had been smashed and deformed, she still felt particularly familiar with it, and Ruixin An suddenly realized that this was the scene of a car accident, the scene of a car accident in her previous life!

Like the previous dream, An Ruixin at that time felt like a bystander, silently watching everything that happened before her in the brightest position.

The difference from the previous time is that this time she no longer shrinks in her own body, but becomes a transparent person that no one can see.

Perhaps, it was because she had already passed away at this time in the previous life.

The sound of the ambulance and the noisy noise from the side of the road merged together, and then, when the red shadow queen An Ruixin died in a car accident, the news spread overwhelmingly.

Soon after, the company held a press conference in her name. In addition to her very familiar agent Shen Jingyi, she was also present at the press conference, as well as her former scumbag boyfriend Xiang Weilin.

At the press conference, Shen Jingyi had tears in her eyes and a sad face. Many media who were present at the scene announced that she had indeed died because of a car accident.

And Xiang Weilin stood up after Shen Jingyi finished speaking, cried to the camera about his affection for him, and said that his sudden passing had brought him a very big blow.

Finally, Xiang Weilin announced that he would donate most of his girlfriend’s inheritance to support charity causes, with the spirit of Wei’s girlfriend in the sky.

In a short time, many of the media below, as well as some of their fans, cried and applauded, looking at the two of them sad and moved.

Perhaps because of the bystander Qing, An Ruixin only feels unspeakable disgusting when hearing the words of the two people singing and agreeing.

Especially after seeing the inadvertent gaze between the two people after speaking, the excitement and greed hidden under the false affection made An Ruixin feel uncontrollable out of anger.

These two scumbags got together when they were alive, and even after they died they wanted to step on her, use her hard-earned money to sublimate their reputation, and sell an affectionate and good personality!

An Ruixin was so angry that she almost exploded on the spot, but she was unable to move forward and vent her body because of her inability to move.

At this moment, a few people who shouldn't have been in this place suddenly rushed over from a short distance, pointing to the two of them and yelling: "What qualifications do you have to donate my daughter's inheritance? Can you have a thicker skin? ?"