Chapter 796: Advertise the correctness of art

The click of the camera shutter sounded continuously, and the hustle and bustle of hundreds of reporters and paparazzi drowned the live music, but it was suppressed by the shouts of countless fans uniting together. Those crazy fans, holding Optimus Prime and Megatron aloft Tian’s poster to express love and support for this series.

The entire state of Rhode Island seemed to be caught in the madness of Transformers, and Hasbro's toys completely ruled the night.

This is the world premiere of "Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen King". Starting tomorrow, the film will appear on big screens in 114 countries and regions around the world.

Ryan and others walked to the front of the theater a long time ago, leaving the last most beautiful moment to Michael Bay.

Bombshell, wearing a decent suit, took the heroine of the film-the protagonist of the third part-Alexandra Ambrosio onto the red carpet, and those Michael Bay fans were almost crazy about it.

"Michael Bay-the world needs you to save!"

This is a slogan from the supporters of Boom Bay. How much professional film critics hate Michael Bay, these people love him just as much.

No one can deny that the vast majority of viewers in this world go to the cinema to pursue pure happiness-to watch it well, and to spend money.

Michael Becha has done a great job in the audience experience. He knows how to attract mainstream moviegoers.

If there are so many people who hate Michael Bay, there are definitely more people who like his film style than people who hate him.

"You suck, but we love you so much!"

Bombshell’s self-deprecating words were also written on posters by many fans.

"Look at it, Michael."

When Bombshell came here to take a group photo, Ryan motioned to him the crazy fans, "Look how much they love you."

"How much do they like me."

In front of others. Bang Bang is also a superb director, but in front of Ryan, he doesn't mind making fun of himself. "Those film critics hate me so much."

"It's us who hate!"

Alexandra Ambrosio approached, and the Miss Gao who was pulled by the agent stood on both sides of Ryan and Michael Bay. A group photo facing the reporter's camera lens.

"If I switch to making a literary film."

Probably it was recently stimulated by the criticism from film critics. When Michael Bay took a photo, he never forgot to tease himself, "Will those film critics cheer for me?"

"Michael, do you care about the evaluation of a group of only 300 people in North America." Ryan pointed to the enthusiastic fans gathered outside. "Or do you care about the preferences of hundreds of millions of other people?"

"I think everyone knows the final answer."

He shrugged indifferently, followed Ryan, and walked into the theater.

Starting from "Pearl Harbor", Michael Bay did mess up a few movies. But critics criticizing him and his films have become politically correct to advertise art, and they seem to give him a slightly better comment. These so-called savvy guys will have blemishes that cannot be erased in their careers.

In fact, the underside of these art-flavored guys is not as clean as Bombshell. There are countless messy things that they hook up with Hollywood companies and movie stars.

Of course, Ryan admitted that he was not clean, and Jenkins Pictures did not pay a public relations fee for the film’s reputation and box office.

Every era has the rules of the game for every era, just like Hollywood abandoning those film critics nowadays.

The red carpet ceremony is over. The fans gathered outside the theater gradually dispersed, and those who can get tickets to the premiere will undoubtedly become the lucky ones.

Irene is one of them. He made a special trip from New Orleans to Rhode Island to participate in the premiere, even if it was only a day earlier than the others.

The premiere theater was packed. Although it was just sitting in a not-so-good position at the back, the imax screen was large enough to not affect the viewing effect.

Like all premieres, the organizer has a small routine, and then the film officially kicked off, and the buzzing voices around suddenly disappeared.

The screen just lights up. The sound full of metal texture reached Irun's ears, and he immediately recalled how he felt when he watched the first part. It was a feeling of excitement.

Well, he admits that the first part of the story is very poor. But watching this kind of movie, the connotation and so on, let's throw it behind my head.

He is ready to soar adrenaline!

There is no such boring thing as the prologue, the film goes directly to the subject. With the introduction of Optimus Prime, some Decepticons seem to be building a metal pyramid, and the leader in it looks weird and does not seem to be a good thing.

Is this the evil force mentioned by Optimus Prime in the first part?

Seeing this, Irun immediately remembered the plot of the first episode, remembering that behind the Decepticon leader Megatron, there is a bigger one. According to the habit of filming a sequel, it is his turn to play.

Also, how about Sonic, Horizontal Cannon, Robot Dog, and Arcie? What about the opening battle? Did Michael Bay give up his style? This is not a good phenomenon, and I am not watching a drama.

Irun felt that his fiery heart was about to cool down. The picture changed and came to China Shanghai with subtitles. The US military was moving quickly.

He did not feel wrong. It seemed that it was only natural for American soldiers to appear on Chinese soil, and the people around did not react too much. He was obviously accustomed to the role of the US military's world police.

Of course, in addition to the US military, there is another group of troops in action. Obviously this is a joint operation of two countries.

Then, Irun saw what he wanted to see, a Decepticon deformed, and fiercely exchanged fire with the human forces. The bullets flew all the way, missiles fired indiscriminately, and the flames of the explosion continued to soar, as if it were happening in front of his eyes.

This is Michael Bay. Even if Ilan knows that he is an expert in doing this, he still can't help but surprise and sigh for these explosions. There are really few directors in Hollywood who can achieve such a degree of visual effects.

Ryan really picked the right director.

Ironhide and the ambulance joined the battle. The Decepticons couldn't resist it and immediately fled.

On the other side, Arcie was chasing down the wing. The three-stage shape of Arcie was gorgeous, but it seemed a pity that the combat effectiveness was not strong.

Just when Irene was thinking about it, Arcie suddenly deformed, and the three pieces were put together. With the iconic deformation sound, she merged into a taller female robot...


A clear exclamation sound came from all around. Is this a surprise prepared by Ryan and Michael Bay?

It was indeed a pleasant surprise, and Yilun also admitted that this process of transforming and fitting into one body simply rounded out his regret after watching the first part.

However, he was not satisfied, because he knew that Hercules would appear in this movie!

The side road was eventually cut into two by a horizontal cannon. Although the Audi logo clearly reminded that this was an embedded advertisement, the high-quality special effects pictures were hard to be disgusting.

The escaping Transformers was stopped by Optimus Prime. Seeing Optimus Prime descending from the sky with a parachute, Irun had another regret. Why didn't Optimus Prime fly?

Ryan and Michael Bay have performed so many operations on this series, can't they give Optimus Prime the ability to fly?

"The Fallen King Kong will make a comeback!"

Hearing what the Decepticon said before his death, Irun remembered the subtitle of the film. It seemed that the villain of this movie was the Fallen King Kong.

The title battle is not long, only ten minutes, but it is very enjoyable, and it easily attracts the audience to continue watching.

Some people don’t think so. Just two rows away from Irene, the film critic jr? Jones is writing something on a small notebook while watching. He is a member of the Chicago Film Critics Association and has not received the host. Fang’s invitation, but through various relationships, got the admission ticket for the premiere.

Unlike ordinary fans, he came to provoke him.

However, Jones is not stupid. He knows things like Mingzhe to protect himself. Before entering the theater, he has found the target of the attack, that is, the film itself and the director Michael Bay, and he will definitely not be like the old confused Roger Albert. In that way, go directly to provoke giants like Disney and Ryan Jenkins.

For the beginning, he only wrote one sentence-unrestrained show off stunts!

Can these people tell a complete story?

Jones shook his head. It's not that he disagrees with the use of special effects in the film, but what is the point of so many messy explosions and changing distortions? It does nothing to deepen the theme of the movie at all.

Just like Spielberg's "Saving Private Ryan", why do Hollywood blockbusters always include a title battle that is not very helpful to the main idea of ​​the film?

If you ask the director and the producer, 99% of the answers will be almost the same-this will attract most of the audience to watch!

Two years have passed since the last Transformers War. Sam's Stanford University was in the summer vacation. He returned to the small town of Valencia and met Michaela, who was a little together, to start their overseas travel plan.

Mixed with the mischief of the bumblebee, and crying like a child, the character of this Autobot is obviously more naive than the first one.

It's a pity Sam and Mikaela accepted the invitation of Gao Ling, who used to work in the second-hand car market, to plan to travel with Sam to Shanghai. They definitely can't bring Bumblebee. It's just that when Sam goes home and prepares to pack, From the old clothes that he wore two years ago, a fragment of the fire source fell, and then countless unfamiliar text messages were transmitted to his brain.

Before the shard fell, he wrapped it up in clothes, carefully packed it, and flew to Los Angeles International Airport to the far east.

Shang Hai?

Irene frowned, remembering that this was the city where the war broke out at the beginning of the film?

Does the main battlefield of the film leave North America? His brows tightened, and to be honest, he didn't have much interest outside of North America.

However, the beginning of the film still left a certain impression on him. It seems that it is also an international metropolis. Will Sam and Michaela meet the Decepticons there? (To be continued)


