"I went, I really did steal the box office! But the box office of "Blind Follower" was stolen, right? Otherwise, it must be higher now!"

"The party dared to expose the ticket stubs, dare not not to mosaic! Anyhow, explode the name of the theater! This kind of industry cancer must not be tolerated."

"I have always heard people say that movies will steal the box office when they are released, but they don't like watching movies so much, so I don't care. Now that I understand the truth, I really have to say that the water in your circle is too deep."

A group of people discussed the topic of "Blind Follower" being stolen from the box office in full swing.

And the next group of people scrambled to publish the ticket booking records, and the ticket stubs made this discussion about the stolen box office reach the top.

In the records posted by this group of people, they indeed booked tickets for a certain show of "Blind Follower" in a certain period of time, but after arriving at the theater, the machine played them another film in the same period.

In other words, they took the movie tickets of other movies to watch "Blind Follower", and the box office was all credited to the head of other movies, and they duly stole the box office!

"666, the box office steals are really strange, endless, and it's really rising."

"I don’t know how much I stole this time. I heard that because of the "Blind Follower" hit, the schedules of all major theaters are very high now. If they all steal this day, the box office doesn’t know how much they’ve lost. Love the crew and the two leading actors."

"I just want to ask, if you blatantly steal the box office like this, is it just that the hospital and the staff of the hospital want to make more money, so they take advantage of the contract and change the law to make money? This is similar to tax evasion and tax evasion. What's the difference, don’t you have to bear legal responsibility?"

"I bought the tickets for Xinxin and Movie King Mo, just to contribute some box office to this movie. I was so angry that I was so angry. Anyway, I will never go to this theater again in the future."

"That's right, I almost didn't quarrel with the theater people when I got the tickets. I was watching "Blind Follower". What the **** are the movie tickets for individual movies? It's so irritating."

Stealing the box office has been done in many theaters, especially when there is a hit movie. Stealing the box office is even more common. Every time it is exploded by others, it will be thunder and rain. Generally, there will be no problems.

However, the hospital estimated that it did not anticipate that the box office stealing incident this time would arouse so many discussions and a strong public opinion dispute. In the end, the hospital had to take certain measures to pay for its insatiable behavior.

The case of box office stealing is well known to all. From a certain point of view, it also started the title of "Blind Follower". Most people have a herd mentality. Some onlookers may not like watching this kind of movies at first and do not plan to watch it. Now that I know that this movie is so popular, even the theater will not hesitate to steal the box office. Anyway, the movie tickets are not expensive. Why don't you also take a look at the movie theater?

With such thoughts, many people also joined the Huanying team, and the box office of "Blind Follower" was a big hit before the Lantern Festival.

Such a strong box office performance not only made Mo Rufeng’s popularity rise again and again, but also allowed An Ruixin to secure the title of “box office queen” of the new generation.

During this time, An Ruixin’s acting skills were repeatedly mentioned.

Although there are people who are sour, if it weren't for two actor to take her, she might have such a result in the first two movies of a newcomer on the screen, but most of the people who have watched the movie have relatively recognized her.