"If you can't help it, you still have a rich childe!" Xu thought of the boy with the a firm face.

This is a good choice. At least there won't be any difficult parents-in-law after linniang marries.

Song Rong sighed and said, "Mom, I don't have money and treasure in my heart. I married, but I didn't break his way to meet his favorite girl? I can't pit my good friend!"

"Niang... Don't worry, I won't hurt myself. I want to go to Chu house, which also has my own consideration... Besides, if I really want to remarry one day, no one can stop me!" Song Rong's tone was a little crazy.

Of course, Xu is not worried that Song Rong will be wronged. How can she not know what her own daughter is like?

Let's talk about her. It's also because Lin Niang has a firm foothold in the song house.

She's worried that her daughter won't understand the relationship between men and women!

"Niang......" Song Rong blinked and looked at Xu, his eyes full of determination.

Xu rubbed her eyebrows. In fact, her heart also knew Song Rong's decision, that is, it was difficult for her to change as a mother, but she was not worried about being a daughter.

"Mom, in this way, I won't be a member of the Song family. There's no reason why my uncle wants to manipulate me in the future. Master Chu also promised me to give me the greatest freedom. In this way, I don't count on both sides and become a free body. I want to deal with my own business, and even don't have to sneak one day..." Song Rong said with a smile.

"You should know that my daughter's ambition is different from that of ordinary girls. I don't want to be an ordinary husband and son. I yearn for a man's life... Now even if it's for Chu Yunqing and myself, I should do so!"

Xu finally waved his hand and said, "it's all right. Women don't stay. I won't stop you."

"Mother, when uncle comes to talk to you about this, you can't say so. You still have to stop, and then mention my request to live in the song house after I get married." Song Rong said quickly.

In the song mansion, I can't leave her now. If she can watch nearby, it's naturally better.

Listening to Song Rong's words, Xu's heart became more secure, and he slowly accepted Song Rong's decision.

She whispered, "I know."

"Mom, I'm still living in the mansion. That's just a matter of name. Don't be too tangled..." Song Rong comforted Xu.

Xu Shi looked at Song Rong and knew that she had always had an idea. Since she had made up her mind to do so, she was really thinking. Since she couldn't stop it at this time, what she could do was to help Song Rong manage everything.

Master Chu is naturally very efficient for his son.

As for Song Dai, thinking about marrying Song Rong in the past is of great benefit to the Song family. That's all the more eager to promote the marriage quickly, but I don't know that Song Rong and Master Chu have made an agreement in secret.

It's never been decided that Song Rong will get married again, but it's just a few days!

At an age like Song Rong, you can't marry normally, but who makes the situation of Song Rong and Chu Yunqing special? Marrying Chongxi is not married to a round house to have children. Naturally, you don't have to consider age.

Generally speaking, Chongxi people only need to consider whether the eight characters fit or not.

Song Rong married Chu Yun in this life and previous lives, but these two lives have been very different. In this life, he didn't read the eight characters, but Song Rong set by Master Chu himself.

Moreover, Song Rong should have given this life out of various considerations. As for the previous life, it was forced by others.

The marriage was fixed in a few days. Song Rong didn't feel anything, and she wouldn't really be married with Chu Yun. What's more, she was already Mrs. Chu in her previous life. She was familiar with the matter of marrying in the past.

But Song Rong is calm. It doesn't mean everyone is calm.

Shu Yan, for example, had been circling Song Rong for several times at this time, with a worried look on his face.

If you show it to people who don't know the truth, most of them will think that Shu Yan likes Song Rong and can't see Song Rong getting married, but in fact, it's not at all. Listening to the dialogue between Shu Yan and Song Rong can make people laugh to death.

"Sister Rong." Shu Yan called earnestly.

Song Rong squints at Shu Yan. Today, Shu Yan is dressed in blue. He looks like a handsome childe.

Song Rong looked at Shu Yan and asked, "why? Is it difficult? Do you want to steal a marriage? Do you want to marry me?"

Since Song Rong dares to make such a joke, it means that Song Rong knows what kind of relationship Shu Yan has with himself. He doesn't worry about Shu Yan's heart at all.

Shu Yan shouted, "sister Rong, don't hurt me! I don't want to get married! Even if it's a wedding, I can't marry sister Rong back!" at that time, he told Song Hui that he wanted to marry a girl like Song Rong back, just to make Song Hui stop thinking.

How could he marry sister Rong! This is a big joke!

Now sister Rong is still a cousin, so she will be crushed to death. If sister Rong becomes his wife one day, tut... Shu Yan shivers when he thinks about it, not to mention that he only has such beauties in his heart and doesn't want to get married at all. Even if he wants to get married, he will find a girl like a rabbit instead of sister Rong like a fox!

"Then what are you doing here?" Song Rong was a little upset when she looked at Shu Yan.

Shu Yan sighed and said, "sister Rong, do you really want to get married?"

Song Rong said, "you don't like me. You don't care whether I marry or not. Just think of your beauty in your heart."

Shu Yan smiled: "sister Rong is also a beauty, but I'm still worried about whether it's inconvenient to meet Fengyi after sister Rong gets married? If you don't see Fengyi... What can I do? If I can't see this beauty all day, I'll feel uncomfortable!"

Song Rong heard Shu Yan's words and burst into laughter.

"Fengyi is my friend. Even if I get married, how should I get along or how to get along?" Song Rong said with a smile.

If she really cut off contact with her friends because she got married, she would rather not marry!

Shu Yan was relieved to hear this.

Then Shu Yan said, "sister Rong... You'd better tell Fengyi yourself about your marriage."

Song Rong nodded and said, "it's natural. I should meet Fengyi."